Hi there , recently some one thought it would be funny to give me a and an ancient yet still factory sealed copy of ejay dj mixstation one
even tho i have a copy of virtual dj pro , any ways i was wondering is it possible to register it with the website , and is it worth bothering to do so lol
thanks .
even tho i have a copy of virtual dj pro , any ways i was wondering is it possible to register it with the website , and is it worth bothering to do so lol
thanks .
发表时间 Tue 23 May 06 @ 1:22 pm
dj mix station 1 wasn't linked with Virtual DJ. So it isn't possible.
发表时间 Tue 23 May 06 @ 3:41 pm
For info: DJ Mixstation 1 is a limited version (and no longer supported) of AtomixMP3
发表时间 Tue 23 May 06 @ 6:25 pm
thought as much , tnx for ur time :)
发表时间 Tue 23 May 06 @ 6:31 pm