
Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Numbers after BPM decimal selection
hello to the community.

There's a functionality i wait since lot of time in Virtual, it's to have the possibility to select internally the numbers of digits after the decimal.

I mean not in the browser or not by manipulate the .xml pro skin.
I mean a full functionality software integration to have the choice to display 1 or 2 digits after the decimal like in Serato or Rekordbox and fully functional with the pitch fader.
For example moving the pitch fader from 125.5 to 125.6 without the second decimal range between them.

It's a important missing tool in Virtual because lot of controllers with a screen on their jog wheel display only one digit after the decimal.
I use to beat-match by ears in 75% of the time, but in some specifics cases i don't have the time to set correctly the bpm (D'n"B, Hip-Hop etc...)

PS: i read lot of threads on the forum and on internet about that and the conclusion is: "Virtual don't have this functionality"

Best regards :)

发表时间 Sun 28 Apr 24 @ 5:47 pm
Why would you want degraded functionality ?

Unless I misundestood what you want, there are 2 things:

1) Visual representation of values like pitch and BPM.
2) The actual values of pitch and BPM

So, let's say we have a track that's 110.003 BPM at pitch 0.00
Now, let's say that we want to sync this track with a track that's 114.003 BPM at 0.00 pitch
If you press the "SYNC" button, VirtualDJ will apply a pitch change of +3.64%
ALL of the above maths fall on case 2. They are the actuall values of PITCH and BPM

Now, you can opt to SHOW those numbers as 110.0 and 114.0 BPM. Also you can opt to SHOW that the pitch adjustment needed was +3.6%
What you show on the user interface is case 1. How you represent the numbers

However, if I'm not mistaken, you ask to lower the resolution of case 2.
So, VirtualDJ should use +3.6% adjustment in order to match a song that's 110.0 BPM to a song that's 114.0 BPM.
You ask to have the same lower precision "internally", not only visually, right ?

Well, if you take 110.0 BPM and multiply it with 3.6% it ends up to be 113.96 BPM not 114.0
Sure, you can "round it up" on screen to show 114.0, but STILL the track will play with a lower tempo and it will get out of sync much faster.

So, my question is WHY do you want/need degraded functionality ?

I could understand if you wanted the software to SHOW less digits (even show no digits at all), but have as many digits as possible of internal accuracy.
But (if I understood you correctly) you ask for less digits internally = less accurate program


Just to make something clear:
It doesn't matter what a controller screen shows, on how the controller behaves.
In other words It doesn't matter if a controller screen shows 1 or 5 digits after decimal point for how the pitch slider will behave, or how much accurate it will be.
The accuracy of the pitch slider has to do with 3 things:
1. The physical size (length) of the slider
2. Whether the slider is 7bit MIDI, 14 bit MIDI, or HID
3. The current PITCH RANGE

None of this 3 things has anything to do with decimal points, or how the values are shown on screen/on the end user.

Yes, depending on the controller and skin used, you may end up SEEING pairs like
+3.64 +3.6
+2.97 +3.0
+4.22 +4.2

However, internally (inside the software) each pair always represents the same number (which obviously has much more decimal digits that those shown above)

Altering how you see numbers, obviously doesn't change how the software behaves.
But altering how the software calculates values and does maths, does!
And lowering the decimals, means that you're lowering the accuracy. You're NOT increasing ANY accuracy by lowering the decimal points.


If having the second decimal point displayed on the software really is a bother to you, try other skins like Vanced GT which can display only the first decimal place, which is more inline with other software offerings.

It can be mapped.

pitch & param_multiply 0 & param_add 1 & param_multiply get_bpm & param_cast '0.0' & param_cast beats & pitch

And if you need it, this is the full process / equation ,
turn implicit into ±1.0
multiply implicit by pitch range
add 1 so implicit == 1 ± pitch range
multiply implicit by bpm absolute
cast to limit digits
cast as beats

to one decimal place
param_multiply 2 & param_add -1 & param_multiply pitch_range & param_add 1 & param_multiply 'get_bpm absolute' & param_cast '0.0' & param_cast beats & pitch

to zero decimal places [just integer bpm]
param_multiply 2 & param_add -1 & param_multiply pitch_range & param_add 1 & param_multiply 'get_bpm absolute' & param_cast '0' & param_cast beats & pitch

locoDog wrote :
And if you need it, this is the full process / equation ,
turn implicit into ±1.0
multiply implicit by pitch range
add 1 so implicit == 1 ± pitch range
multiply implicit by bpm absolute
cast to limit digits
cast as beats

to one decimal place
param_multiply 2 & param_add -1 & param_multiply pitch_range & param_add 1 & param_multiply 'get_bpm absolute' & param_cast '0.0' & param_cast beats & pitch

to zero decimal places [just integer bpm]
param_multiply 2 & param_add -1 & param_multiply pitch_range & param_add 1 & param_multiply 'get_bpm absolute' & param_cast '0' & param_cast beats & pitch

Hello Locodog!
Sorry for this late reply, I've been absent since a while.
I really appreciate your help about this problem i have with the decimal.
I going to try it today just after my work and send you a feedback if i encounter something strange or if everything work fine like i want :)
Have a great day and thank again :)
Peace, AkuAKu.


PhantomDeejay wrote :
Why would you want degraded functionality ?

Unless I misundestood what you want, there are 2 things:

1) Visual representation of values like pitch and BPM.
2) The actual values of pitch and BPM

So, let's say we have a track that's 110.003 BPM at pitch 0.00
Now, let's say that we want to sync this track with a track that's 114.003 BPM at 0.00 pitch
If you press the "SYNC" button, VirtualDJ will apply a pitch change of +3.64%
ALL of the above maths fall on case 2. They are the actuall values of PITCH and BPM

Now, you can opt to SHOW those numbers as 110.0 and 114.0 BPM. Also you can opt to SHOW that the pitch adjustment needed was +3.6%
What you show on the user interface is case 1. How you represent the numbers

However, if I'm not mistaken, you ask to lower the resolution of case 2.
So, VirtualDJ should use +3.6% adjustment in order to match a song that's 110.0 BPM to a song that's 114.0 BPM.
You ask to have the same lower precision "internally", not only visually, right ?

Well, if you take 110.0 BPM and multiply it with 3.6% it ends up to be 113.96 BPM not 114.0
Sure, you can "round it up" on screen to show 114.0, but STILL the track will play with a lower tempo and it will get out of sync much faster.

So, my question is WHY do you want/need degraded functionality ?

I could understand if you wanted the software to SHOW less digits (even show no digits at all), but have as many digits as possible of internal accuracy.
But (if I understood you correctly) you ask for less digits internally = less accurate program

Hello Amigo.
i don't want a degraded functionality, i just want to get the possibility to have the liberty to set the decimal from 0.00 to 0.0 internally in a correct way.
Like i said before i use to djing on various gears and get the possibility to assign this function on a gear who have a display screen with only one decimal is a gain of time to me.
Have a great day :)
Peace, AkuAKu.