About 1 1/2 monthe ago I put together another system. (With much help from Cyder) I copied the entire music drive onto the new one. Everything is working great, except I just found out that all the songs did not copy onto the new drive. I found this out on Sat. I found about 9 songs were not on the new drive. I double checked the original drive and they were definetly on there. Don;t know why some tunes did not copy. Is there any easy way to check the drives to see that they are both exactly the same?
发表时间 Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 6:44 pm
Try right-clicking on the directory where your files are and press 'Properties'. When doing so, certain data will occour showing size and number of files. Easy! Good luck!
发表时间 Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 6:47 pm
There is also a free program that I use called Visa-Versa that will compare directory structures. (It's free). You can download is at http://www.tgrmn.com/free/?from=vvfree
发表时间 Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 8:08 pm
I use a software to sync my home external drive (with mp3) to a floder of my work hard drive (where I rip my cd's).
It's called ALLWAYSYNC
So I can have same folder structure and same files without to check manually.
It's called ALLWAYSYNC
So I can have same folder structure and same files without to check manually.
发表时间 Wed 14 Jun 06 @ 9:48 am
Since there are 2 seperate systems and no external drives I believe All Sync may work.
Thanks for info
Thanks for info
发表时间 Wed 14 Jun 06 @ 4:35 pm