
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Website for Atomixmp3 DJ to submit their mixes


Hey everyone,
I'm toying around an idea of building a subsection in my website (http://tranceworld.has.it) for those who use Atomixmp3 and/or real equipemt (amateur or professional). Just want to know if you guys are willing to submit your mix.
In general, you guys will have to convert your mix to RealPlayer format (32kbps sample) then upload it to your server.
If you have a chance, drop by the website to see how RealPlayer streaming work. If I decide to go ahead and work on this little project, I will sure include detailed instructions so you get your mix up there!!!
Peace :-D
Website: http://tranceworld.has.it

发表时间 Mon 11 Feb 02 @ 2:17 pm
Good idea, I for one am up for it.


Hmm it COULD be a nice idea, but why go for the streaming thing? Isn't there any good website builder here who has te serverspace to host some good sets from the guys here using atomix? And....I think I already found somebody....the atomix team! Altough they are not that good in updating a website (no offence guys) they sure will have enough space for it. I know there is a audiogalaxygroup, but it is way to slow. Atomixteam, let us hear something! Coz that's what you have made this program for: building an awesome set!

BUT I can understand the Atomixteam...lots of those sets i just spoke about will contain copyrighted songs and as a law student I clearly can see a problem. For somebody, who does not have that problem, let me know. Although I don't know shit about HTML or things, I'm certain I could help one or the other way.

Dance music makes me live.


I prefer the Atomixmp3 team concentrate their time and effort to make a better version (it's already the greatest, but who knows what these guys have in their pockets!!!)
About hosting mixes, I dont think it's their jobs...
And "the streaming thing" you were talking about is the only way to share your love of music to others worldwide
I don't have to do it. I'm just checking to see if it is a good idea.

Hmm yeah it could be but I prefer livemixes to be on my harddrive si I can put them back on cd...;-) Still I think such a website is a good idea though.

Cheers, Rogerzzz

Good idea! I can give you 100 Mb webspace with FrontPage upload (no FTP, sorry). Interested?

Greetz, ikke

Hee there Ikke. 100 MB is a start! Well, as I said above, I cannot build websites, but uploading should not be a problem if you know how I can do it. I suggest we should work this out, if anybody can help????? I'll hear it.


Ok, I'll create an account for the 100 meg webspace now, and create a little webpage on it. If mhvu gives me his email adres, I'll send him the username and password (he has to use frontpage!) to access the webspace and put files on it. If he doesn't uses FrontPage, I'll create that site (if you give me some time ;-))

Greetz, ikke

Damn, if I want to create a new account, I only can get 30 meg, and that's not enough.
If you want 100 megs free, with frontpage, asp, access, (php?), ... go to www.aspwebserver.com. The free account will be aviable this month.

Greetz, ikke

For webspace, there would be no problem. How about 100MB for everybody who want to upload their mixes??? That's about six 75 minutes mix using RealPlayer 32kbps encoder.
I will sure show you how to get that 100MB for free, and you can handle all your submission through tranceworld. You will have to encode your mix and FTP it to your newly 100MB server though (will show you how to do that too). I will start to work on that subsection next week. Check back http://tranceworld.has.it for more news.

Trouwens Ikke vanaf nu kunnen wel Nederlands lullen zag ik hahahaha LOL. Laters.......

That's not really polite isn't it? Ok, I sent one post concerning TBone, with some dutch phrases in it, but that had no report with the other forum readers!

It wasn't my idea speaking dutch all the time!!!! Just saw you spoke it AND it might be easier....but ok when it isn't ploite then not. Cheers

Think you will get troubles with some organizations as soon as you start posting mixes online. After all, a mix is just a compilation of copyrighted material. At least over here in Holland some wankers will start whining about copyrights etc.

I have a couple of gigs of very fast server space available to me... plus I'm getting a lovely new connection soon (I'm on 56k at the mo... the server isn't on my machine =P), so when I get ADSL, I'll be able to share the love .... I'm only sharing MY love at the mo on the server... so... roll on ADSL!

- Bren (Syfoon)
