
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Virtual DJ Is ON FIRE In Atlantic City - Page: 1


I just met up with Cyder, Steph and the crew yesterday in Atlantic City. I must say that VDJ was one of, if not THE biggest showcase. Their screen was the highest part of any other exhibit and was probably 16' in the air. Easily seen from far away.

All of the other exhibits were in narrow aisles but VDJ had a prime location, at the very end of an aisle with nothing across from it. This enabled dozens of people to watch the VDJ screen at the same time. MANY attendees were grabbing the VDJ demos and Cyder said they already sold ALL of their registered versions on the first day.

I looked at some of the other programs and was not impressed with their on screen appearance. Even a bunch of the DJ computer manufacturers had VDJ loaded up on their machines.

Cyder had his machine out with the DAC2 for demos. There was another machine for the XP 10's. They also had a demo of the TCV too. Finally, there was always someone from VDJ at another TCV station that was in charge of the projection screen output.

I have never used hardware to mix before so I wasn't really sure what I was doing with the DAC2. I might have to get one, or some other hardware controller. I can see it being a LOT easier to beatmix with it.

I wish all advertising and all future registrations would be stopped. The AC convention has opened up the eyes of MANY more DJ's who will be purchasing this software. We're gonna be losing our edge! lol

Other than that, my only criticism of the VDJ exhibit was with that Tour de France video. I wanted to shoot myself in the face with that one! lol

发表时间 Thu 18 Aug 05 @ 8:37 am
Now thats awesome news. The more than use this program the sooner we will be accepted as real DJs. I am still using atomixmp3 and saving my pennies for vdj. Regardless, bothe are awesome programs and I am glad to hear of the continuing success of the team.

Cool. Any pics or videos ?


You also missed a great Demo of Video mixing with hip hop, no glitches and no distortion.
I also heard a Atomix team member saying that the computers had been on for 3 days without any problems, Good Job.

tomsound blog is empty, and your link is dead!

I put the No license user filter in there, but others should be able to see it.

Yeah.. you need a licence to see dj cyder sleeping...
Good job guys !

There is also a video made with the VDJ people, including CEO Stephane Clavel (i think..).

You could find the video here: http://www.djnn.com/djtimes.htm. The VDJ interview is on the third video "Day three the wrap up".

Also mention the pcdj guy say that the Dac 3 is compatible with VDJ ;-).

I heard that too.. sounds really cool!
I also heard that DJ Cyder sucks...??? He's been quite helpful to me, but what's with that story? :/

I also like the help of DJ Cyder,
but if he sucks like the guy said I never will speak a word to him again ;-)

Cyder's "You Suck" is nothing more than a bit of humor.
He is one of the most helpful people you will meet.
Hooray for Cyder.

Guys the whole "you suck" thing is a running joke from another messageboard.

ok :) guessed that 1.

Raw- Bear wrote,"The more than use this program the sooner we will be accepted as real DJs". No one defines who I am. I have been a DJ for 36 years, and what I use to make people party has no bearing on my skills. Most guys can't carry my headphones, so how do I let them tell me, who I am? If you have doubts about your skills, that's Ok. I do not, and don't need "acceptence". Most DJ's I know, feel the same as I do. This is not a rant against you, just thought I would add my 2 cent to this topic. You are not the first to bring up this subject. Real DJ's know who they are, and don't need or seek others approval. The dance floor being packed is all the approval I need. As far as Cyder sucks, I don't know about that. He was very helpful in my decision to by this software, in AC.


Good to see you here Rick.

The Cyder sucks is a joke that Jason started to casually tell people who need to know, "they suck".
We need to realize in order to get better that we suck first, then we get better, lol.

Most people just don't take the time to get to know others, they just gauge based on what they see written on the screen.
And Jasons ediquette has always left the proper in wonder, another lol.

Of course, this software is very real, and the results that can be achieved with this tool are far beyound the current standard of real.

Their is no place for any petty arguements in regards to "is Digital DJ'ing real/acceptable", the results speak for themselves.

If you use VDJ at a gig and put in a poor performance, you will appear to be no more poor than if you were useing any other tool, the same rule goes for if you perform good!.

However when useing VDJ, I do advise you take advantage of the extra information displayed and unique features and really get creative with your mixes, surpassing the expectations of listerners will soon eradicate the common simple minded mentality of non acceptance and arrogance..

Even so sick I was crawling off every 10 minutes to puke, I still had people call on monday to book.
I was shocked that I was able to pull it off, let alone get gigs booking as sick as I was.

The argument is petty for sure Bagpuss, funny thing though is the change from those nay sayers over to digital (PC) now that it is stable and offering features never seen before.
I never forget.....

Yo, mp3jrick, I know you from another forum. Are you in NJ? Is so, maybe you can help me with VDJ. I just got it, and I am playing with it in the club now. I am still using my other software, because I kickass with it. I will not use VDJ much, until I am very comfortable with it. I would do the same with any hardware I bought. I am in the testing period, and have a couple of questions out in the forum now. I got this software for it's video capabilities, but have not loaded any dvds yet. It has some very hot audio features as well. Any and all tips sent my way, will be appreciated.


Yo Rick, Yes you do....I am from Mass though.
There are lots of guys here you know Rick.

Anyway, The biggest obstacle is adapting your structure.
That was the biggest decision for me.

I went through the same transition, and had to make the switch because of conflicts between them.
I know you are in your "comfort zone", this won't take long particularly if you use a DAC like I think you do.

If you open both programs, you can open your waitlists, search, load and tag new playlists in VDJ.
Yes it will take some time to do, I did it with both audio and video with PCDJ and Tricerasoft.

If you use comment fields, you have an advantage as VDJ supports v3 tags whereas when I made my transition it didn't. So you can search by comment field and reload/retag a waitlist from one to the other.

Now as far as structure goes, I build, refine and revise my playlists for specific events and needs.

Make sure you understand that pcdj will add the tag info to the file changing the overall size of the file.
VDJ will locate a file and ID it by it's size, you change the size it loses the file forcing a rescan and re analyzation.
So anything you scan with pcdj after you have scanned with vdj will cause this to occur.
Just make sure anything you add is scanned by pcdj FIRST, then by VDJ.

Back up your shit after you scan/analyze your files.
These files are stored as "Virtualdj xml database" in c:programfilesvirtualdj.
This file you should save to a folder along with your playlist and shortcut folders for recovery purposes.
In the event of a hard crash you don't lose anything, with 3.0 came "saving database" which does this automatically upon closing.

Trust me when I say you will soon fall in love with this program, it's a GIANT and it ain't sleeping like the others out there, cough...OTS...cough..PCDJ.

Your wait is over Rick, learn hard, learn fast.
There is a lot to learn but there is loads of help here.
There is sooo much coming sooo fast it's hard to keep up with it all.
