Does anyone know of any good software that can split up vocals from the instrumentals of a song and vica-versa. Or, can anyone tell me where to get decent acapellas or instrumentals from. I tried bootlegged crew but not sure how it works.
Is it possible to add a shortcut on the keyboard that is the equivalent of pressing the left or right mouse buttons so that when scratching instead of holding the mouse button down I can press a key instead with one hand and thus give myself the freedom to use a touch-pad to scratch. Alternatively, does anyone know any really decent pointing devices that are pretty much exact with movement, ie. if you move the device x distance then the mouse pointer on the screen moves x distance.
Does anyone know of any good software that can split up vocals from the instrumentals of a song and vica-versa. Or, can anyone tell me where to get decent acapellas or instrumentals from. I tried bootlegged crew but not sure how it works.
Is it possible to add a shortcut on the keyboard that is the equivalent of pressing the left or right mouse buttons so that when scratching instead of holding the mouse button down I can press a key instead with one hand and thus give myself the freedom to use a touch-pad to scratch. Alternatively, does anyone know any really decent pointing devices that are pretty much exact with movement, ie. if you move the device x distance then the mouse pointer on the screen moves x distance.
发表时间 Mon 10 Mar 03 @ 9:20 pm
1. try any p2p and search them for acapellas
2. no there isnt a shortcut for that!
2. no there isnt a shortcut for that!
发表时间 Mon 10 Mar 03 @ 10:56 pm