
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: latest update was glitching the software over the weekend Freezing screen or so


hi on Saturday I updated VDJ to the lastest update running on a Laptop and made sure windows update was all up to date

at the gig I was noticing software was glitching on trying to jump tracks or other buttons on the software with the mouse pad or mouse buttons it would glitch for a few seconds then I could jump ahead or wherever in the song happened about 20 times in 4 hours

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 3:30 pm
So you updated VDJ then went and did a gig? Not the best choice.

When an update is released, you should really wait until you can test it for at least a few hours, then when you're sure it's OK, think about putting on your gig machine.

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 5:26 pm
It's more the windows updates I would worry about.

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 5:58 pm
well why would I need to worry about it... if you guys release the update then its supposed to be fully functioning no problems like windows updates
because then why you releasing updates that could be faulty?

well I dunno if its windows updates.. it only does this on Virtual DJ nothing else

but I guess.. so if ur not supposed to update virtual dj right away when are you supposed to update it.. wait a couple weeks with it poping up windows has a new update you wanna install it each time I load up vdj

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 8:34 pm
The updates should be totally stable, I'm using b4675 with no issues whatsoever.

Roll back to a previous version of VDJ to see if that sorts it, if not then it's something else that's happened to your machine.

Previous builds here: http://www.virtualdj.com/download/build.html


发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 8:42 pm
comet424 wrote :
well why would I need to worry about it

I dunno - perhaps your professional reputation? It doesn't just apply to VDJ. It's general common sense. If you're relying heavily on something (it's "mission critical") then the last thing you want to be doing is changing it just before you need to use it, without at least checking it works as expected.


发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 9:07 pm
I guess but there is no way I going to spend 4 hours at home testing software
as this glitch was only happening periodically in a 4 4 1/2 gig but I understand that
reason why I have a 2nd laptop duplicate.. so I can hit a button no one ever notics I have a problem
I just posting like there was postings on FB VDJ forum someone elese having issues figured it might been the recent update and if anyone else had same issue
no issue with the controller controlling the software just clicking on the track postion in virtual dj.. no worries
I figured id just ask

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 9:13 pm
I wouldn't call 20 times "periodically"...

Can you describe what was happening in more detail? What exactly do you mean by "software was glitching"?

Was it just the skin graphics, or was it affecting audio too? What's your skin refresh rate set to? What skin are you using? What's the spec of your computer?

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 9:22 pm
im using Asus Gaming laptop 1TB SSD drive I7-7700HQ cpu 16gig Ram
no audio issues im using Focus skin..
when I use my mouse pad to go over the tracks location to jump further in the track.. Mouse Pad or click the Mouse button would do nothing 2 seconds after clicking or constant clicking then she starts working... then it would work fine... it doesn't do this with anything else..

and like I don't use the dj laptop except once a week … or once every 2 weeks.. I have my desktop computer I setup my music to my external hard drives.. then Friday or Saturday morning i pull out the dj laptop i make sure windows update is up to date and then i load up vdj add the new music scan and then i put the laptop back in the bag and goto the gig.. but this time virtual dj said do you wish to update as this is the first update since i bought and installed the latest version of vdj off the site.. so im new to the updates etc

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 9:43 pm
and i wasn't having this issue last week.. just when i made sure all the windows updates were done and i had installed the virtual dj ..

cuz i did test it on the laptop a few songs and nothing shows up but i noticed it at the bar

when i go through 5 songs or more on the one side while the song is playing on the other track to figure which song be the best to play at that time and then i was noticing this issue poping up

but if you spin the deck i didn't notice but then i didn't try at the same moment though

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 9:47 pm
kin33PRO SubscriberMember since 2010

Moderator :
Irrelevant post. Please open a new topic.
@all, please do not reply to this post.

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 10:05 pm
Don't hijack other people's threads!

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 18 @ 10:10 pm
comet424 wrote :
hi on Saturday I updated VDJ to the lastest update running on a Laptop

Maybe disable earlyAccessUpdates and set checkUpdates to Yes to get the latest Public Build.

The settings are in the Options.


发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 18 @ 12:31 am
oh ok ill try that was this last update just past few days ago a non public update

so it will basically turn of beta updates and only check for latest stable update i take it...

i appreciate all the help.. as im truly not sure what happened but had no audio issues so that was good... and i didn't notice on my other laptop but i didn't get a chance to update ….

i appreciate the replies (:

发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 18 @ 2:19 am
kin33PRO SubscriberMember since 2010

发表时间 Wed 19 Dec 18 @ 7:31 pm
PhilWPRO InfinityMember since 2011
kin33, I’m not sure what your message has to do with the original topic of this thread.

It’s against the forum rules to highjack other people’s threads because it makes searching more difficult and it’s confusing to everyone.

Have you looked at the manual to see how the pitch control ranges work?
https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/appendix/optionslist.html - see pitchRange.

Finally, why are you shouting? You’ve posted your message in all caps.

发表时间 Wed 19 Dec 18 @ 9:33 pm
PhilWPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I'm back at my computer now. Not sure what showing you the options will do but here's a picture:


发表时间 Wed 19 Dec 18 @ 9:42 pm
