
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Bugger!....please read and


help if you can, it would be much appreciated.

Hi there,
Due to some "Isass.exe error" or summat to that effect, I had to restore my pc to factory settings - in the process losing about 70mp3's.

To me this is a lot of mp3's due to my shitty connection speed, so if anyone could tell me of any way that I could recover these files from my hard drive.

I know it's unlikely but if you don't ask, you don't get!

Thanks anyway.


发表时间 Fri 13 Dec 02 @ 8:09 pm
I will search for the tool I came across a while ago I forget what it was called...... If anyone else has any idea please post below.


Do you mean lsass.exe (with an L like in life)? Mmm, that's a necessary exe in win XP. A leak in it can be used to retrieve not-hashed (like in sam files) passwords of all user accounts... Dunno if you have any ambitions ;)

Tried the above software to no avail!!

Ikke, yeah that's the one......Isass!!!! grrrrrrr!

Ambition? If you mean in regard to f***ing about with peeps passwords - no!

Respect is a two way thing!


I didn't try not to respect you! I just got trouble with something like this once, sorry. No offence!

sorry Ikke,

when you went on about "ambition" I thought that you were referring to a possibility of comprimising the passwords belonging to other users of my computer - which there aren't - the respect bit was my way of saying that I wouldn't do that to someone, friend or foe.

Was that what you implied, a password bug? or what did you mean when you said "ambition"?

I am in no way annoyed at you ...... i just might have picked you up wrong and/or vice-versa. ooooooops! no harm done.


p.s. Happy Christmas too!

if it applies to you, ... if not... .. .. .. .

... .. .. ... .. .. . .. . . .... . . ... ... ... .. ... . . . . .

. . . . . .... . ...... ... ..... .... ...... .. . . . .. . . .. .

... . .. . . . . . .. ...... . ... .. . . ........ .... ...... . . ..

have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's to all of my fellow fully paid Atomix users - whether for fun or for deeds more serious! i.e PARTIES!

Well, in fact I was just trying to make a joke :) proved once again I'm not good at it ;)
Can you please be some more specific about the error you get? I've been looking around to see what's said about lsass.exe, and apareantly you're not the only one who has probs with it. Some more information could be usefull: which OS, which SPs,... I don't think your file itself is corrupted.

Greetz, Ikke

Stupid me, I forgot about the recovery of your files. Sorry.
Well, I dunno what you've really done in fact: gone back to factory settings, do you mean with a recovery CD? If your files aren't visible anymore, I'd think your HD was formatted (not shure, just my taught ;)), but that doesn't means your files are gone, unless it was a secure format, which I ighly doubt.
To recover your files, I'd say: go to Google and do a search on "file recovery", and then search for some progrs which allow HD recovery. I can't promis you you'll get all your files back: if thay're overwritten, you willn't be able to.

Just my .02 now (nice expression ;))

Greetz, Ikke


Thanks for your effort Ikke - much appreciated. I shall search google as you say.

I am running a 2gig intel pent 4 processor, 256 ram with that aul shite XP home.

Again thx


If You not using a recvery Cd Try Reloading Your Operating System

Ooooops, forgot to add that......

Tried first to reinstall XP - no joy....then I used a recovery cd = nothing left on my hd!

