
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: how to get hotcue pads status

in designing a custom controller, i want to send the hotcues status to 8 rgb leds.
Into the "Devices" folder i put the device descriptor xml with:

<color note="0x1" name="LED_HOTCUE_PAD1" values="0x01=red,0x02=green,0x03=blue,0x04=white,0x05=black,0x06=yellow,0x07=cyan,0x08=magenta,0x09=gray,0x0a=transparent,0x0b=orange,0x0c=darkred,0x0d=darkgreen,0x0e=darkblue,0x0f=darkyellow,0x10=darkcyan,0x11=darkmagenta,0x12=darkorange" deck="1" channel="0" />

And into the "mappers" folder xml there is this line:

<map value="LED_HOTCUE_PAD1" action="get_cue 1 ? cue_color 1 : off" />

I loaded a song with some hotcues set but the leds didn't turn on.
So i opened the mapper editor and i started messing with the action for led_hotcue_pad1: changing led color (setting cue_color 2) or get_cue parameter, resulted in led turning on and showing the requested color correctly.

The problem is that they don't refresh if i change the song. If they were on before, loading a song makes them turn off, even if the song had plenty of hotcues.

In the same way i used the get_text function to send the title and artist to a display and it is working very well: it is correctly refreshed upon song loading.

Thanks for any suggestion.


发表时间 Wed 13 Nov 24 @ 12:16 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
has_cue NUM

instead of get_cue NUM
Actually, I don't think you even need a query at all, just cue_color NUM , should be enough

发表时间 Wed 13 Nov 24 @ 12:22 am
Thank you, Locodog, it worked!
I confirm that it works even with "cue_color N" alone.

Since I see you are very skilled in writing scripts, is there any detailed documentation
available on scripting besides :
https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/appendix/vdjscriptverbs.html ?


I've looked at your personal info and I saw you are also an expert in plugin development so
please allow me a couple of questions.
I wrote two dsp plugins (an equalizer and a multiband limiter) on macos, I wanted to share them with my friends and the community, but it seems that they can run on my mac only (!).
If i try to run them on other machine, vdj tells that "plugin is not compatible with this vdj version" (or something like).
I was thinking that it was because of macos restrictions on "trusted developers" (very new to macos, I code on linux and windows), so I installed xcode on my friend's mac, copied my sources and recompiled the very same bundle on his mac: no way, the same error ("plugin not compatible") was thrown (needless to say that we have the same vdj version), so I abandoned.
My question is: is there any way (a .log file or something) to debug in detail why vdj is not accepting a plugin ?
In your opinion, could it be better to write a vst plugin instead ? (In this regard, I think vdj has some visualization issues, since i tried to use the Fabfilters ProQ3 and its window is cropped. I didn't tried others).


发表时间 Wed 13 Nov 24 @ 5:33 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
My extended notes on script thread.
It might seem a little slow, it's more aimed at people who struggle with first concepts.

Not a expert at plugins, but I've made a few.
"plugin is not compatible with this vdj version" fills me with dread too, something is wrong but that's all you will be told about it. It can be a lot of things, missing external libraries, as simple as the wrong runtime library, too many things to list unfortunately.

I don't really know the ins and outs of xcode, but I generally advise working from first principles, create the demo examples on the target machine then upgrade the code into your thing incrementally.
Trial & error from a plugin that loads but doesn't do much, incrementing to the thing you want it to do, when it stops working is the clue where the problem is.

Thread for that type of developer to developer talk for Macs is here,
Nowhere near as strict as stackoverflow but a similar rule applies, the smaller you make the problem, the easier you are to reply to.

发表时间 Wed 13 Nov 24 @ 6:41 am
Thanks a lot !

发表时间 Wed 13 Nov 24 @ 6:51 pm