I've used both Virtual DJ and AtomixMP3 for a long time. Here are my comments for AtomixMP3:
1. BPM matching only works well with housebeats. Breakbeats or hiphopbeats for example usually go terribly wrong. Why not make a tap-function so the user can set the tempo. Also save this information so you only need to do this once. Also when I make a song exactly the same pitch as another one by ear, I want to be able to press a button so the program knows that this is the correct tempo. Again save this info.
BPM matching also goes wrong when the main beat is very grooved. I therefore assume that the program only takes two beats (bam - bam) and then calculates the tempo. Why not take many many beats (bam - bam - bam - bam etc.) and then calc a generic rounded interval.
2. Volume matching sucks many times. I assume again that only the volume of the beginning of the song is taken into consideration. Why not the global calculated volume of the whole song.
3. Make an integrated simple EQ. Bass/treble.
4. Multiple cue-points.
5. Make it so when one song is playing at maximum volume, when I press a button the other song goes maximum until I release the button. So you can swap very drastically between songs for fill effects. Also make a button to the temporarily move the volume slider to the middle.
6. When I pause a playing song, I can only move back manually a few seconds. Obviously you must be able to move back and forth as much as you want.
7. Make a button so that you can end a song just like when you turn off a turntable. (it slows down in a very short time).
8. Make it so that a 3rd song can be played. This can be a song, but also a beatsample for example that can be looped infinitely.
9. Insert jingles or samples in the mix with the press of a button.
10. A virtual metronome. So when I set this metronome to 130 BPM, all songs automatically adapt this tempo.
I believe all these things will dramatically improve the usefulness of Atomix.
1. BPM matching only works well with housebeats. Breakbeats or hiphopbeats for example usually go terribly wrong. Why not make a tap-function so the user can set the tempo. Also save this information so you only need to do this once. Also when I make a song exactly the same pitch as another one by ear, I want to be able to press a button so the program knows that this is the correct tempo. Again save this info.
BPM matching also goes wrong when the main beat is very grooved. I therefore assume that the program only takes two beats (bam - bam) and then calculates the tempo. Why not take many many beats (bam - bam - bam - bam etc.) and then calc a generic rounded interval.
2. Volume matching sucks many times. I assume again that only the volume of the beginning of the song is taken into consideration. Why not the global calculated volume of the whole song.
3. Make an integrated simple EQ. Bass/treble.
4. Multiple cue-points.
5. Make it so when one song is playing at maximum volume, when I press a button the other song goes maximum until I release the button. So you can swap very drastically between songs for fill effects. Also make a button to the temporarily move the volume slider to the middle.
6. When I pause a playing song, I can only move back manually a few seconds. Obviously you must be able to move back and forth as much as you want.
7. Make a button so that you can end a song just like when you turn off a turntable. (it slows down in a very short time).
8. Make it so that a 3rd song can be played. This can be a song, but also a beatsample for example that can be looped infinitely.
9. Insert jingles or samples in the mix with the press of a button.
10. A virtual metronome. So when I set this metronome to 130 BPM, all songs automatically adapt this tempo.
I believe all these things will dramatically improve the usefulness of Atomix.
发表时间 Wed 06 Jun 01 @ 1:28 pm
Just for info, i'm Michel from Holland and my e-mail is: michel@alkmaarweb.nl if someone wants to contact me.
发表时间 Wed 06 Jun 01 @ 1:33 pm
All your suggestions have already been sent many times ! :-)
Please wait for the next version, you'll be surprised...
Please wait for the next version, you'll be surprised...
发表时间 Wed 06 Jun 01 @ 2:34 pm
Good to hear.
I'm looking forward to it. :)
I'm looking forward to it. :)
发表时间 Wed 06 Jun 01 @ 8:27 pm
guys it's taking you too long for a new vrsion, it's been like over 6 months i beleive since we were waiting for your new version.........stop promising, just give it...
发表时间 Fri 08 Jun 01 @ 4:00 pm
Yeah, that's right, release the buggy code for us! We're only mixing in front of thousands of people, it doesn't matter if the program crashes!
发表时间 Sun 10 Jun 01 @ 9:47 pm
I agree. As much as I am anxious to use the new one, I have to agree. My Atomixmp3 has never crashed...knock on wood. It sometimes skips or the beat window stops fo a second, but thats about it. otherwise it always works great. Thats what you need......stability. Especially if u r mixing live. Take your time guys....we want the new version to be stable just like the old one. Anyways, I went out and bought a mixer and now I have all those requests that everyone has been wishing for. It makes me wonder if we even need half of these requests that the peeps have been asking for.
发表时间 Tue 12 Jun 01 @ 10:40 pm
The mixer I've got is really cheap, so I still need the effects, but it's a lot easier to mix now.
What I want is a fucking low pass filter :D
What I want is a fucking low pass filter :D
发表时间 Tue 19 Jun 01 @ 9:46 pm