When you first access to "local database" you are asked if you want VDJ to look for audio files in your HD. I find it useful to be able to tell the program the minimum filesize or even better, the lenght of the song, so it doesn't add all the stupid windows sounds, or joke mp3's or even short songs (like radio versions).
I don't know if other people would also find it useful.
I don't know if other people would also find it useful.
发表时间 Sun 05 Feb 06 @ 12:48 pm
Well this could be implemented as a filter, same as when you type the word you're looking for in a song, there would be another field with length, bpm, bitrate... would be cool :)
发表时间 Sun 05 Feb 06 @ 1:13 pm
@alx2k, there is another way to scan your drive(s) and avoid undesired files in your search database.
Find your music folders in virtualdj browser (left pane), from desktop->my computer, or your favorite folders (set your music folders as "favorites", -red icons-)
Then just use right click and "add to search database".
This command not only add this folder very quick, but it also does update.
So if you change files with windows explorer (rename/delete) you can use this command again.
I suggest you to use other than your windows system drive/partition for your music.
Find your music folders in virtualdj browser (left pane), from desktop->my computer, or your favorite folders (set your music folders as "favorites", -red icons-)
Then just use right click and "add to search database".
This command not only add this folder very quick, but it also does update.
So if you change files with windows explorer (rename/delete) you can use this command again.
I suggest you to use other than your windows system drive/partition for your music.
发表时间 Sun 05 Feb 06 @ 6:57 pm