
Forum: Addons

Topic: SBDJ82 Video - Page: 1

发表时间 Wed 13 Jul 16 @ 12:11 am
Thanks for uploading Scott. that's just what I have been looking for.

Just one other thing that bugs me about the default skin .... would it be possible to expand the panel that dispays artist/title and auto hide the cover tile for files that don't have embedded art?. The coloured tiles look horrible.

I'm sure another skin had this functionality.

Thanks - Keith

Somewhat related, is the update 8.2 skin available for dl.


Yes, can do that Keith.

Fantastic, thanks Scott.


A more stock 8.2 feel when video is disabled (custom buttons, jogwheels and extra panels such as aux and timecode).
Skin options menu accessed by clicking the VirtualDJ logo - covers can now be on, off or auto-hide.
Custom buttons also toggled from the skin menu.

Wow ... quickest update ever. Thank you.

Just one other minor thing (so I don't have to change this for every update). Would it be possible to have a click option to display "year" before the artist name and no scroll.


this doesn´t Work on Mac

SBDJ wrote :

Skin options menu accessed by clicking the VirtualDJ logo


It should now ;)

kradcliffe wrote :
Just one other minor thing (so I don't have to change this for every update). Would it be possible to have a click option to display "year" before the artist name and no scroll.

OK, just had a quick play now and added the ability to choose that format for the artist display line, and made the scroll/no scroll remembered. I haven't uploaded the update for that yet, will test fully tomorrow before doing so.



can you fix the name of the custom knob, i cant be modified with the function name, and bring back the 4 custom buttons



Brilliant, thank you.

This skin is going to be perfect.

When i play Videos and i want to go from Video to Audio, the deck only plays for video!! once i change the output to go back to the deck to play audio it shuts off my video screen any help!!

thank you

Hey Scott,

Did you ever manage to update the skin as above?


Nicely done , thanks Scott, the best skin ever

Hi Scott
When I click on the logo for skin features nothing happens :(

Hi Scott. Could you add a Pitch Lock Button? Thanks!

Me encanto esta piel.
Ya la configure para tenerla permanente.
Ideal para mi caso, ya que mas del 70% de las canciones que subo al decks son en formato mp4.
Vdj, siempre un paso adelante...!!!
Salud amigos...!!!!

So far, my favourite plugin. I use it for video dj/karaoke. All the full functions of vdj 8 are available. I only wish the preview screens were bigger.
