
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: Error Recording DJ Audio In Latest Version? - Page: 1
I have the newest virtual dj build... I have tried recording 2 dj mixes ( one in Wav format and the other in Flac) and both do not work. They have the full recording catalogued but no data stored within it ( the flac is recorded in 36bt which doesn't sound right). I loaded the Flac in audacity and the mix is literally blank yet lasts the full duration (over 19mins). Is this an error with the latest build? Some pics for more info and proof:
(Note it records, saves and loads files fine - just a blank file each time currently)


发表时间 Tue 22 Oct 24 @ 3:17 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
More likely your audio setup that is not correct

发表时间 Tue 22 Oct 24 @ 3:36 pm
Like this? Worked fine in the past for recording them settings...

发表时间 Tue 22 Oct 24 @ 3:44 pm
Check the record volume in your windows sound settings for WASAPI drivers.

发表时间 Tue 22 Oct 24 @ 4:00 pm
Different bit rates for in and out too.

发表时间 Tue 22 Oct 24 @ 4:48 pm
Looked at the manuals, that's the default settings for virtual dj when connecting with the flx4 so isn't that. Checked my sound settings and all seems fine. Looked at my previous mixes in FLAC and the only difference is the bit rate, everything else is the same... I did a mix over a month ago in WAV and was no problem with that. All that's changed is me updating virtual dj to my knowledge. ALL my previous mixes still load fine and can hear the mix so my laptops mic recording input...just any new ones I make don't... plz help

发表时间 Tue 22 Oct 24 @ 6:59 pm
this is still not fixed....

发表时间 Tue 29 Oct 24 @ 6:07 pm
I wouldn't have thought using a different bit rate for recording (on the same interface) is correct. I think that's more likely to be an error in the setup guide.

Also you shouldn't have the FLX selected as your default in Windows either.

发表时间 Tue 29 Oct 24 @ 8:36 pm
I used my laptop on cdj2000'snxs2 and the same result happened. Recording results in no sound on audio file. So it may not be a flx4 issue... audio settings do a reset to default?

发表时间 Sat 02 Nov 24 @ 4:49 pm
PhilWPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Are you playing files you own or streamed music?

发表时间 Sat 02 Nov 24 @ 10:35 pm
PhilW wrote :
Are you playing files you own or streamed music?

Files I own. Virtual DJ won't let me record files that are streamed from pools. Tried this. I only use files i own for recording

发表时间 Wed 06 Nov 24 @ 11:55 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you don't use or want to record the mic you could remove the record input from the audio setup, since it's a master/headphones configuration anyway.

发表时间 Thu 07 Nov 24 @ 4:33 am
I will give it a try. Is that your potential solution to fix this?

发表时间 Thu 07 Nov 24 @ 7:19 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you don't need the mic to be recorded.

Otherwise you'll have to check further what's wrong with the record input.
(I see you posted a screenshot of the output volume in windows, but not of the recording volume, so that's still a possibility)

发表时间 Fri 08 Nov 24 @ 3:43 am
I'll remove the recording setup for using mic on the flx4 and see what that does when attempting to record. Too many words of audio and setup being used lol. I used CDJ 2000nxs2 with this laptop as well with it's automatic setup applied. Recording result was the same with different dj equipment. I hope it's a little sound setup change that's being made and not a software/firmware update that's done this. Laptop is a Dell G15 5500

发表时间 Sat 09 Nov 24 @ 1:40 am
@adion I have fixed it. But I don't understand how. It worked with these audio settings everytime the flx4 connects record input is automatic...does that mean I have to remove it every time I wish to record? Doesn't make sense as thats the automatic setup. My mic and drivers are all up to date.

发表时间 Tue 12 Nov 24 @ 6:23 pm
Will this affect me using this controller for going live on tiktok with these settings?

发表时间 Tue 12 Nov 24 @ 6:24 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Connecting the controller should not change your audio settings unless you click to change it

发表时间 Tue 12 Nov 24 @ 6:47 pm
Yh i know. I was hoping you'd explain why it doesn't work when the record channel is included that was 44k...because that is automatically setup each time with flx4 yet that is when it doesn't work recording audio.

发表时间 Sun 17 Nov 24 @ 2:04 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
You could try changing it to 48khz in windows to see if that makes a difference, although either way should work.
Not sure if there's a pioneer utility that perhaps offers more options for this controller

发表时间 Sun 17 Nov 24 @ 2:51 pm