
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: worth a mixer?


What do you guys think?

Is it worth getting a mixer (even if it is one that isn't expensive) when I intend to use it for my own fun?


发表时间 Sun 02 Jun 02 @ 12:23 am
Yes it is, even for your own fun, my suggestion would one with EQ if is your style ;-)

Well ... an external mixer is useful when performing live. As far as home use goes ... it's STRICTLY for fun. You wouldn't typically use an external mixer for recording since the quality is not that great, compared to the digital recording feature in atomix.

External Mixers give you WAY better control, especially ones with Equalizers. They allow you to perform many functions at once. The keyboard shortcuts in atomix don't give you as much control. AND dont even think of buying a mixer without EQ's ... if you do, you're just purchasing an expensive external crossfader. I'll sum everything here:

External Mixer Pros:

* WAY better control
* Gain and EQ's are better quality (no distortion when cranked up past +10 dB)
* ALOT more fun to play around with (It makes you feel like a REAL DJ, in reality you're NOT =[ )

External mixer cons:

* Got to shell out $$ for a half decent one
* Static and fuzz build up over time (wear and tear)
* Recording quality is not that great
* Must have the FULL version of atomix (Which has the multi-soundcard support
* If you do have the full ... you still need 2 soundcards, a 3D soundcard or the proper adapters/cables for the mono split output


happy mixin.

Using Atomix alone Pros:

* Don't have to pay anything for an external mixer
* NO WEAR AND TEAR (since there is no hardware to use)

How to connect a mixer from my soundcards? Through SPC OUT or LINE OUT ? And through SPC OUT the signal leaves with amplification (..+dB) !!!

It depends what kind of soundcards and how many you are using. If you are just using one which has a line out and spk out.... use spk out if you have low amp speakers or headphones attached to your systems .... use line out if you are connecting to an acutal amplifier.

I personally use the spk out since that dB increase and really improve the sound.

Well, I'm kind of a newbie on this, and don't want to make unnecessary threads about this, so I'll post the shit here =)

I'm using eJay DJ MixStation, but since the software in MixS is based on atomix, it ought to work the same way.

First: thought about getting a mixer in addition to the software, and I just wonder if this is possible with MixStation. It ought to be...

Second: If I buy a mixer, it will be one with some features like kill-switches and so on. Will those work with that setup?

Third and last: What is best, buying an second hand mixer or a new one?

I don't think Mix Station will let you split the sound output. With that in mind, you wouldn't get the full benifit of a mixer anyway. Save the money. Or better yet, upgrade to Atomix 2.1 It's reasonably priced, and well worth the cost of addmission.

Impressionsdj: why not?
I have a soundblaster audi bla bla and that soundcard lets me split the sound between phones and speakers. MixStation allows the user to choose from, like 5 differents setups for the output, depending on which type of soundcard he has.
I think the problem is the soundcard, and that's no problem in my case =)
As long as i can split the sound between the phones and the speaker, I can just put the mixer "between" the soundcard and the speakers, right?

(I don't know, but I think I'm a good guesser =)

well, my bad then. I was under the impression that the e-jay product didn't allow for splitting the output. Sorry for the misinformation if I was wrong.

Hey Atomix`s developers : You should know that an external mixer can offers us a lot of usefull aplications like : Inputs and Outputs beat Led indicators for a better volume mach , volume control button and eq for headphones cueing, Master volume for Amplifiers, etc...
If you`re intend to release and improve a new version for Atomix software that can really substitute the hole dj`s system ( mixer + cd player ), you must follow the Pcdj Red usefull features like the headphone volume, volume master and the led`s for each channel. I`m Christiano Moneró from Brasil and i`m using the 2.1 version ( registered ). I`m a professional dj and i still think the Atomix 2.1 is not 100% for pro users. Atomix it`s just very good for badroom dj`s who even demand to headphone volume for cueing. That`just my point of view about this software.
Think about my hints if you`re looking to be the best option for us.

3 words..


I used to love arsing about with mine on AtomixMP3, but since I upgraded to Windows XP Pro, it wont recognise my two SB16's as seperate cards... Stupid MS!

Definitely get a mixer! Even if its an inexpensive one....which there are plenty of out there! You're mixing will improve greatly also!



Well... I guess I wasn't that good on this anyay =/ This is my soundcard:

Creative SoundBlaster AudioPCI 64V

In the manual it says that it "supports three-dimensional sound output", or something like that. The 3d part is clear however. My card should be a 3D card, shouldn't it?

Now I wonder, I got the atomix version, and I choose 3D soundcard from the sound config, and then the external mixer option. That should split the sound between the "front" and the "rear" "holes" (don't remember the correct word) in the soundcard. But nothing happens, I try to plug the speakers in the front hole and my phones in the rear hole, but all that gives is some weird setup with the speakers; the selected song is played in one of the speakers, no matter where the crossfader is. How shall I configure my windows settings to make this work? And how shall I plug in the cables?

OK, let's just imagine that I haven't got a 3D soundcard... Is it possible to connect a mixer and make it work as it should despite the soundcard? I may know what an Y-splitting is, but I'm not sure. Pleease help me! Grateful for all responses.

