
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Starting and stopping both decks simultaneously
How do you do what the title says? All I could find was this:

"You can do it by assigning a hot key for example "3" (number 3 button) in Config -> Mappers.
Press "+" button.
For "Key:" field type: "3"
For "Action:" field type the following text: "deck 1 play_pause & deck 2 play_pause"
Save changes and try "3" hot key"

Problem is, there is no "mapping", there's only a "controls", which shows a list of hotkeys but there's no "add new hotkey". If you press + like the quote said, all that happens is + goes into the search box and the hotkeys list turns into a gray box. How did the designers of the program not foresee that somebody might want to put, say, a vocal track in one deck and an instrumental track in the other and at some point want them both to play in unison? Why is there not a "play both", "start both", or whatever button? Pretty sure if there is one I would be able to see it. Is it hidden somewhere that nobody can see? Shouldn't there be a button right in the middle that nobody could possibly not see?

发表时间 4 days ago @ 8:50 am