
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Try to relax.......mate!!!!!!


Instead of sitting on your ass infront of the computer and demanding the release of a program which my neighbour, whos 8 years old, can pull off mixes as good as you can!!! Go and use that time productively and progress to a higher level by learning how to beatmatch, use the eqs and sampler effectively, working the crowd and enjoying yourself away from the comp.

I'm not saying atomix is bad, it has taught me a lot about song structure and mix placement, but if you keep on using it you will not progress as a dj. So stop asking for the new version and use that time to learn new mixing techniques.

Stop wasting everyones time by posting messages that we've seen before. Can't you think of anything original? The chances that these guys are going to release atomix because of your displeasure are slim to none!

This logging in thing sux, only poofs would log in to try to appear important and get an upgrade in the stupid forum "heirachy", get a life all of yas.

Atomix is good for some fun but no good for live dj coz I've done quite a few gigs out with atomix and frankly I get better mixes done wif decks n cd players and also the crowd prefers seeing you wif da records n cds den you staring at a screen, clickin buttons n pressing spacebars!!!!!!

发表时间 Wed 22 Aug 01 @ 12:45 pm
Loser, see my reply to this message you posted three times in the other topic. Why post it on two topics? Think your messages are important and interesting???!!! Get off your high-horse before having a go at others you self-opinionated prat. Where do you buy your sacks of self-importance...bet you get discounts.

发表时间 Wed 22 Aug 01 @ 2:04 pm
Or, instead of wasting your time posting this message, you could pull your head out of your arse and see what the sky looks like. It's still blue my friend. CDs and Tables.. you compare the two... oh yeah... it takes alot of practice with a pair of cd decks.. now which button do I press? Shit, stick to typing idiotic messages in the forum, cause you'll never be a DJ.

发表时间 Wed 22 Aug 01 @ 5:29 pm
Too bad, every one who ain't a DJ shot a bullet in your head coz there ain't no life under no blue sky if you ain't a "real" DJ.

发表时间 Wed 22 Aug 01 @ 5:32 pm
It takes a hell of a lot more skill to use cds than using atomix!!! Tell me what's so hard about mixing on tables???
I personally find it the same as mixing wif cd decks coz you can pitch bend the same way by usin da sliders it just takes practice! Go and practice this skill instead of usin atomix and maybe you might even improve rather than pressing the "MAGIC" button everytime you try to mix in a new song!!

You sound like a bedroom "dj" who reckon they know a lot about djing but in reality you know nothing!! Making mix tapes to show off to your friends using atomix is just shocking since what skill are you demonstrating?? You can press a button?
Unless you get out of your bedroom and play live infront of a crowd you'll never understand what djing is really about!!!
I can honestly say I ain't da greatest dj in da world but I'm not the one whos a dj wannabe!!!


发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 8:53 am
It takes a hell of a lot more skill to use cds than using atomix!!! Tell me what's so hard about mixing on tables???
I personally find it the same as mixing wif cd decks coz you can pitch bend the same way by usin da sliders it just takes practice! Go and practice this skill instead of usin atomix and maybe you might even improve rather than pressing the "MAGIC" button everytime you try to mix in a new song!!

You sound like a bedroom "dj" who reckon they know a lot about djing but in reality you know nothing!! Making mix tapes to show off to your friends using atomix is just shocking since what skill are you demonstrating?? You can press a button?
Unless you get out of your bedroom and play live infront of a crowd you'll never understand what djing is really about!!!
I can honestly say I ain't da greatest dj in da world but I'm not the one whos a dj wannabe!!!


发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 8:54 am
Let everyone use the technique he wants as long as it fits his expectations and the ones of a hypothetical crowd. You prefer tables, fine. Now that's your choice, respect the choice of other people. You are happy with tables, I am happy with Atomix, why argue ?

发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 10:09 am
I am the Head DJ at a club that was rated no 1 in the country (South Africa) last year. I mix for three hours on a very popular Radio Staion. I have a CD out that has sold a few copies, nothing special. Botom line is, I do for a living.

Guys, I dont want to boast, but i have access to the latest Technology in mixes available to me. I have mixed with Tables since I can remember and still do at the Radio station only because there is a compatibility problem with their studio's.
I only use Atomix at my Live gigs 3 times a week and have a dedicated PC/server for Atomix.

This is a very impressive piece of software if you tweek it to your needs. I enjoy both tables and atomix and like the last guy said - just do what makes you tick!

Happy Spinning Gents!

发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 1:13 pm
Also, I would like to point out that not everyone uses the magic button, you don't have to. You can change the pitch and match the beats manually if you so desire. Not only that, you can ignore the visual display and mix by ear.

Atomix is versatile, and we like it. And remember, some of the greatest names in DJ'ing started off as bedroom DJ's, Atomix is merely a stepping stone towards an ultimate goal, whether thas DJ'ing as a hobby, or hoping one day to go professional.

发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 1:46 pm
Remember people....Its all about the music! As long as you can keep the people on the dancefloor, who really cares what equipment you are using. I am actually one of those people on the dancefloor and could give a crap what the DJ is using to play music. Shit, half the clubs I go to (Miami, FL) you can't even see the DJ, so he could be playing a mixed CD all night long and noone would even no the difference. I truly respect DJ's! But some of you "real" DJ's are so damn cocky out there...especially the one's in this forum. Id rather be a not-so "real" DJ/bedroom DJ or whatever, than be an asshole. If you are producing your own music that is actually being played in the clubs, then you have a right to be cocky. In my opinion, you are the shit!! But, just to be mixing other peoples music, doesn't make you a God or something like that. Anyone can learn how to mix with decks or dual CD players, please. It only takes a few years of practice, maybe less! Another thing is that I have been to a lot of clubs where the DJ (using decks) cant even mix right.....I realize everyone has to start somewhere, but Id rather him have a laptop with Atomix so he wouldnt keep screwing up.

I think all you "real" DJ's are just jealous. I mean now that software exists like Atomix, anyone can mix like a "real" DJ. Club owners don't need to pay a ridiculous $300 - $1000 a night for a DJ. Or what if the DJ calls in sick or something at the last minute and the club cant find a backup. In the DJ booth is a laptop with Atomix and loads of MP3's for any music lover to mix-it-up! Simplicity is always better!

You know what the funny thing about all this is.....most of the best DJ's in the world right now are using ProTools to mix there CD's that we purchase in the stores. What is so bad about using Atomix?? Its just another way of getting the music out there, and its perfect mixing. And its a hell of a lot cheaper than ProTools!!! If you are a true music lover, it just doesn't matter!

Just accept it "real" DJ's....this is the future of Dj'ing. Stop making it so hard on yourself and use the tools that are out there that make your job a lot easier! And stop thinking you are so much better than others just because you can mix 2 songs onbeat. Im not all that impressed.

Its cheaper, its perfect, it weighs less, and its different!! It also gives you more time to mess around with the lights, chicks, and alcohol!!!!!


发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 2:14 pm
DJ Sasha here from South Africa,

I would just like to know how old some of you guys are and how many professional users are there using Atomix?

If you like, you can listen to me on Streaming Audio on radio 5fm SA link where I will talk a bit about Atomix and other Software - my session starts at 7pm SA time with some new thumping tracks that I'm going to play. I wont be using Atomix, but i am going to talk about it with a guest thats going to tell us about the new but booming electronic DJ

Happy Spinning!

发表时间 Thu 23 Aug 01 @ 3:31 pm
dj "Sasha"!!!! from SA...man you're a rip off to one of da best UK djs!!!!!

发表时间 Fri 24 Aug 01 @ 1:28 am
man whys everyone gotta be assholes?!?!?! for real! i agree with one of the earlier posts...use what you wanna use and dont be an asshole if someone isnt using what you use...to me its all about the love for music...whether someones using tables, cd decks or atomix, their all doing something they love to do...so back off...you know how many so-called "real" djs there are in this world?? just because you spin at clubs, or parties doesnt make you "the sh*t"...it just makes you another dj out there doing what they love to do...you know ill be the first one to admit im a bedroom dj...im not big, but everones gotta start somewhere...partying isnt about whos better at spinning, or whose the best at something, its about having fun...and honestly who can have fun when all you asshole "real" djs are just shooting everone down?!?! face it, just because you can make a mix sound better than someone else doesnt make you better than someone...stop being dicks and just have fun spinning...peace

发表时间 Fri 24 Aug 01 @ 2:28 am
I admit I am mostly a bedroom DJ. I have only played one live gig at a small party. The response to Atomix was great. I had alot of fun. I know alot of Dj's as i have been attending local parties for a long time. I have also promoted my own parties which have been the bomb. I know a little somthing about raves and electronic muzik. So listen to me when I say it is all about havin fun and listening to great muzik. When my friends and I first introduced the rave scene into our small town in upstate NY there were no local Dj's. We threw the first rave parties in our hometown in a large house with a friggin stereo Playin Cd's. No Dj. Ya know what.....those were the most fun parties I have been involved with. Just alot of friends havin a great time. Those were the days and I wish i could go back because We will never get that prolific feeling back. Remember when you 1st started partying? Just try to get that feeling back. Its just not the same anymore. Its not truly underground anymore. Those were hardcore parties. Todays ravers are alot younger and have a different style than the oldschool peeps. Its just alot different here now. But..... the muzik remains. Ya know that Cevin Fisher house track....The better days......well thats how i feel. Just enjoy the muzik no matter who is playin or spinnin or what Cd is spinnin in your house stereo.

发表时间 Sun 26 Aug 01 @ 5:07 pm
hooo heeeey b b hoooo heeeey

1st time im see'in u lot argue, jus bus da choonz.

C Ya.


发表时间 Thu 20 Sep 01 @ 11:41 pm
