
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: A list of android remote problems... - Page: 2


Scott, how long were you out of range? Because, when it's only moments, my tablet will also reconnect without a problem. But when it's minutes, not.

发表时间 Thu 23 Jun 16 @ 4:55 pm
I gave up on the wonderful idea of having a wireless remote. Either the app "unfortunately has stopped" (waaay too often), or the connection was lost (also happens quite often) and I have to reconnect... I am now trying to connect by USB tethering.

So I connected the tablet to the PC with a USB cable, and selected the USB tethering option in Settings. Is there something else I have to do? Because VDJ does not see the remote this way.

In Device Manager the tablet is present and there are no missing driver indications.

发表时间 Fri 24 Jun 16 @ 1:12 pm
Something is broken somewhere but until we can prove its on they're end were stuck with this.......

发表时间 Fri 24 Jun 16 @ 3:40 pm
I am using windows 10 and have followed all of the instructions for setting up the remote.
My issue is that the remote is saying "Approve this device on VirtualDJ 7. I am using virtualDJ 8.2 and for the life of me can't find any way to approve it.

Any help much appriciated

发表时间 Sat 25 Jun 16 @ 9:40 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Untick the box in VDJ remote config that says to look for old v7 remotes.

发表时间 Sat 25 Jun 16 @ 3:00 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Deejay Corny wrote :
Either the app "unfortunately has stopped" (waaay too often)

Hopefully you get an option to make a report; please do so. Otherwise unless you feel like connecting up ADB and getting a logcat we will never know what happened.

Deejay Corny wrote :
So I connected the tablet to the PC with a USB cable, and selected the USB tethering option in Settings. Is there something else I have to do? Because VDJ does not see the remote this way.

If the USB tethering is successful and bonjour is working, then the remote should be autodetected. VDJ doesn't care about the type of connection - it just sees a network connection. So as long as that network connection is working, bonjour is working and a firewall isn't getting in the way then everything usually works fine.

发表时间 Sat 25 Jun 16 @ 3:03 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Something is broken somewhere but until we can prove its on they're end were stuck with this.......

Well your original post said a lot of people can't connect, or in your case it freezes. The people who can't connect are generally suffering from a network or a bonjour problem and it's an entirely different issue from yours.

Your freeze is the only occurrence of this I've heard of. Does it freeze on every computer you've tried to connect to, or is it just on the Mac? Have you tried renaming settings.xml and starting fresh to test?

We have a few more people with OS X and Android remotes, I'll ask them to test to see if any of them can replicate.

发表时间 Sat 25 Jun 16 @ 3:07 pm
Ah... I see. I uninstalled Bonjour, thinking it was only needed for WIFI network connections... I'll re-install it (as soon as I have my PC working again (am doing a clean install on a dedicated computer). Thanks, Scott.

P.S. If I remember correctly I sent in two automatic error reports (but without writing any additional comments).

发表时间 Sun 26 Jun 16 @ 9:42 am
Indeed, with Bonjour installed, the remote gets detected and connected automatically and without any hassle. Thank you once again, Scott.

I have, however, not been able to use (test the USB tethering of) the remote, because on the Tablet screen it says: "No valid license found" and the screen is dimmed and not accessible... I first thought it was because I turned off the WIFI on the tablet (why use resources and deplete the battery if it isn't necessary, right) but also with the WIFI turned on, the Remote app throws the same error.

Is there anyway to place the license locally on the tablet (or the PC) itself, so that it will never block the app?

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 1:13 pm
That message is related to your Google Account. Try clearing cache & data on the app or if that doesn't work uninstall then reinstall from the Google play store to revalidate the APK.

I'm sure it happened to me when restoring or copying the APK from a backup or another device, but that was months ago so I may be wrong .....

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 1:16 pm
Thanks for the tip KR. I cleared the cache and data, and now the app appears with the original skin, but is still locked with the same message... I shudder to think if this would happen when I'm about to use the remote live...

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 1:25 pm
It's definitely a Google issue, and a very rare one at that. I take it you bought the app and it's not a cracked version of the APK?

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 1:29 pm
Yep, I've got a genuine license. Bought the app looong time ago, but am just getting around to use it.

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 3:56 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It's a license issue. Either something has changed with your credentials (you don't have the same Google account that you purchased it with for example), or your cached credentials have expired. Google Play stores the license information for purchased applications in a local cache that must be refreshed from time to time.

If it works when onine, but then breaks immediately when going offline it would suggest that something is up with this credential store on your device.

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 5:40 pm
cached credentials that expire... I dunno, but I don't much care for the way things are going in the software world. I paid for it and should be able to use it without any further hassle... Damn pirates. Now we have to activate, refresh licenses...

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 16 @ 6:06 pm
Okay, I got the license thing solved. The culprit was a google account email change. But now (I must admit I'm getting a bit superstitious now) the damn thing won't connect. It's waiting and VDJ doesn't see it. I dunno. I've been at this a couple of times (for whole days!!!) in the last two years, but haven't gotten the remote to work reliably for any extended amount of time. Each time I got bored with it and left it aside again.

This time... I mean... I've got Bonjour installed, I'm using the USB tethering method... a cabled connection... yet still the "remote" (I use the term loosely now) doesn't work... WTF? I'm jinxed. That's the only explanation. We're talking about a simple app, right? Should work right out of the box, auto-configuring itself and the android device if needed!!! And VDJ should have a module included that functions like Bonjour! But... that's just my opinion.


I'm ready to give up, or at least I'm getting close...

发表时间 Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 11:18 am
I gave up months ago. The main issues were that the interface freezes after a period of use and when you go out of range it doesn't reconnect automatically.

发表时间 Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 11:28 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Deejay Corny wrote :
Okay, I got the license thing solved. The culprit was a google account email change.

Glad to hear it - sounds like the licensing protection was working as intended then.

Deejay Corny wrote :
But now (I must admit I'm getting a bit superstitious now) the damn thing won't connect. It's waiting and VDJ doesn't see it. I dunno. I've been at this a couple of times (for whole days!!!) in the last two years, but haven't gotten the remote to work reliably for any extended amount of time. Each time I got bored with it and left it aside again.

This time... I mean... I've got Bonjour installed, I'm using the USB tethering method... a cabled connection... yet still the "remote" (I use the term loosely now) doesn't work... WTF? I'm jinxed. That's the only explanation. We're talking about a simple app, right? Should work right out of the box, auto-configuring itself and the android device if needed!!!

Have you verified that your USB tethering is actually working? Have you verified that Bonjour is working correctly? Have you checked that your firewall on your computer isn't blocked Bonjour, VDJ or the remote? There are many many things outside of our control that could stop it from working. Such is the nature of network based solutions (yes, the USB connection is still network based). You can't auto-configure all these things since we don't control them. That said I've never had a single issue getting a remote to connect; I've even managed it at trade shows where the wireless spectrum is packed!

Deejay Corny wrote :
And VDJ should have a module included that functions like Bonjour! But... that's just my opinion.

Think about that for a second - you have a cross platform remote and a cross platform software. Then you have the restriction placed on software on the Apple store etc. Rolling a different solution for every platform and every combination of platforms is going to make things harder for everyone, not simpler.

kradcliffe wrote :
The main issues were that the interface freezes after a period of use

Unfortunately I've been unable to replicate this - I remember when you had the remote and I was trying to work with you on your issues, but if I remember you have up and refunded the application instead.

kradcliffe wrote :
and when you go out of range it doesn't reconnect automatically.

It would seem this could be device/computer specific. I just went out of range for 5 minutes, and when I came back into range it auto-reconnected fine without me touching anything. Again there are a lot of parameters outside of VDJ here.

发表时间 Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 4:31 pm
Scott I'm sure your not gonna answer but can we get this so it works like the Serato remote being wifi OR midi over USB??

I can't even use the remote app anymore, it either wont connect or when I do get it to connect it just freezes my MacBook which lead to a force close.

Something has gone wrong, there alot of people having connection issues.

发表时间 Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 4:46 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Scott I'm sure your not gonna answer but can we get this so it works like the Serato remote being wifi OR midi over USB??

Simply put, not really. The remote itself isn't MIDI for a start, Android doesn't support MIDI over USB until Marshmallow and lots of the data isn't easily MIDI capable without horrible workarounds such as waveforms, the browser, search etc.

I can't even use the remote app anymore, it either wont connect or when I do get it to connect it just freezes my MacBook which lead to a force close.

Well we need to have a look into what is going on with your system. Perhaps a some remote support might be useful in finding out what the cause of your freeze is. In the interim the following would be useful:

* OS - if Mac does it do it on Windows, and vice versa (since you have both systems)
* Remote device type, OS version etc
* Remove settings.xml, open VDJ, do nothing except try and connect the remote and see what happens

Something has gone wrong, there alot of people having connection issues.

You keep saying this, but I'm not seeing any evidence of this?

发表时间 Thu 30 Jun 16 @ 6:12 pm