
Forum: Wishes and new features

话题: Tips
CueItUpPRO InfinityMember since 2014
It would be great to have a Tips Column that was easily editable. Could be an amount or even just a check mark. I keep track of my requests at my bar gig in a virtual folder rather than on paper. It would be nice to be able to distinguish which were tipped for and which weren't without having to edit the tag of the song.

发表时间 Fri 29 Dec 23 @ 2:07 am
You could use "User 2" field.

It's a database only field (it does not get written on tags) and it's easy to edit, since you can have prededined elements for it that you choose from a drop down menu via the info panel on the right side of the browser.
So, you can set it up either as a simple "yes/no" field, or even as a $5, $10, $20 field.. :P

发表时间 Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 1:13 pm