Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer In waht oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoetnt thing is that frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
- Jim
- Jim
发表时间 Wed 01 Oct 03 @ 3:43 am
Tnkhas Jim
发表时间 Wed 01 Oct 03 @ 5:15 pm
seen about 4 times now lol
发表时间 Wed 01 Oct 03 @ 7:27 pm
its niec to see somthnig lkie tath
发表时间 Wed 01 Oct 03 @ 8:11 pm
Very interesting...
发表时间 Thu 02 Oct 03 @ 10:42 am
you hvae to be kddiing
发表时间 Sat 11 Oct 03 @ 10:21 pm
>From Slashdot:
Follow-up: Can You Raed Tihs? meal worms writes "A Slashdot article
appearing last Monday, which reported on the claim that scrambled words
are legible as long as first and last letters are in place, was
circulated to the University of British Columbia's Linguistics
department. An interesting counter-example resulted:
"Anidroccg to crad cniyrrag lcitsiugnis planoissefors at an uemannd,
utisreviny in Bsitirh Cibmuloa, and crartnoy to the duoibus cmials of
the ueticnd rcraeseh, a slpmie, macinahcel ioisrevnn of ianretnl
cretcarahs araepps sneiciffut to csufnoe the eadyrevy oekoolnr."
As demonstrated, a simple inversion of the internal characters results
in a text which is relatively hard to decipher."
Follow-up: Can You Raed Tihs? meal worms writes "A Slashdot article
appearing last Monday, which reported on the claim that scrambled words
are legible as long as first and last letters are in place, was
circulated to the University of British Columbia's Linguistics
department. An interesting counter-example resulted:
"Anidroccg to crad cniyrrag lcitsiugnis planoissefors at an uemannd,
utisreviny in Bsitirh Cibmuloa, and crartnoy to the duoibus cmials of
the ueticnd rcraeseh, a slpmie, macinahcel ioisrevnn of ianretnl
cretcarahs araepps sneiciffut to csufnoe the eadyrevy oekoolnr."
As demonstrated, a simple inversion of the internal characters results
in a text which is relatively hard to decipher."
发表时间 Mon 13 Oct 03 @ 3:12 pm
It schounds that youuu are druunk mate ;-)
发表时间 Sun 19 Oct 03 @ 7:15 pm