I have recently completed my first prototype of a vinyl interface for scratching in atomix. (no, I will not make you one, so don't ask) I realized something drastically wrong with the direction of travel of the beats in the beat window--it goes the wrong direction! My interface allowed me to see that the scrolling of the beats was NOT the same direction as would be felt with a record. Vinyl records rotate *CLOCKWISE* during normal play, whereas atomix, if treated as a small section of a record, would be like rotating *Counter-Clockwise* during normal playback. I know we have all become used to the *right-to-left* movement of the beats, but when scratching in atomix, to *rewind* the music requires *left-to-right*, or clockwise movement. This would be like speeding up a real record, not rewinding it.
This may be the cause of the troubles some users experience when going from atomix to turntables or vice-versa, because you must train your movements to be opposite (even though you may not have noticed it) which makes it diffcult to go back and forth using the same "trained" hand method.
Just thought I would let everyone know that this could be the cause of some difficulty when scratching if you are used to either atomix or vinyl and try to do it on the other medium.
This may be the cause of the troubles some users experience when going from atomix to turntables or vice-versa, because you must train your movements to be opposite (even though you may not have noticed it) which makes it diffcult to go back and forth using the same "trained" hand method.
Just thought I would let everyone know that this could be the cause of some difficulty when scratching if you are used to either atomix or vinyl and try to do it on the other medium.
发表时间 Tue 04 Mar 03 @ 10:53 pm
Maybe a "Reverse Beats Window" option in a future version?
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 12:06 am
Would be nice to have it as one of the options to choose the direction of the waveform.
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 12:18 am
Was there a factor during development that led teamers to choose the *right-to-left* direction?
If not, I agree, there needs to be an option to choose wave form direction.
If not, I agree, there needs to be an option to choose wave form direction.
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 1:13 am
Would like to hear more about it and get info on how you made it if possible. :)
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 1:47 am
I've always thought how the window going from right to left was kinda strange ?
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 5:06 pm
Every other DJ and sound editing software I've seen goes from left to right. For me it it makes perfect sense. .noitcerid etisoppo eht ni gnidaer enigamI
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 6:26 pm
For a second there I throught you were writing in Nordic ?!?!?!??!
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 7:02 pm
Based on my limited programming experience ... I AM ALMOST positve that it can be reversed without re-coding the entire applet for the beat window.
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 7:04 pm
Homeboy- Email me-----> falldownhappy@hotmail.com
发表时间 Wed 05 Mar 03 @ 11:30 pm