
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Serato's Scratch Live adding Video features!


I just came back from Remix Magazine's convention in New York City. It's been confirmed, Serato's adding Video. However, they didn't give me a release date. I think the folks at Rane release this information purposely to hold their user's interest just in case their users have any thoughts about switching. All the software companies do it! This is a basic marketing strategy - purposely release information on upcoming products to: (1). create a buzz (2.) attract new users (3.) prevent current users from switching to another program. I think VDJ should also release some information on VDJ 4 in order to keep their fan base from switching (for those who may be thinking about it), or non-users who are in the process of purchasing software. ( Example: If I know for sure there's a VDJ Mac version coming out, I may wait? If not, I'll buy Serato or Final Scratch.) Releasing this information “officially’ will only help, and not harm the company.

发表时间 Mon 26 Jun 06 @ 3:21 pm
Mac version has been posted before just search the topics I believe it has been confirmed. as far as any info on 4.0 ..let rane have there fun saying there gonna bring out videos . we should just stay shut till the release date, why let them know what where gonna have? let them be as shocked as the users

What has been said and confirmed for VDJ 4:

Sound quality improvement.

Mac Version.

And lot's of other new features.

Serato isn't the only one letting some information leek to keep the users. And VDJ doesn't need to keep the users, because it's the best so the users stay in here :)

yes , it is simply the best...now if rane throws in a holographic dj that can take my place....lol nah

DjMikeySmiles wrote :
I just came back from Remix Magazine's convention in New York City. It's been confirmed, Serato's adding Video. However, they didn't give me a release date. I think the folks at Rane release this information purposely to hold their user's interest just in case their users have any thoughts about switching. All the software companies do it!

I doubt it.. Serato is the top dog in what it does. IMO best interface, best stability, best recordcase system, best performance, best sound.

It does not come with a huge feature set, but what it does nothing else comes close.. IMO it's also very well priced, most other software with equally good audio interface (basically only the RME HDSP RPM applies here and it's more expensive then the complete serato package) will come in much more expensive. In fact you buy the interface, the software is free. But it's not for everyone or 'general purpose'. Serator targets a specific audience/usergroup and does so very well.

I also think that if they are going to do video they'll only release it if it does not take anything away from the current stability and quality. Unlike other companies that develop as they go and release early to 'field test' (which is to say that is wrong in itself).

I don't know about you guys, but I am mixing videos, now. If and when Serato implements video, VDJ will be doing something else, better. My clients don't care what software or computer I'm using.

"My clients don't care what software or computer I'm using"
That's true..., my clients also don't care at all... if i use computer or cd's or both...

I don't understand this move by Serate, Serato has the basics in their system, half the purpose of video is how you mix it, what trasistions and effects you use, I can't see it giving them any more market unless they really add a lot more features to their system. Wierd.

When and if they release a video feature or plug-in to thier current package... keep in mind it may have bugs and then it may take a while for them to work it out. Just PCDJ offering thier new VJ software. VDJ has already gone through the motions. It is very solid ...now. And when version 4 is released I am confident it will be just as solid with a plethra of features to boot. Just hoping I don't have to buy new TCV's to use some of the new features I heard about like track selection on the vinyl... It would be nice to know that in advance so I can go ahead and order the TCV's if I have to.

if rane do the video mixing thing you will still need an external video mixer and 3 video outputs or a midi compatible mixer and 2 outputs

coooome on VDJ..............................
