
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Bring out new version - before WORLD WAR 3!!!! - Page: 1


Shit man, America is in the shit hey! I'm a little nervous!

发表时间 Tue 11 Sep 01 @ 8:15 pm
mamaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
My solidarity to all the americans on this unbelievable day! We´re all with you in our thoughts!


发表时间 Tue 11 Sep 01 @ 10:19 pm
Thanks Mama. I am from upstate NY and I have many friends from the city. Luckily none of them were in the vicinity when all went to hell. I thank God for that. PLUR

发表时间 Wed 12 Sep 01 @ 7:34 am
Thanks for the thoughts Mama.

发表时间 Wed 12 Sep 01 @ 10:07 pm
Those of you in the US, do you have much idea what Bush is going to do in regards to retaliation? I know it is tempting to go to war, but remember, even in the best of wars, soldiers on both sides die. I don't think more Americans dying is the answer, but then, what is?

Ideally, all the sick bastards in the middle east who do and condone this kind of thing should be eliminated. I'm sure your country will choose the best method and implement it effectively. Show them they can't do this kind of thing and get away with it. Enough is enough.



发表时间 Thu 13 Sep 01 @ 1:31 pm
Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
As i have personnaly already sent to St james and others people using ICQ, i want to present all my condoleances to the victim's family anf friends.

Here on the atomixmp3 Team, we are very sad for you and for America.

发表时间 Thu 13 Sep 01 @ 1:48 pm
OyyoDamsPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
I agree, and I want to present all my support to the american people. Americans, The France is with you !

- Dams -

发表时间 Thu 13 Sep 01 @ 2:02 pm
alreaHome userMember since 2003
Just want to tell you that like all the french people, I am with you. I have friends in the city, and I have no news, even by phone or mail.... Just hope, Adrien.

发表时间 Thu 13 Sep 01 @ 8:57 pm
I'm sure what ever President Bush decides to do in reaction to this tuesday's terror, will be concise, and accurate in exacting justice. It is not anyone's desire to go to war and lose lives is not desirable in anyway. But, should any country be harboring, and/or giving aid to the people responsible for this, then they will be treated exactly as those who performed these acts.

Once again, to the rest of you conveying your condolences... Thank You!

发表时间 Thu 13 Sep 01 @ 9:04 pm
I am sorry too for that horrible action, here in Spain every single month we have terrorists attacks, we must unite our forces to combat the islamic evil!!

发表时间 Thu 13 Sep 01 @ 9:29 pm
What's up y'all...I'm from NY and Have Fam in NY. LUckily they are fine. aNd i send out my love and regrets to all people affected by this day of terror.
"islamic evil", "sick middle easterns"??? give me a break. Take a look at what America and Britian has done to the Middle East over the last 20 years! OPEN those eyes people!
DJ 56K

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 9:20 am
My eyes are open and I only see what America has done to the Middle East over the years. Britain leaves other countries to look after themselves, as you may know by the disappearance of the Empire.

Still, even though the US intrudes where it shouldn't do, killing thousands of innocents is not the answer. It never will be, it is unjustifiable.

Anyway, our opinions are irrelevant...If the US decides to obliterate the Middle East, they will do so.

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 1:42 pm
Policing the world unfortunately comes with being the most powerful nation in the world. If the US doesn't do it who will? That means that the US has to sometimes take sides on conflicts between other countries. The US has taken sides with the Israeli people over the palestinian people because the US will always go against a totalitarian style govt. So because the US takes sides with the Jews over Islam or Muslim, there are radical militant Muslim groups that want to destroy America. These people kill in the name of religion. I admit the US has killed in the past, but never in the name of GOD. This would be hipocracy at its most evident. It seems as if these miltant terrorist groups have almost created a religion to go with their political agendas. Also the American citizens would never dance and celebrate in the streets when innocent people are killed as the Palestinian people were doing. Americans would never do that even if it was their biggest enemy. It seems to me that these people are animals that must be stopped before they get even more powerful!!!!!! I am an American and I don't always agree with my government. In fact I am a big critic when it comes to my govt here in the states. I don't like politicians, but in a time like this I have to support the people who run my country. You can gaurantee the USA will find the people who did this and punish them. I just wish they would send em my way so I could punish them. My version of the punishment would be barbaric and cruel and unusual. Thats what these monsters deserve!!!!!!!

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 4:36 pm
If I may quote you: "Also the American citizens would never dance and celebrate in the streets when innocent people are killed as the Palestinian people were doing. Americans would never do that even if it was their biggest enemy."

Assuming the US uses cruise missiles on Afghanistan (or any other weapon/s), will not hundreds of innocents be killed? And will not the American people cheer and shout 'That'll teach you', 'Die evil scum'. They are already licking their lips at the prospect of blood. Just go to any message board to see for yourself.

Hypocrisy = bad.
Mixmaster = good.

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 5:04 pm
Read just a few passages of the Quoran and you will understand a little of why these people are dancing in the street. They are not happy because they have killed Americans (as such) but because they have acted on Allah's wishes and destroyed a few thousand non-believers. Very fucked up!

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 6:44 pm
mamaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I think, we should not make all moslems fanatics! There are a few % of them thinking like these ill fanatics, but most of them don´t agree with such terror.

The coran, like the jewish tora, isn´t as precise as the bible got in the last hundreds of years. So some mullahs and rabbies can interpret it like they want. In Israel, some hardliners also have fanatic ideas, like some mullahs in the islamic world. The unbelievable ideas of these religious leaders make such horror dreams come true, not "the islam" or "the xy religion".

If you just look to ireland. There some christians place bombs on the way to school of their brothers children! Unbelievable!

So I think on the one hand it´s necessary to fight back and make them an end, but on the other hand, we mustn´t make them ALL fanatics!


发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 8:29 pm
If someone is coward here, that's the american army, using
tomahawks with DU heads (which is radioactive, after explosion)
firing them from a safe distance.

I was one who was bombed in Belgrade, for more than two
months and what you saw few days ago in NYC, is NOTHING
compared to my experience. Listening to bombs and rockets
all the night. And the sound of explosion just a 200 meters from
my home is terrible, makes you shake for another half of hour.
That's something even worse. Maybe you're even not informed
about civilian deaths caused by american bombing...

You must think of your own's government acts!
It's is not and accident what happened to WTC and Pentagon.
We may all thank God they didn't hit a nuclear plant...
It would certanly be the start od WWIII.

And... Why you all Americans call them cowards??
They certanly aren't. They were in suicidal action. Yes, they
are crazy, but still they killed themselves for something! Do you
really think they were just a bunch of washed-off brains?
They are all but now cowards! Understand that.

I guess you call them like that because you blindly believe in
words of your president. "This is the fight between good and evil
and the good will prevail"... Whatta fuck. Whatta fucking shit.
He's crazy, and Powell too... "the America is in war", well,
fuck you Powell!

Don't be so proud of your nation. THE FACT IS that American's
good life is dependent on exploatation of a cheap work force
in the "3rd world" countries. Even a moron can be rich in America.

That's all. Just think of the words I said to you...
I'm not on the terroist side, but you must understand that i really
think somehow the justice has been fulfilled. That is my feeling,
the feeling of a man, from a country your army bombed and may
even don't know where it is.

Just one more thing: the last thing I am is that I'm am an nationalist.
I just can't stand that American ego of yours, you can't see farer
from your own asses, It seems that your society really became so
egoist and too-proud of nothing.

Open your eyes,
Marko Domanovic

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 9:33 pm
well, i couldn't just watch and read these messages.....first of i wanna say that i am muslim, and i have read the Koran many times...and i have a huge comment to MAMA...are you saying that"The coran, like the jewish tora, isn´t as precise as the bible got in the last hundreds of years"...dude you don't know a shit....tell me one thing how many different types of bible have you seen so far, i mean do you think if you take the bible that has been written in 300's is exactly the same as the one which is written in 1990's???? hell no, they might mean the same thing but theay are not exactly the same copy's, what i am trying to say is that the bible that has written in Jesus's time is not 100% equal to the one you are reading now!!!!!!!, but guess what???? take the Koran that has been written in Muhammed's time and all the other ones that have been written so far in the world- they are 100% exact to even the dot. nothing has been changed....what i am trying to say is please do not say that one book is better then other ok MAMA....i know you will lose if you try....
the other main thing i am trying to say the Koran or Allah never says to kill someone there is no such a thing in the Koran that says kill unbeleivers.....everybody is responsible for what he did, and everybody is equal in front of Allah.....if the person makes mistakes, sins he will have to fase allah and answere for what he did, Allah is the one who is gonna punish not his beleivers, remember that, those who are killing by using Allah's name are not muslims even though they think they are, and their final place is HELL....
Thanks for your time....

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 10:26 pm
I wish I could blame anyone. I wish I could say I hate someone for this. I am an American. Has my country made mistakes?... Yes. Will my country make mistakes in the future?... Yes. We are all human.. we make mistakes. Does anything that anyone could have done warrant the taking of innocent lives??? NO! There is a very large difference between acts of war and targeting military targets, and specifically targeting civilians. Innocent people... that's just sad. There is no blame here... just sorrow. When will it end?

发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 11:24 pm
mamaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
To my muslim friend:

First let me excuse, if I were misunderstood. I believe in me and myself and a power out there, called how you want it to call.

-well, i couldn't just watch and read these messages.....first of i wanna say that i am muslim, and i have read the Koran many times...and i have a huge comment to MAMA...are you saying that"The coran, like the jewish tora, isn´t as precise as the bible got in the last hundreds of years"...dude you don't know a shit....tell me one thing how many different types of bible have you seen so far, i mean do you think if you take the bible that has been written in 300's is exactly the same as the one which is written in 1990's???? hell no, they might mean the same thing but theay are not exactly the same copy's, what i am trying to say is that the bible that has written in Jesus's time is not 100% equal to the one you are reading now!!!!!!!, but guess what???? take the Koran that has been written in Muhammed's time and all the other ones that have been written so far in the world- they are 100% exact to even the dot. nothing has been changed....what i am trying to say is please do not say that one book is better then other ok MAMA....i know you will lose if you try....

I never wanted to say that ANY religious text is better than another. That´s why I also wrote about these ill christians in ireland!

But you pointed what I tried to say. Because the bible (in which I don´t believe) WAS changed, there aren´t much points that can be interpreted by a religious leader.

-the other main thing i am trying to say the Koran or Allah never says to kill someone there is no such a thing in the Koran that says kill unbeleivers.....everybody is responsible for what he did, and everybody is equal in front of Allah.....if the person makes mistakes, sins he will have to fase allah and answere for what he did, Allah is the one who is gonna punish not his beleivers, remember that, those who are killing by using Allah's name are not muslims even though they think they are, and their final place is HELL....

That´s again what I wanted to say! These fanatics are a minimum % of all muslims. Most of them feel like you.

I understand that a lot of muslims hate the americans for sitting in their holy land and not trying to understand the basics of your religion and culture. And only a hand full of all muslims on this world did this terror!

There is no religion in this world, where not TOLERANCE, CHARITY, RESPECT FOR LIVE and PEACE is preached. And if you compare all religions of this world, you´ll find so much parallels!

So please, let us all pray for these innocent victims, not only in NY or Washington, but all over the world, anyone in his religion and to his god or prophet!

And to StJames:
We all really hope that it will end soon and in peace with no more innocent victims.

Peace again


发表时间 Fri 14 Sep 01 @ 11:48 pm