
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Audio galaxy is gone! - Page: 1


the suit against audio galaxy bu ariaa has been settled you can no longer download anything of audio galaxy until they get approval from each artist which will never happen here goes the best source of online music till date


发表时间 Tue 18 Jun 02 @ 1:47 am

the age of loneliness - Enigma (NaDeR H Arabic mix)

SEARCH PROHIBITED You cannot request this song due to copyright restrictions. Please try a different search.

lol i dont even have copyrights on this mix!


that def sux about AG. it was such a nice site. there's still lots other's, but they are a pain in the ass to connect to. kazaa is alright i guess.. certainly not the best. looks like it's off to download.com for me, as well as mIRC.


Hehehe.. the only way to go is underground!
Back to the FTPaccount-begging on IRC and trying to get a hold of other peoples private (and less organized) collections :)

(That's one hell of a lot of (N/A-)X's ..not a single available file..oh well.. fugg it :)

Does anybody else think that the death of audiogalaxy could have a bad effect on the number of people using atomix in future?

Who knows of a good alternative to AG? KaZaA sucks arse for music availability in my opinion.

I have a couple of alternatives to chose from in the form of friends' FTP's and their friend's FTP's and some large-ass rather elite FTP's :)

I think the lack of availability of MP3s on line, through file sharing, will greatly impact the use of Atomix. I mean, most of us spend our time with 2 windows open, Atomix and your music file download agent. We are not used to running around looking for CDs or records to encode music into MP3s.

Since we can't throw computer-based mixing out the window, we shall resort to buying records and encoding them to MP3, for the simple reason that we feel more comfortable mixing with Atomix than your regular Denon CD Twin deck and mixer. This will mean less time practising, so we can keep up with the latest music. But eventually, we shall find a way to compromise on both, and work within that pretty well, after all, we love music, and are DJs.

Happy mixing all.

*bows down to the wisdom of Aknit44* Amen, brother!

If I were forced to start stockpiling CD's again I'd do it without a doubt but the alternative ways are still open.. U just have to find a detour around the roadblocks :o)

If you need some other sources to use in place of AG.
Let me suggest: Morphieus (may not be spelled right)
Or WinMX.

Both engines can be downloaded at: download.com

Also DJ_homeboy I still need to talk with you.

morpheus blows and winmx sucks dick, unless the new version has major improvements. the connections are shaky and the speeds are less than adequate. i'm going to give filetopia a shot as well as Soulseek a shot. i've already tried limewire, bearshare, and xolox. all of them sucked. maybe it's just my location or my cable company. who knows.


MP3's were around long before anyone ever heard of napster... and long before AG.... They'll be around for a long time after all of the ways of shareing mentioned here are gone.

morpheus preview is even worse and winmx is going no-where fast nowadays. my best bet is to use kazaa as it is normally ok - until users decide 2 disconnect u. p2p file sharing is not looking gud :-(

WINMX ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been using that over 2 years now, and i swear by it ! I know the download speeds are not that great ... the bottom line is that if i need it .... i can get it there !!!! The interface and features of the new version suck .. i am still using the old one ..... !


Try Blubster, its very fast. Not alot of rare titles but alot of common ones. @ Charman, I am in the process of getting a new hard drive, please understand that I am doing my best : )

DJ Homeboy

OK, best file sharing agent there is...

and its about 20 years old...

Its called IRC!

Search your MP3's ID3 tags for IRC info, easy ;)

PS -

Syfoon - VRB (rH Remix)

SEARCH PROHIBITED You cannot request this song due to copyright restrictions. Please try a different search

Syfoon - VRB (Original Mix)

SEARCH PROHIBITED You cannot request this song due to copyright restrictions. Please try a different search

The RIAA sucks... They ruin it all for us Europeans (RIAA is American... makes you wonder why AG just doesn't run servers in China/Russia)

I know this is off post...but DJ...homeboy. If you need a hard drive let me know. I have an old 20 gig one that I am not using at the moment. Let me know I will send it to you.

Hmm??? Are you serious? Shifty internet-business in China?
Haven't you heard that they have this medieval thing called "capital punishment" there? Upset the government and take one in the head... that place sucks even more that the US and that's a LOT of sucking going on :)

same here tommy, having access to ftp's is the way to go, specially group releasing dumps :) 0day vinyl rips ahoy =)
oh btw they should move ag to europe,no riaa shit here .. yet


Napster died, and everybody loudly wondered what they would do now that filesharing was gone.

Then came along AG which was better than Napster ever was.

I for one am thankful AG is dead, because something better and harder to sue will come along to fill the void eventually....
