
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: An AtomixMP3 kopycat? - Page: 1



发表时间 Tue 23 Oct 01 @ 8:10 pm
That looks almost too similar. It looks like how I would expect Atomix 1.2 to look. Maybe it's Atomix working under a different name since they have damaged this one so much?

Released October 19th it says, around when you would have expected to see 1.2 more or less (of course it hasn't been released), and Atomix did say they would not tell us reasons for the delay only that it was commercial and that they had many options they were considering...

If it is a different company with no ties to Atomix then they clearly have looked towards Atomix for the design, the styling and some of the current features. Again, I think it looks just too damned similar. Anyway, I can't wait to buy it, it has the same features as Atomix 1.12 with all the new ones that I wanted such as equalizers and so on. Goodbye Atomix, so much for V.1.2 - I've found it elsewhere. You were warned and you paid no attention.


Your are right guys that is the next Atomixmp3. The skin looks almost the same except for the color.

Any comments... Atomix-team?

(Have atomixmp3 and eJay joined forces?
Is atomixmp3 now DJ Mixstation? 2nd namechange!?!)

-Jim Nordic

No comments...

To my knowledge, DJMixmaster doesn´t support external mixers! It seems like a "Atomix light". :-))

hmm....can u download that dj mixstation??

or is ordering it the only way u can get it???

Our team is not allowed to comment this topic.

We will post the true situation ASAP.

Thank you Yan, you have already cleared it up. Can't believe this was the big secret reason behind not releasing the new version, ot at least, not giving us a release date. I am not a happy puppy.

Another thing - Why did we have to wait for Ejay to publish pictures of 1.2, why could Atomix not have done that, or is Atomix handing control over to Ejay of the software.

Ejay's DJ Mix Station (not DJ Mix Master as Mama put it, although it would be very flattering ;0)) is apparently available now, if this is the case, where is 'Atomix 1.2'? Or are they using a version they have done separate work on, while Atomix's version is still being beta tested, or was that all a stalling tactic?

As for one person's question - it does appear that the only way of getting hold of Ejay Mix Station is through postal delivery. I wrote them an email about that - as I don't want to spend an extra £5 or more on postage to Spain when I could download it instead quickly - also I asked about the similarities between their program and Atomix. Unfortunately my email came back to me every time I tried to send it, with a delivery failure notification...their email address seems to be "offline".

Anybody notice the price? £20. Now that's more like it.


p.s. Yan, I think the Atomix Team should change ASAP to 'RIGHT NOW'. It would be wise.

Hi Mixmaster,

sorry for my fault, spelling the Ejay software like your name! I´ve read so much of your post! :-))

Hey, Mama, maybe you could talk to them and suggest they rename it to DJ Mix Master...I could become famous.

By the way, I noticed they didn't mention anything about connecting up a mixer to their program or anything at all about the different soundcard setings...but since it IS Atomix 1.2, I would imagine those functions are there...


Upon further investigation, I can safely say that this new product from eJay is INDEED Atomixmp3 1.2 -- the evidence?

Reflect back to the old link: http://www.ejay.com/software2/software_katalog_single_product.hbs?recid=13258

Take a good hard look at the center area of DJ Mix Station. Notice the shape, the buttons, and the overall layout.

Now.. take a glance at this link: http://www.systembabies.net/content/music/hypergenerator/

Scroll down and you'll see a screen shot with a very familiar logo. Looks awefully similar to the "DJ Mix Station" software. The shape, the buttons, the layout.

Atomix Team -- your day has come. Your silence is broken. No more hiding. The truth is out.


well i saw it EB this morning .. looks simular alrite!!!
if it is, and up till now its all rumour, connected to atomix then surely we should be told now .. enuff faffing about plz ;o)


Well done Casper for finding that last link, I think that is conclusive proof and that this is no longer a rumour. Not only does it look like the Ejay product with an Atomixmp3 logo on it, if you read what it says to the side, you will see this: eJay Programmers Skin up!!!

This shows that the program is the Ejays program, yet the skin says Atomixmp3. Wasn't it nice of Atomix to show us pictures of the new version, instead of us having to see them plastered over other websites, even with their logo on it! So much for the beta testing not being over yet, what a crock, it's over and the program is out - whats more, you can buy it for £20 (roughly $30).

We pay $60 for this program, get messed around, told nothing, then find its released under a different name at a lower price before we even know when we're getting our promised new version. Splendid! Aren't I glad I parted with my money. More fool me. So much for Yan telling us we would happily accept the reason for the non-disclosure of a release date. I honestly believe that Atomix 1.2 has been ready for ages and the delay has been caused by negotiations with Ejay. Just think of it, it's out under a different name making Atomix money while we are still here waiting and being told nothing. Incredible. I said in one of my posts before that the secrecy was not for our benefit as claimed by Yan and the Team, but for the financial benefit of Atomix. Wish I had been wrong now.

Anybody who still doubts that Ejay's DJ Mix Station is actually Atomix v.1.2, please go to the URL that Casper declared earlier: http://www.systembabies.net/content/music/hypergenerator you will see the screen shot of the now available Ejay product with the Atomix skin on it, quite clearly displaying the ATOMIXMP3 logo. Still doubtful? If you have purchased Atomix, how do you now feel?

Do you think, that as Casper has now provided the URL that proves what we suspected, Atomix Team will tell us everything, right now? No, I don't either. One mistake blends into another...and another...

What a pity Atomix under-estimated the resourcefulness of displeased, tired customers. They should have assumed that we would find out, not hoped that we wouldn't.

It annoys me to think that I could and should right now be using the new promised and paid-for version of Atomix, but instead, I'm sitting here wondering when I will see it and 'if' I will. While this is happening, people out there who have paid the £20 at Ejay's website are mixing away with what should have been ours first. I am seriously considering getting out the credit card and ordering from Ejay and never thinking about this website again. Same product maybe, but that's what I want, at least it would be from a different company (I assume).

Let's have some feedback from users and the Atomix Team alike. I can't wait to hear peoples feelings on this subject.

Yours most displeasedly,


Go to these links:



Just for effect, when you have the first two pages above loaded into separate browsers, magnify them by clicking on the icon that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the pictures, and then click from one browser window to the next.

To see all skins available, under Ejay DJ Mix Station skins section, go here and look about a third of the way down the page:

Well done Casper and MiXmAsTeR ! I've just ordered eJay DJ Mix Station with Express delivery to see what the AtomixMP3 team has been hiding for us...
It's clear that the Atomix-team has sold the software to eJay, and it's a _fucking_ shame that this information has to come from the paying users instead from the AtomixMP3 team.

I'll let you know as soon as I've recieved the package from UPS !!!!

Keep it rocking folks !

// Nick

Hey, cool screenshots of v 1.2! Are you sure it´s the same?? Same functions??

Positive Mama, just look the answer Yan-X gave a few posts ago...! This is just too much !!!!

I'm not so sure it support double soundcards or a 3d soundcard for use with an external mixer (it's not specified in the specifications sheet)


DJ Corpse

Well Mama, as Yan-X has explained to us all a couple of days ago:

The next version is not a simple upgrade for atomixmp3 1.12
For me it is a totally new proram with new features and others possibilities that you will see with your eyes, I hope, very soon.

Maybe this new program (with a new name...), doesn't support 3D cards yet (as the first versions of AtomixMP3 and ViritualDJ did)...

// Nick
