Hey guys I wish if I split and unlink the track (Deck A for acapella and Deck C for Instrumental) and unload the acapella on Deck A wish it doesn't automatically play on Deck C without me triggering it cause some times we unload the upper Deck for track rearing of 2 or more tracks during live mashups
发表时间 Sun 11 Feb 24 @ 1:59 pm
+1 I found the stems resetting on unload (especially after unlinking) very counter-intuitive.
My (desired) stem split workflow involves the exact situation. I can use clone_deck with stem toggles to somewhat get around this but then I lose any advantages of having linked decks.
My (desired) stem split workflow involves the exact situation. I can use clone_deck with stem toggles to somewhat get around this but then I lose any advantages of having linked decks.
发表时间 Tue 13 Feb 24 @ 9:51 pm
Not sure exactly what you are wishing.
What is your settings > option: resetStemsOnLoad
is it what you expect it to be?
What is your settings > option: resetStemsOnLoad
is it what you expect it to be?
发表时间 Tue 13 Feb 24 @ 10:30 pm
(Assuming Zeusmatic and I have the same request) With either decks linked or unlinked, unloading one deck will cause all stems to be enabled on the remaining deck. Let's say stems split is used to split Vocals and Instrumental across decks 1/3, Vocals are on deck 1 and Instrumental on deck 3. Unloading deck 3 will cause all stems on deck 1 to be re-enabled, but the desired functionality is to keep only Vocals active. Unloading deck 1 will cause all stems on deck 3 to be re-enabled, but the desired behavior would keep only Instrumental active. Right now the behavior is the same regardless of resetStemsOnLoad or whether the decks were unlinked after stem split.
My desired workflow is to be able to split stems across decks, optionally continue to manipulate/toggle stems, then to unload a deck without any stem changes on the remaining deck.
Personally I think resetting a different deck's stems- especially when they're unlinked- shouldn't be the default behavior, or there should be an option to keep existing stem settings. I'm curious to hear how other DJs take advantage of the current setting.
(Assuming Zeusmatic and I have the same request) With either decks linked or unlinked, unloading one deck will cause all stems to be enabled on the remaining deck. Let's say stems split is used to split Vocals and Instrumental across decks 1/3, Vocals are on deck 1 and Instrumental on deck 3. Unloading deck 3 will cause all stems on deck 1 to be re-enabled, but the desired functionality is to keep only Vocals active. Unloading deck 1 will cause all stems on deck 3 to be re-enabled, but the desired behavior would keep only Instrumental active. Right now the behavior is the same regardless of resetStemsOnLoad or whether the decks were unlinked after stem split.
My desired workflow is to be able to split stems across decks, optionally continue to manipulate/toggle stems, then to unload a deck without any stem changes on the remaining deck.
Personally I think resetting a different deck's stems- especially when they're unlinked- shouldn't be the default behavior, or there should be an option to keep existing stem settings. I'm curious to hear how other DJs take advantage of the current setting.
发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 24 @ 12:09 am
Ahhh I understand now.. awesome explanation ! !.
I myself when using split stems, since currently don't use stems split across tracks a lot ..
like that, when split stems, is disabled, (or the split track is unloaded), that the remaining track reverts to playing all stems.
Again this is not my workflow ..so do not know why one needs to unload one of the tracks.. would lowering the deck 3's fader, be equivalent to unloading it ?
And yes, I could see that one may want an option (way to enable your requested feature) especially in the case of unlinked split stems.
And until your wish is implemented, I believe, one could tweak the deck "unload" (and "load", since loading also unloads an existing loaded deck) functionality to create what you want.
What you want is to enable acapella stems on deck 1 if "split stems" was enabled, during the deck 3 unload.
to enable Instru Stems on deck 3, if "split stems" is enabled, during deck 1's unload.... etc.
I myself when using split stems, since currently don't use stems split across tracks a lot ..
like that, when split stems, is disabled, (or the split track is unloaded), that the remaining track reverts to playing all stems.
Again this is not my workflow ..so do not know why one needs to unload one of the tracks.. would lowering the deck 3's fader, be equivalent to unloading it ?
And yes, I could see that one may want an option (way to enable your requested feature) especially in the case of unlinked split stems.
And until your wish is implemented, I believe, one could tweak the deck "unload" (and "load", since loading also unloads an existing loaded deck) functionality to create what you want.
What you want is to enable acapella stems on deck 1 if "split stems" was enabled, during the deck 3 unload.
to enable Instru Stems on deck 3, if "split stems" is enabled, during deck 1's unload.... etc.
发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 24 @ 6:12 am
interceptintercept wrote :
(Assuming Zeusmatic and I have the same request) With either decks linked or unlinked, unloading one deck will cause all stems to be enabled on the remaining deck. Let's say stems split is used to split Vocals and Instrumental across decks 1/3, Vocals are on deck 1 and Instrumental on deck 3. Unloading deck 3 will cause all stems on deck 1 to be re-enabled, but the desired functionality is to keep only Vocals active. Unloading deck 1 will cause all stems on deck 3 to be re-enabled, but the desired behavior would keep only Instrumental active. Right now the behavior is the same regardless of resetStemsOnLoad or whether the decks were unlinked after stem split.
My desired workflow is to be able to split stems across decks, optionally continue to manipulate/toggle stems, then to unload a deck without any stem changes on the remaining deck.
Personally I think resetting a different deck's stems- especially when they're unlinked- shouldn't be the default behavior, or there should be an option to keep existing stem settings. I'm curious to hear how other DJs take advantage of the current setting.
(Assuming Zeusmatic and I have the same request) With either decks linked or unlinked, unloading one deck will cause all stems to be enabled on the remaining deck. Let's say stems split is used to split Vocals and Instrumental across decks 1/3, Vocals are on deck 1 and Instrumental on deck 3. Unloading deck 3 will cause all stems on deck 1 to be re-enabled, but the desired functionality is to keep only Vocals active. Unloading deck 1 will cause all stems on deck 3 to be re-enabled, but the desired behavior would keep only Instrumental active. Right now the behavior is the same regardless of resetStemsOnLoad or whether the decks were unlinked after stem split.
My desired workflow is to be able to split stems across decks, optionally continue to manipulate/toggle stems, then to unload a deck without any stem changes on the remaining deck.
Personally I think resetting a different deck's stems- especially when they're unlinked- shouldn't be the default behavior, or there should be an option to keep existing stem settings. I'm curious to hear how other DJs take advantage of the current setting.
You Guy you read am mind
发表时间 Fri 15 Mar 24 @ 5:09 pm
Ahhh I understand now.. awesome explanation ! !.
I myself when using split stems, since currently don't use stems split across tracks a lot ..
like that, when split stems, is disabled, (or the split track is unloaded), that the remaining track reverts to playing all stems.
Again this is not my workflow ..so do not know why one needs to unload one of the tracks.. would lowering the deck 3's fader, be equivalent to unloading it ?
And yes, I could see that one may want an option (way to enable your requested feature) especially in the case of unlinked split stems.
And until your wish is implemented, I believe, one could tweak the deck "unload" (and "load", since loading also unloads an existing loaded deck) functionality to create what you want.
What you want is to enable acapella stems on deck 1 if "split stems" was enabled, during the deck 3 unload.
to enable Instru Stems on deck 3, if "split stems" is enabled, during deck 1's unload.... etc.
I myself when using split stems, since currently don't use stems split across tracks a lot ..
like that, when split stems, is disabled, (or the split track is unloaded), that the remaining track reverts to playing all stems.
Again this is not my workflow ..so do not know why one needs to unload one of the tracks.. would lowering the deck 3's fader, be equivalent to unloading it ?
And yes, I could see that one may want an option (way to enable your requested feature) especially in the case of unlinked split stems.
And until your wish is implemented, I believe, one could tweak the deck "unload" (and "load", since loading also unloads an existing loaded deck) functionality to create what you want.
What you want is to enable acapella stems on deck 1 if "split stems" was enabled, during the deck 3 unload.
to enable Instru Stems on deck 3, if "split stems" is enabled, during deck 1's unload.... etc.
Just posted about this problem in detail here, have a read:
Basically what we want is to keep the vocals of Track A playing on deck 3, at the same time as Track B (on deck 2), while loading another Track C on deck 1.
Am I explaining this right?
I also feel like this feature should be easy to implement.
At the moment the only work around I have thought of is:
step 1 - kill the volume fader on the accapella track that has been split (deck 3)
step 2- go back to the track you want to unload (deck 1)
step 3 - unlink the tracks
step 4 - unload the track from deck 1
step 5 - go back to deck 3
step 6 - isolate Vocals
step 7 - bring the volume fader back up
This is not ideal as not only it's a lot of steps, but you will also have to silence the vocals while you do them!
Im sure there is an easier way to acomplish this!
(edit: syntax)
发表时间 Thu 04 Apr 24 @ 8:38 am
What you guys need to consider is that when you split stems across decks, those decks are still playing from the source deck, so when you do something to the source (i.e. load a new track) of course it will have an impact on the other decks.
发表时间 Thu 04 Apr 24 @ 9:38 am
Hi Groovin,
My (desired) mental model for stem split is when the decks are unlinked, they behave like two individual independent tracks, just as if clone_deck was used. They already seem to behave like this in nearly every other way when unlinked (transport controls are independent, different effects can be used, stems can be toggled, cue points can be used independently). Why is unloading the exception to this model?
It seems odd that resetting the stems is baked into unloading a deck, especially when the decks are unlinked. Also, hitting stem_split after splitting will merge the decks, so there's already a mechanism to get back to a single deck with stems reset.
It seems the only workflow the current implementation enforces is splitting a track, manipulating stems independently, and then merging them back together- rather than being able to keep them separate and act like independent tracks. I think not resetting the stems when one of the two unlinked decks is unloaded allows for both workflows.
My (desired) mental model for stem split is when the decks are unlinked, they behave like two individual independent tracks, just as if clone_deck was used. They already seem to behave like this in nearly every other way when unlinked (transport controls are independent, different effects can be used, stems can be toggled, cue points can be used independently). Why is unloading the exception to this model?
It seems odd that resetting the stems is baked into unloading a deck, especially when the decks are unlinked. Also, hitting stem_split after splitting will merge the decks, so there's already a mechanism to get back to a single deck with stems reset.
It seems the only workflow the current implementation enforces is splitting a track, manipulating stems independently, and then merging them back together- rather than being able to keep them separate and act like independent tracks. I think not resetting the stems when one of the two unlinked decks is unloaded allows for both workflows.
发表时间 Thu 04 Apr 24 @ 2:50 pm
发表时间 Sat 04 May 24 @ 3:55 pm
Just here to voice my support. I really wish this were this way, too, or at least a setting existed in this capacity.
Just here to voice my support. I really wish this were this way, too, or at least a setting existed in this capacity.
发表时间 Fri 14 Jun 24 @ 3:50 am
+1 This would be to take the Stems to another level, operationally the ideal would be to be able to select the independent audio outputs, Vocals and Instruments separately, and to be able to assign it in separate output channels, for example:
Deck 1: Vocals A (Left Deck)
Deck 2: Instruments A (Left Deck)
Deck 3: Vocals B (Right Deck)
Deck 4: instruments B (Right Deck)
+1 Esto seria llevar los Stems a otro nivel, operativamente lo ideal seria poder seleccionar las salidas de audio independientes, Vocals e Instrumentos por separado, y poder asignarlo en canales separados de salida, por ejemplo:
Deck 1: Vocals A (Deck Izquierdo)
Deck 2: Instruments A (Deck Izquierdo)
Deck 3: Vocals B (Deck Derecho)
Deck 4: instruments B (Deck Derecho)
Deck 1: Vocals A (Left Deck)
Deck 2: Instruments A (Left Deck)
Deck 3: Vocals B (Right Deck)
Deck 4: instruments B (Right Deck)
+1 Esto seria llevar los Stems a otro nivel, operativamente lo ideal seria poder seleccionar las salidas de audio independientes, Vocals e Instrumentos por separado, y poder asignarlo en canales separados de salida, por ejemplo:
Deck 1: Vocals A (Deck Izquierdo)
Deck 2: Instruments A (Deck Izquierdo)
Deck 3: Vocals B (Deck Derecho)
Deck 4: instruments B (Deck Derecho)
发表时间 Sat 15 Jun 24 @ 7:09 pm
Also @GroovinDJ: I want to mention that on the FLX10 the stem split functionally feels more like a double of sorts as the stems that get disabled on each deck can still be turned on or off while the other split channel remains unaffected (e.g. one could have both drum stems playing at once on both channels while in a split), but when you load another track into a channel that was split then this causes the other channel to reset. So "those decks are still playing from the source deck" isn't really how it feels to me on this controller. Perhaps if I could swap the stems in a split by using the "active part" buttons then I would probably agree. Hopefully how I explained it makes sense.
发表时间 Wed 19 Jun 24 @ 5:27 am
It may feel like a double, but it's not like having two copies of the same track on vinyl. The track may be on two decks, but it's playing from the same file.
Question: How does other DJ software do this? There's been no mention here.
I think maybe it should be optional. Have a choice between resetting (current behaviour) or keeping the separation enabled (if it's technically possible).
Question: How does other DJ software do this? There's been no mention here.
I think maybe it should be optional. Have a choice between resetting (current behaviour) or keeping the separation enabled (if it's technically possible).
发表时间 Wed 19 Jun 24 @ 7:43 am
You can try the latest Early Access release :)
发表时间 Wed 19 Jun 24 @ 7:53 am
Hot dang. Its already implemented. I love how you guys take to feedback so well. A million times thank you for this!!!
Just to confirm, I didn't see an option for this, so I assume this is the default behavior now such that if someone wanted to have the stems "unsplit" when loading another track that the user will need to "unsplit" the track before loading the new track now to recreate the old behavior, correct?
Just to confirm, I didn't see an option for this, so I assume this is the default behavior now such that if someone wanted to have the stems "unsplit" when loading another track that the user will need to "unsplit" the track before loading the new track now to recreate the old behavior, correct?
发表时间 Wed 19 Jun 24 @ 8:18 pm
Correct, although even if you forgot you can still manually enable the stems again from the stems pad page, or unload and load the track again.
The original reason for resetting the stems was that the user may not have the stems pad page selected, so it could be difficult to reset, but thinking about it more I don't think there's much situations where this would be an issue, since by default loading a new track will reset stems anyway.
Also if the track is already playing, then it is most likely playing in the way you want on the deck that you're not touching.
So for now I don't think an option is required, and the current behavior makes more sense.
The original reason for resetting the stems was that the user may not have the stems pad page selected, so it could be difficult to reset, but thinking about it more I don't think there's much situations where this would be an issue, since by default loading a new track will reset stems anyway.
Also if the track is already playing, then it is most likely playing in the way you want on the deck that you're not touching.
So for now I don't think an option is required, and the current behavior makes more sense.
发表时间 Thu 20 Jun 24 @ 6:49 am
This is awesome!!! Thank you Adion and team for getting this added.
I think there is an issue when using stemsRealtimeSeparation=On-Demand where using stem split doesn't trigger high quality separation. With this setting, if I split a deck, it uses the low quality stems and doesn't start processing HQ stems, but I think it'd make sense to start processing HQ stems when a deck is split to use when available (like other stem actions such as toggling stems with pads, stemfx).
Thank you!
I think there is an issue when using stemsRealtimeSeparation=On-Demand where using stem split doesn't trigger high quality separation. With this setting, if I split a deck, it uses the low quality stems and doesn't start processing HQ stems, but I think it'd make sense to start processing HQ stems when a deck is split to use when available (like other stem actions such as toggling stems with pads, stemfx).
Thank you!
发表时间 Thu 20 Jun 24 @ 11:53 am
I hate to be "that guy" by being overly picky, but I noticed something about stem splitting and loading the split that I feel is still wrong and should be updated to follow this function change. Currently if a part or stem is muted and then the stems are split, this turns on any disabled stems on the original track that are not being split.
I have a track on one channel and I've turned off the vocals. I tell VirtualDJ to then split the instrument stems so I may have rhythm stems on one deck and instrumental stems on another. When VirtualDJ splits the instrumental stems to another channel it then turns on the vocals on the original channel.
I would love for this to not turn on parts/stems when splitting so that I could move a part to another channel and then make changes to it without it turning on the vocal stems that may then be clashing with vocals on the other decks.
I have a track on one channel and I've turned off the vocals. I tell VirtualDJ to then split the instrument stems so I may have rhythm stems on one deck and instrumental stems on another. When VirtualDJ splits the instrumental stems to another channel it then turns on the vocals on the original channel.
I would love for this to not turn on parts/stems when splitting so that I could move a part to another channel and then make changes to it without it turning on the vocal stems that may then be clashing with vocals on the other decks.
发表时间 Fri 21 Jun 24 @ 4:02 am
Adion wrote :
Correct, although even if you forgot you can still manually enable the stems again from the stems pad page, or unload and load the track again.
The original reason for resetting the stems was that the user may not have the stems pad page selected, so it could be difficult to reset, but thinking about it more I don't think there's much situations where this would be an issue, since by default loading a new track will reset stems anyway.
Also if the track is already playing, then it is most likely playing in the way you want on the deck that you're not touching.
So for now I don't think an option is required, and the current behavior makes more sense.
The original reason for resetting the stems was that the user may not have the stems pad page selected, so it could be difficult to reset, but thinking about it more I don't think there's much situations where this would be an issue, since by default loading a new track will reset stems anyway.
Also if the track is already playing, then it is most likely playing in the way you want on the deck that you're not touching.
So for now I don't think an option is required, and the current behavior makes more sense.
Thaxx to you ADION and the virtual dj team and all Djs how took part in this topic
发表时间 Sat 22 Jun 24 @ 11:16 am