
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Listen to what I have to say in response to that bullshit



I understand (because of the nature of electronic music) that your judges are looking for dj's who can spin on turntables. I can match beats and spin records (with moderate proficiency) as good as the next guy, but the question I have for you is this: why setup a competition using atomixmp3, when if in fact all you are really looking for is a descent (if that) DJ who can spin records? Why not a regular spin-off? I know that our scene is founded upon digitally produced music. The beauty of electronic music is that ANYONE with a sense of musical intricacy can create something mindblowing and exciting for others. (without the physical ability of playing an instrument to be precise) That's why you and others appreciate this music being mixed completely analogly. However, I believe that Atomixmp3 has done for DJ's what the PC did for electronic musicians-- allow those with the gifted insight to be creative while bypassing the prerequesites. As I said before, I can mix records as good as the next guy
(or any of these half-ass DJ's that will likely win this competition), however, I refuse to present vinyl as my chosen medium. I choose (as well as a VERY LARGE number of others [especially Europeans]) to embrace the digital future. I have spun for hundreds of venues and thousands upon thousands of kids who are hesitant of my medium at first. What they all realize in the end is that it's not the means, it is how it sounds, and how you read and work the crowd. That is what being a true DJ is. Mark my words Andy-- there has not been a single crowd I have played for that I don't have at least ten or twenty kids tell me that I was the best shit they have ever heard. The fact that I dont have two turntables wasn't even apparent until after they had a fucking blast--at which point it doesn't even matter. I've already won. The fact is that the people who really matter the most have looked beyond the fact I dont have two pieces of plastic spinning. They have heard me be exspressive in ways that are not possible in any way, shape, or form with a set of tables. Everything that can be done has been done on tables. Myself, and countless others like me. are stepping it up to the next
level. Whether or not you guys want to be a part of that has already been answered. I thought this was a chance for us to prove that we can (and ARE) being more widely accepted than any vinyl purist would ever like to admit. You should have just thrown a normal turntable competiton in the first
place, because hundreds of thousdands of us were waiting (and hoping) for you to put your fucking vinyl addictions aside for a moment and experience something new for a change. Isn't that what our scene is all about?

regretfully dissapointed,

DJ diggabyte
--the best DJ thousands have ever heard--
minus two fucking tables

发表时间 Thu 18 Jul 02 @ 12:51 pm
I am sorry to be so vulgar everyone, but I am extremely mad about how misleading this competition has been. Accept my apologies, but we deserve our chance.....

发表时间 Thu 18 Jul 02 @ 12:59 pm
jukesyPRO InfinityMember since 2003
petition sounds great. Im still entering my video using atomix and an external mixer. Theres only ten of us who got through and im sure that by the nature of the competition only experienced users of atomix would have made it through. If we all stick together and use atomix and blow them away with our mixes im sure we could show them.
I reckon I can out mix most Dj's who use vinyl. The music is all about creativity. The nature of the prize can involve atomix as it says you have to play in ibiza for ministry of sound. And im sure that Ministry are big enough to have the capability for me to plug my laptop into their mixers. Especially after just signing Electronic group FISCHERSPOONER. Please, please lets all keep bugging nescafe live and make them take notice.

发表时间 Thu 18 Jul 02 @ 5:51 pm
Aye! Bullshit - "--the best DJ thousands have ever heard--
minus two fucking tables " - On the buzz of the night people will tell you anything!! but the reality is that you're probably on par with all the other dj's at best - boasting here won't add to your ego!

In what you say as whole, I agree!!! But purists will not accept the technology, and there are a lot of purists out there, in the venues purely music driven they expect turntables......it's part of the scene and pc's won't catch on.

This is MY opinion, if I thought it would take off I would take a more serious approach to Atomix but for me it's pure pleasure, at £43 it's excellent value!!!! So God only knows what you more serious users think of it!!! Lethal!!

Anyway, more drink needed, just thought I'd throw my two cents in!! no offence intended as I think it's what you create, not how you create it!


p.s. Homeboy, mail me(y-splitter) at hotmail, plz

发表时间 Thu 18 Jul 02 @ 10:55 pm
Hey bro, I am not boasting here. I am trying to emphasize a legitimant point. I know a lot (granted not thousands) of people who thought my shit was tight. The point I am trying t make is this: I have had people like what they hear, and they didn't even know I had a computer until they came up to compliment my set.

I know that it is extremely difficult to change a purist, but I think that this should be a chance for us to prove we can do it. Because, if someone wins for their table skills, they will be average at best. If the winner was the best atomix user, their abilities and style will be unlike anyone has ever seen at a party like that. Why have the best of the best compete with atomix just to have them spin a sub-par turntable set at a ministry event? Why not let us do what we're good at?

发表时间 Fri 19 Jul 02 @ 5:00 am
And now VDJ has taken it to a whole new level. There is not a plastic spinning DJ out there than can even come close to atomixmp3. VDJ and Atomixmp3 are in their own universe when it comes to PLEASING the crowd. Thats why I do this. I like to see people have fun and know its because of me. Plus i get PAID FOR HAVING FUN.
'nuff said

发表时间 Sat 03 Sep 05 @ 3:25 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
I think that's the way it is. The contest needs another name, but not the best DJ contest. As you said, their lot of DJ with different skills, and I bet AtomixMP3 or VDJ DJs are better.

A DJ must be rate for what he do with all around him: music, people, Ambience... not for scratching (only) or make changes with vinyls and turntables, or because he cut audio or make effects... In my opinion that is useless if isn't together with make the people dancing and having a very good time.

A DJ now must have the acknowledge of his tools and what he have to do: music, skills to mix, music equipment, light equipment, computer, and to read the dance floor to make the right choices of music!

Never have been a contest like that, and today are contest to be the best partial DJ.

发表时间 Sun 04 Sep 05 @ 3:25 am
Wow! This is definately the topic of the ages... I am considered as a DANCEHALL DJ, and as some of you guys know all of our music still comes on 45's for every song. Playing 45's is my joy but also in this genre of the business we have DUB PLATES which are made out of 10" steel records. over time with the many travels these records become agonizing to carry around. After putting all my music on cd and and later transfering all music to MP3 to play on my Denon DNS3000s that we took everywhere when we played, it was time to look for even a more compact way to bring our media with us (Because regardless of what we use the ENTERTAINMENT will be there).

Three mos. back I purchased a $1200.00 Laptop, VDJ3, MP3 controller and other needed accesories. With that said, every media there is, I have it! This is like buying yet another turntable system mixer aswell. However, that does not matter to me. As long as I can give the PATRONS the same party experience that I have been giving in the past with out program interferance I good. Patrons are also AMAZED at the new technology in which we present the media so it becomes a great conversation piece.

I have played for 6hrs straight on my laptop and have been very pleased with the results, when I'm done I don't have to sort records and pack up eqipment, (WHAT A JOY!!!) this give me time to MINGLE! All in all I really hated CD DJs but now I'm a laptop DJ that has been through the ropes, I can present the music like i could never before and for that I have made a permanat switch.

I still purchase records but only for my pleasure and I don't have to buy that one hit wonders or temporary party favorites anymore! (wasting my $) Anyway just to shed some light on the situation by giving a perspective of someone that has every form of media presentation and chose to use files because of simplicity... MIX ON!

发表时间 Sun 04 Sep 05 @ 6:42 pm
Right with you on that one. I can use vinyl, CDs or VDJ, so it's not the skills that matter, but when I play in my club, do I want to carry around my 800 vinyls and 400 CDs (give or take a few) ? No freaking way. My music collection stays safe at home while I play in my club or in a foreign country.

Besides, four things that those purists seem to miss :

1) once you go digital with a laptop, the media stays the same (hence why now we can mix videos). No need to move on to DVDs, video mixer, and DVD decks that all cost an arm and a leg. And when we start mixing with surround 5.1 sound, it's just a mostly software upgrade away...

2) cost of vinyl is prohibitive and will keep rising. How many vinyl DJs out there spend all the cash they earn playing building up their vinyl collection ? What about wearing out the vinyl ? Not too many vinyl DJs actually make enough money to sustain a constant influx of new vinyl tracks AND make a living out of playing in gigs (I know enough vinyl DJs to be aware of that)...

3) between carrying 300 lbs of vinyl or my laptop+2 TCVs+2TCCDs to a club, I chose the laptop...

4) once I tell a promoter that they don't need to bother with providing work permit for the country I visit, it's always a big plus... Go ask a vinyl DJ to go through customs with a huge boxcase of vinyls AND no work permit...

Week after week after week, I have to slowly prove to all these purists that mixing on my laptop and TCCDs or TCVs is not about showing off skills, it's about what you play and what the crowd gets off on... And trust me, once they see what's happening on the dancefloor when I show up, they suddenly keep their mouth shut or change their position on laptop-assisted DJing.

I have said it time and time again, if DJs like PvD or Blank & Jones already use laptops and TCCDs or TCVs, who's on the right side of the fence ? Besides, electronic music is created on pure digital equipment, so going through an analog stage just doesn't make any sense. Everything is turning digital and analog is going away, be it video or audio... The ONLY people left not wanting to move on to digital are these purist vinyl DJs... That is going to become too small of a market for labels to keep releasing on that medium...


发表时间 Sun 04 Sep 05 @ 8:56 pm
I have been A DJ for 36 yrs. I have paid for vinyl, that is older then most of these "vinyl purist". I have forgotten, more then they will ever learn. These guys don't define what I am, I do. My skills define who I am. Those that do not change, will be left behind. I have not touched Vinyl, since 1990. When i stopped using cd's three years ago, I was bringing 6600 cd's, to every gig. I now have 83,000 songs on two internal hard drives. I just got VDJ two weeks ago at the AC convention. I have two 200g external hard drives I will use for video. I started mixing video last week in the club. Because of my skills, by next week, my shit will be too tight too mention. I learned a long time ago to be a leader, not a follower. It takes too much time and money to play catch up. Last year, I added DVD to my show, this year, I am mixing video. This is why I make more then double what the other DJ's in the club make. They are still just using cd's, and software, that is very basic. I removed the TT's 3 years ago, from the club. So if you use vinyl, you can't even audition to play in my club. That is what I think of "vinyl purist". Most are not good enough to carry my headphones. I don't hate them, I used to be one. I have just moved on. The next time one of these idiots tries to come down on you, ask them this. Do they go to doctors that still use hankerchiefs and a bottle of ether to put them under? BTW, I don't own this club. I am just the head DJ, and have been for 16 of the 18 years, I have been here.

发表时间 Tue 06 Sep 05 @ 5:03 am
