
Forum: General Discussion

话题: It looks pretty


I haven't stopped by in quite a while (since 2.1 release), and I just wanted to compliment the guys on the site. I think it looks better.

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 1:29 am

you might wanna upgrade to 3.2 then :) hehe...

Lots of things happened to the program as well... :)

all for free for you, as a full user ......

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 2:02 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
lol i just noticed 'matey boy' up the top there is wearing the same headphones im wearing rite now, numark hf125s lol. came free with my decks. would have thought a pro dj like mr slick would have a better pair of cans than that lol. what are they advocating with that picture of snazzy clothes and a bit of hair gel but a pair of naff plasticy giveaway headphones. VDJ should not be so superficial :) lol.

but then we know it is or there wouldnt be such a naff picture at the top of evey page anyway would there

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 2:20 am
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Mr Slick! hahahahahahahah

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 5:11 am
@Dj Xeo

Just noticed? you wrote the same thing almost a WEEK ago in another thread... :) Let it go... let Dj Style have his style .. :)

Or do you want your green hippy-teddy that you have on top of your PC-screen on top of this page ?;) as I posted in other thread.... We can style him up with some fancy headset and some gel :) lol

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 2:53 pm
I still wish they had asked me to use my picture from my blog, the guys love me.

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 3:31 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
A stripper with all them toys.., not in the traditional shape of course ;).


发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 4:40 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
so i coppied and pasted somethign i said allredy instead of writing new new whitty commen, bare white hot whit doesnt come easy you kno! lol.

besides noone reads the other forums, most people dont come here to develope the software and talk about the program they come here to natter about other meaningless drivel lol

发表时间 Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 7:15 pm
Like my thread here, that you so kindly hijacked.....lol

BTW, just d/l and tried 3.2 last nite.

I like kind of, but when I put my old CDJ-700 skin on it locked the machine, I had to terminate it through the task manager. Then I tried again and it worked for a little. It had no problem with Napster tracks (DRM) but it did have a couple playback glitches when changing tracks quickly (like every 5 secs.) I have used Red VRM for the last year for weddings (dinner and cocktails) but still play the majority of my shows from CDJ's. I keep moving a little more all the time towards the software, but 1 I don't trust Windows (I am a Net Admin for a living and know what can go wrong), and 2 I want a reliable interface like on the CDJ-1000, full analog type control. I am in no way bashing VDJ, as I feel it is the closest thing so far to what I want, but I use Red VRM because it's playlist control and mixing is a little simpler to use. If I was to go fully PC, I would use VDJ for my mixing and VRM for playlist type stuff. But I do want to say to the CDJ team. Keep up the good work, it keeps improving by leaps and bounds, just make sure it stays stable.

发表时间 Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 12:54 am
