To my script writing friends. I'd like to load the backspin effect on one of the effect pads as a temporary effect while pressed. While pressed, it would "backspin", and when released, the song would continue to play from that point. It's sorta a cool effect. I had this effect working before years agon, but I forget the script I used - if I released the button before the backspin
发表时间 Thu 03 Oct 19 @ 7:47 am
Check the backspin fx gui it has a button to toggle stop
*edit your code looks a bit weird [ single quote double quote, while_pressed not at the end ]
*edit edit, my page refreshed as I was editing your post here's what I think you should use
effect_button 'backspin' 1 off & effect_active 'backspin' while_pressed
*edit your code looks a bit weird [ single quote double quote, while_pressed not at the end ]
*edit edit, my page refreshed as I was editing your post here's what I think you should use
effect_button 'backspin' 1 off & effect_active 'backspin' while_pressed
发表时间 Thu 03 Oct 19 @ 8:05 am
Yes, that worked perfectly , Thank kindly - much appreciated!
发表时间 Tue 08 Oct 19 @ 3:24 am