
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: How to locate corruption(?) in database?
So, some usb error happened to me where my sd corrupted, but almost every file was completely intact. The main victim, though, was my database, which ended up full, somehow, of text like
"Remove disks or other media.ÿ
Disk errorÿ
Press any key to restart" and blobs of who knows what. Regardless, I've manually repaired my database to the point where notepad++ sees no xml errors. Virtualdj insists it is still corrupted, is there any tool I can use to check this? Is there something like an error log somewhere, where I can see what part of the database virtualdj doesn't like? Is my only option to cut and paste the database in bit by bit until virtualdj says I've added something bad?

发表时间 Wed 08 Nov 23 @ 10:34 am
And yes I've enabled auto backups now as I've started digging around and seen they're a thing in the process of looking for answers for this

发表时间 Wed 08 Nov 23 @ 10:39 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Just let VirtualDJ repair it, and it will find and use the good parts automatically.

发表时间 Wed 08 Nov 23 @ 10:47 am
No, that's absolutely terrible at fixing it and I end up missing lots of tracks whenever I let it do that. I'd be far better off just using a backup from a couple months ago. I've settled on just copying and pasting ~20k line pieces of the database and deleting that in halves when i get the error until I pinpoint whatever is wrong with it

发表时间 Wed 08 Nov 23 @ 11:31 am
This is very true, letting vdj fix the database will strip out nearly all the scanned info from the database. I would recommend having a backup of the corrupted database then let vdj fix the database then afterwards you could copy downwards starting from <scan>...</song>. This atleast worked in my case but if you don't know how to automate the process it can be tiresome.

发表时间 Mon 20 Nov 23 @ 4:50 pm
You can also use the following method. First take a copy of the corrupt database.
Then open VirtualDJ and select yes to the corruption dialog and let vdj fix the database. At this point if all the scanned info is stripped out(vdj wasn't able to fix it properly) then open the corrupt db backup using notepad and select everything then copy.
Navigate to the fixed database(~/Documents/VirtualDJ/database.xml) and open it, then select everything again, paste over it and save. After doing this the database will be okay and if any info is missing then it will be just a small fraction of the database.

发表时间 Tue 21 Nov 23 @ 10:36 am