
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Script School - Page: 22.65


locodog wrote :
Not an easy script, I don't know how you get me for the money.

set '$tab' `get_browsed_folder_tab` & browser_open_folder & repeat_start 'name1' 50ms 1 & browser_scroll +1 & param_equal `get_browsed_folder_tab` `get_var '$tab'` ? browser_scroll -1 & browser_enter : param_bigger `get_browsed_folder_tab` `get_var '$tab'` ? browser_scroll -1 & browser_enter : browser_scroll -1

thanks a lot my friend...I took a idea from your script and i have now my solution!

browser_window 'folders' ? param_equal `browser_open_folder` `on` ? browser_window +1 : get_browsed_folder_tab & param_bigger 1 ? browser_window +1 : browser_open_folder 'on' : browser_window +1


cool if that works, [your tree must be structured a specific way]

Hello @locodog.
i have a serious problem with my Akai APC mini with the sampler and i've tried for months to resolve this but i'm really out of ideas, and i really need help.

So, VDJ is unable to keep in memory the volume of each slider and each time I open vdj the volume of the sliders (except master slider) is at 100% .... result, i have to push the slider up and down to be able to manipulate the volume correctly (I have already tried various manipulations with volume scripts without success).
Normally there's a script which signal to the software that's my controller which impose the position of the sampler volume and not the basic script from the software.
There are very specifics terms to use to say that it is the position of the fader on the controller which impose the position of the adjustment on the software but frankly i cannot find them.
Please @locodog i really need help to use correctly my APC mini during my sets.
Regards, Aku.

sampler isn't designed to be used that way.
You should set your sample gains so that they are perfect for being played solo with level slider fully open. As you play more samples attenuate with group volumes or sample master volume.

Years back I made a plugin that remembered and recalled group volumes but it was limited to the sample bank visible, and really wasn't the right way of going about it.

mg_1978 wrote :
Nicotux wrote :
[quote=Svenino]Want a button with two functions:
1. short press: start and stop the sampler (sample_pad 1)
2. long hold: Set a "Var" for volume change of this sampler without starting or stoping it.
(Holding this button is like a shift, so that a slider can control the volume of this sampler, but just as long You are holding the button)

After a looong time fighting with VDJScript here is a working one:
deck master up ? set '$s1v' 0 & repeat_start myrep ? sampler_play_stop 1 & repeat_stop myrep : : repeat_start myrep 200ms 1 & set '$s1v' 1

tested deck master to try to sync sampler_play_stop

if not , free to use sampler_pad instead

hi! this is very wonder script 👍👍👍👍👍 thanks

hi! i have this question:
i’m in folder ‘Sampler\Recordings’ and focus in browser_window ‘songs’ (i see samples file .vdj that i have recorded)…if i use script for ddj-rzx monitor:
get_browsed_song ‘title’ i can see file name in play at this moment (and focused), but if when sample is in play i scroll focus in browser_window ‘songs’ this name change, because i scroll the ‘title’ focused, i think, is there a script for see only sample in play at this moment in browser_window ‘songs’, despite i scroll files (i change focus position)?
thanks a lot

mg_1978 wrote :
[quote=mg_1978][quote=Nicotux][quote=Svenino]Want a button with two functions:
1. short press: start and stop the sampler (sample_pad 1)
2. long hold: Set a "Var" for volume change of this sampler without starting or stoping it.
(Holding this button is like a shift, so that a slider can control the volume of this sampler, but just as long You are holding the button)

After a looong time fighting with VDJScript here is a working one:
deck master up ? set '$s1v' 0 & repeat_start myrep ? sampler_play_stop 1 & repeat_stop myrep : : repeat_start myrep 200ms 1 & set '$s1v' 1

tested deck master to try to sync sampler_play_stop

why with script: sampler_pad 1 ‘auto’ (pad 1-8) instead sampler_play_stop 1 it doesn’t work??


hi! i use this script for change some parameters about samples:

deck master up ? set '$s1v' 0 & repeat_start myrep ? sampler_play_stop 1 & repeat_stop myrep : : repeat_start myrep 200ms 1 & set '$s1v' 1

but if i change sampler_play_stop with sampler_pad ‘auto’ it doesn’t work, why?
is important (for me) change in sampler_pad ‘auto’ because in banks with more 8 samples in rightdeck controller decks (2-4), if i push pad 1 i would listen sample 9…i listen sample 1 instead :(

locodog wrote :

Years back I made a plugin that remembered and recalled group volumes but it was limited to the sample bank visible, and really wasn't the right way of going about it.

Hello locodog.
I really think it's the next improvement to add in VDj sampler.
So do you have a link for this plugin? Maybe i can do something with it.
thank, Aku.

No I won't be sharing it, like I said it isn't the right way to go about it.
I only made it for the challenge of making it.

locodog wrote :
No I won't be sharing it, like I said it isn't the right way to go about it.
I only made it for the challenge of making it.

Hello Locodog.
Well that really a flaw in virtual, mean what the purpose to have a external sampler if you cannot use or map the slider like you want?
This a kind of parameter MUST BE available in vdj...Sorry for my frustration but i ear you about a possible script (technically it perfectly works) and see atomix do nothing on this implement....Holly shoot!!!
regards, Aku.

Hey Guys, I've been reading some stuff here and the stuff you all are doing is crazy.
It made me wanting to try some things on my own but the scripting is fooling me.

So, I have a Pioneer DDJ-SX2 as controller and I added a Traktor Kontrol F1.
In that traktor F1 I've programmed the buttons to work as stems and it works.

Now I'm trying to output the color of the button as I turn the stem on or off.

Red when OFF , Blue when ON for instance.

I've tried several stuff but nothing works. What is wrong in the next command? :

effect_stems vocal on ? color "red" : color "blue"

I know this sounds stupid but it keeps triggering me to find the solution and working from there on to try other things.

that works here but it looks like the F1 uses a rare case for colouring pads
best guess,
effect_stems vocal on ? get_constant "255,0,0" : get_constant "0,0,255"

Midnight countdown, not the important all singing all dancing important 10 - 9 - 8
one, I'm talking about the 38 minutes 24 seconds to go, lowkey countdown.

A few ways to do this, I'll show my best so far
make it a scheduled event for 23:00, script [don't forget to turn it on...]

deck master effect_string 'text' 2 "" & deck master effect_active 'text' on & set '$test' 3600 & set '$clock' `get_clock` & repeat_start_instant 'ticktock' 50ms -1 & param_equal `get_var $clock` `get_clock` ? : cycle $test -3600 & set '$clock' `get_clock` & set $sec `param_mod 60 "get_var $test" & param_cast '00'` & set $min `param_multiply 0.0166666666666 "get_var '$test'"` & set $min `get_var $min & param_cast 'int_trunc' & param_cast '00'` & set_var $counter `param_add "get_text ':'" "get_var '$min'"` &  set_var '$counter' `param_add "get_var '$sec'" "get_var '$counter'"`  & get_var '$counter' & param_cast 'text' &  deck master effect_string 'text' 2

Talk thru it
deck master effect_string 'text' 2 "" & deck master effect_active 'text' on 

clear the text plugin & switch it on

& set '$test' 3600 & set '$clock' `get_clock` 

3600 is an hour's worth of seconds make that a variable, we'll save the clock now as a variable

& repeat_start_instant 'ticktock' 50ms -1 & param_equal `get_var $clock` `get_clock` ? : cycle $test -3600 & set '$clock' `get_clock` 

start a rsi to check our clock variable against the real clock, if the same do nothing, if different reduce our test variable by 1 [one second has passed] and update our clock variable to the current clock

& set $sec `param_mod 60 "get_var $test" & param_cast '00'` & 

now we have to massage our test variable into minutes and seconds,
test mod 60 leaves us with seconds, use the 2 digit cast to give us a leading zero for the case of single digit seconds, save it as name "$sec"

set $min `param_multiply 0.0166666666666 "get_var '$test'"` & set $min `get_var $min & param_cast 'int_trunc' & param_cast '00'` 

for minutes we'll divide test by 60 [really multiply test by 1/60], cast as integer truncate to remove the stuff under the decimal point and again cast 2 digits to hold a leading zero if needed.

& set_var $counter `param_add "get_text ':'" "get_var '$min'"` &  set_var '$counter' `param_add "get_var '$sec'" "get_var '$counter'"` 

counter will be the variable we send to the text plugin so we need to build it so it shows MM:SS,
first build MM: [first param_add] save the counter var, the add sec to our counter var, MM:SS done

& get_var '$counter' & param_cast 'text' & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

take our counter var and cast it as text to the deck master text plugin.

not easy but I thought it worth sharing.

locodog wrote :
that works here but it looks like the F1 uses a rare case for colouring pads
best guess,
effect_stems vocal on ? get_constant "255,0,0" : get_constant "0,0,255"

Hey, thanks for the answer but this doesn't work too. When I just give the led the command color "blue" it works so for the colors of the led it would be ok to use the command color.
It looks like it's having a problem with the command itself.

Is this possible?

as I said it worked this end, perhaps you need a deck specified


I'm in love with VDJ's real time STEM's.... So that brings me to my question/issue:

Can I map a dial (encoder) on a MIDI Fighter Twister to pan a STEM between two decks?

For example, if I would twist the encoder full CounterClockWise, it would make the left deck related STEM be at it's normal level and the right deck STEM at 0% (Fully muted). If encoder is at mid point, both decks have the relevant STEM at normal (Default) sound levels. If encoder at full ClockWise, left deck STEM would be 0%(muted), right deck STEM would be normal.

param_smaller 0.5 ? deck 2 stem 'vocal' & deck 1 stem 'vocal' 0.5 : param_invert & deck 1 stem 'vocal' & deck 2 stem 'vocal' 0.5

locodog wrote :
param_smaller 0.5 ? deck 2 stem 'vocal' & deck 1 stem 'vocal' 0.5 : param_invert & deck 1 stem 'vocal' & deck 2 stem 'vocal' 0.5

Wow... Thank you. Very nice indeed.

After using this, I now have a new wish:
How to program a button so that it inverts the above stem fade.
So, for example, when that button is toggled it would switch (invert/flip/etc) the stem from 75%/25% L/R to 25%/75% L/R. Another press/toggle would change it back again.


see; set variables & cast.
