
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Recording from vinyl


I am interested in transfering my vinyl collection into WAV files. Has anyone here done this? How good is the sound quality compared to the original source? I have a Terratec DMX 6Fire soundcard with a phono preamp.

发表时间 Thu 23 Jan 03 @ 10:36 pm
You can do it... I have used cool edit pro. It also allows you if you have the patience to hunt down and get rid of pops and stuff...

How good is the sound quality with a vinyl rip compared to a CD?

depends how good the turntable is, and the condition of the vinyl...

it'll sound just fine... I've done dozens of tracks, many of which I still use

What I am looking for is near CD quality vinyl rips, since I will be purchasing vinyl singles which are not available on CDs. Is that at all possible?

When you rip a CD, your copying a digital signal. When you rip Vinyl, Your copying a analog signal. So it won't be as good of quality. I use a program called Goldwave which removes a lot of pop and clicks. If the vinyl is new when you rip it, it should sound pretty good. I've been ripping vinyl from the 70's which have a lot of wear on them, and they sound ok. Try it and see if you like the sound.

Hope this helps, DJ Jim

You'll be alright ... you have an AMAZING soundcard. Couple that with a good turntable, and good software you'll be near-cd quality. I've never heard of that ... phono pre-amps on a soundcard !!???!!

As says a member, I use Cool Edit Pro 2 which works very fine :)

you can use also sonetics x-ripper to recording your vinyil in wave or mp3 format. it works very, very well.
and to cut the traks cool edit is the best!
fabio - italy

Ok I tried recording a new record yesterday for the first time. I used Technics 1210 connected to the Phono preamp on my DMX 6Fire. It came out sounding pretty bad. All of the high frequencies were being cut off for some reason. I tried using a preamp off of my DJ mixer instead and line-in on the soundcard and results were the same. Anyone have any ideas on how to solve this problem? I don't think it's the software because it sounds bad prior to recording.

I have no problem in recording my vynil with sonetics or another software. I don't use the mixer, I put the turntable in the ampli and than in the sound blaster (line in). set the mixer of windows and that's all!
the quality is very good but depend on quality of vynil, naturally!

Are you monitoring the levels as they go in to your soundcard?

If so, what levels are you achieving? When you say the high frequencies are being cut, can you post a graph of the waveform? That would help us to see if it is clipping to produce a bad sound or whether something else is going on.




run it through a mixer.. (eq's off, or flat) run the mixer into a standard sound input.

I tried running it from a mixer. I will try another soundcard next... If that doesn't help I will try to replace the cartrage on the TT.

Can you listen to the signal pre soundcard? Is it distorted there?


