
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: AtomixMp3 & Mp3Pro


How can I play Mp3Pro files under AtomixMp3? I mean this, in 44 kHz or better not in 22 kHz.

发表时间 Wed 03 Jul 02 @ 7:46 am
MP3"Pro" file are only 22kHz files. You only get fake high frequencies when played through a mp3"pro" capable player. And since they charge an arm and a leg for licensing, it will never be supported (and souldn't be supported by anyone for that matter) by Atomix. You'r only recourse is to re-rip the songs and use a real mp3 encoder, like LAME.

Why is everyone so negative against mp3pro.... I think that mp3pro is a true revolution when you think that you can have about the same quality for about 60% the size of a normal mp3 file.
I know that harddisk are very cheap at this moment but even the mp3pro hardware player with 10GB hd space wouldn't hold enough space to get all my mp3 files that I want to be on it.
And it's very false of you to say that mp3pro is 22 khz. just read the site www.mp3prozone.com or www.codingtechnologies.com, than you will find out that mp3pro due to compatibility issues would be playing in non mp3pro players under 22 khz.
I think this is a very positive thing..... Microsoft can learn alot about this.... making their player downwards compatible is one but making the file format downward compatible is two.

And about the licence cost..... I think that you need to take a look at the website of codingtechnologies also..... It appears that only companies like apple and adobe are paying for the licenses that is mp3 licenses.
So I don't think that Atomix or MusicMatch (which supports mp3pro by the way) are licensed to use mp3 or mp3pro.
I think you only need a license for special purposes and not to put it in a program, but when you are curious about the price of this program..... I think it would be better to take a look at this site and see that you need to pay $ 1,25 per unit for the license of mp3 you need to pay $ 0,75 per unit so I think that the program would be $ 0,50 more expensive.... this is really an amount that I can't pay from my salary :-))
Just take a look at these sites and don't forget to check out this link also:
You'll see for yourself.
And I don't think that atomixmp3 is that widely sold that they will pay for a one time paid up plan of $ 90.000.000

I don't mind that much that mp3pro would be inside atomix but I think it would be a very great addition :-))

And also check out this page to check out the technology behind MP3Pro

p.s. With My MP3Pro from Steinberg (the makers of Cubase yes) you can even encode a mp3pro file up to 160 kb/s this means about 267 kb/s compared to a normal mp3 file

Mp3"Pro" files are encoded at 22kHz. The highs are extra bits of data encoded into each frame that tell the decoder what bands it sould extend in the higher frequencies. What you end up with it, is pure warble and distortion of the upper frequency band since its being faked and interpolated.

The standard Mp3"Pro" encoder can encode up to 96kHz. The Steinburg encoder is trying to compensate for the poor audio quality by allowing higher bitrates and less of a high frequency cutoff.

Mp3"Pro" was also made and targeted for the limited/fixed memory portable mp3 players with 64, or 128mb of ram. Generally, these portables come with sub-standard headphones which doesn't compare or even come close, to a low end Steinberg headphone. So the user would not noticea big difference between sound quality and of course, would swear that its still CD quality.

Mp3"Pro" is a step back in quality from Mp3. If Atomix sould support any upcoming standard, it sould be Ogg Vorbis. It, unlike Mp3"Pro", actually has better fidelity and sound quality at the same bitrates as compared to the standard Mp3 format.


Sorry for the error. I meant Sennheiser headphones.


Please don't tell me that there is something wrong with Sennheiser also, because I just bought my second pair of headphones from them HD500.
But besides that you might be right in a point about interpolation, but it's not directly true to say that mp3pro is at 22 k/hz.
For asfar as I am aware they are using a technology called SBR or something like that and it's true that you can't reach the same quality with just half the file size.... but I think that when it comes to quality and that most mp3s are still encoded at 128 k it wouldn't matter that much to use mp3 pro.
I am really not saying that they have to support mp3pro, all that I am saying is that it would be welcome, because I think that some of us also use mp3's for mixing that they downloaded from the internet and when they are in mp3pro format it would be a pitty to convert them back to mp3 first before they can be put inside their mix.
By the way, when did you meant to say sennheiser headphones, because all I can see in your message is a part about steinberg mymp3pro..... looks a bit like sennheiser though :-))
Anyway.... I wouldn't cry when they put mp3pro inside it would be just like ogg vorbis a very welcome addition

Now I saw the bit about the sennheiser headphone :-))
Yes you are right..... think I will cancel my thompson mp3pro player with 10 GB harddisk unit.
But I know that neither mp3 or mp3pro or what lossy compression algorythm ever (jpeg, mpeg, ogg, windows media, real audio/video) Can ever be compared to the original recording.... Not even at the highest bitrates, they will always loose quality but for aslong as we can live with it we keep using it and I think that right now more music is played from mp3 than from audio cd's :-))
