
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: So whats your favourite skin ? - Page: 2


Greece pro
- by mixalis -

Greece pro v2.1 update......suits me sir!

JN - CLASSIC (TRIP EDITION) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HANDS DOWN (in my opinion, of course!)

Bassik Blu...Great Look!



In my oppinion very few skins can compete with the very intuitive layout of the controls in Jim's "Silver"-skin.. and it's pretty too :)

..I know I should probably say that my own skin rocks but it's far from finished so it won't be published any time soon anyways.. :)

Greece Pro with a little change by deleting the atomix log on top and make that place little more dark

Dark Fun Blue all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on guys

Only 15 of us have posted on this thread not leading to a very accurate survey of the 'most used skin'

If you haven't already done so please let me know your default skin, thats the one you tend to use most of the time.

no anonymous postings please

Cheers all


I also use Darkfunblue. My only complaint about it is that it doesn't have Beat Sync, Pitch Sync, and Level Sync buttons like most of the other skins. :(

I work in club with:
1- Tascam cd 302 because this skin have all features and very easy to use.
2- Darkfunblue sometimes ( modified by DJMaboul: no crossfader / replace by my dj's name)
And i'm agree with dj abnorm for all "sync" missing. :-))


Has to be DarkfunBlue for me ;0)

My mates use Zig-Zag but I prefer good old Rizla - the best for doobies!


seriously, Im with the Greece pro posse - bass, mid + treble faders are a must!


My pb is i like most Greece pro but i do not have the time to modify xml in 1024 res so i use JBS with some changes.

the original skin but i just work with chortcut.


Denon 1800F by Janosch !

Great skin...

I gotta say that the Stanton skin looks fly on my dj rig.


The most useful skin to use with external mixer is darkfun basic wich has no crosfader. The other one like my favorite is Greece Pro but i changed some of its display color by my own drawing.

The définitive ones I use are F-Mix Pro and JN Sylver and I will never stop to make advertising about them !


JN Classic ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
