
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

话题: Simple single deck automix skin available somewhere? - Page: 2


asthedj wrote :
My Browser is VERY VERY small about size of Dime how can I make it larger to see my Music

Any floating / popup secondary window like that can be resized. Just grab the edge and drag to make it bigger. You can also move it around to the position you want.

发表时间 Mon 21 Dec 15 @ 8:44 pm

发表时间 Mon 21 Dec 15 @ 9:50 pm
BHPD104Home userMember since 2014
I have been looking for a single deck automix skin for a long time - Thank you very much DjDad.

That being said, I would like to do some major customizing to this or some other single deck automix skin, but I am not a "skinner."

DjDad I am most willing to pay $$$ for your time to perform some custom skin work for me. Are you interested? If not, is anyone else??

This will not be anything complicated or fancy, just adding some basic features to a single deck skin, and moving some buttons, etc. around.

Please let me know if anyone is interested.


发表时间 Mon 18 Apr 16 @ 11:05 pm
HI Rich,
Have you had a look at the V8 but by Fruit skin, it's got a nice single deck option

发表时间 Tue 19 Apr 16 @ 7:25 am
BHPD104Home userMember since 2014
I have looked at that skin, but it isn't really what I'm looking for. In my case, I'm trying to replicate a program I have been using since 1999 called "DJ Power." The company is pretty much out of business, and never offered a version that would run on a 64-bit machine anyway, but I loved the layout of the screen, and haven't been able to replicate it with any other brand of DJ software since.

So I'm looking for someone that can take VDJ V8 and simply layout the controls, song lists, play list, etc., in a manner similar to the old DJP program, which probably won't be hard for someone that knows how to do it, it's just not me.

I was more-than-willing to pay DJ Power for a newer version of their software anyway (had there been one available), but since it's not, I am happy to pay someone to create a skin for me that does the same thing.

发表时间 Tue 19 Apr 16 @ 12:37 pm
I really don't understand your reluctance to use a skin unless it looks exactly like DJ Power.

Every skin has an automix view by default. There are also skins which offer a single deck / automix view.

Previous thread where you asked the same thing in 2014 here

发表时间 Tue 19 Apr 16 @ 5:09 pm
BHPD104Home userMember since 2014
Groovindj why do you have to understand my wanting to have a software program whose working screen is laid out the way I want it? I have been DJ'ing for over 30 years and a good majority of that time I have been using the same program, so quite naturally I am used to the way it is set up and the features it provides.

And yes, I did ask a similar question in 2014, and all it resulted in was more unnecessary comments from people who couldn't understand why I would want my screen setup the way I do? If DJs didn't want "customized" or different looking program layouts, we wouldn't have custom skins being created on a regular basis, so why do you have such a hard time understanding that I just want mine the way I want it?

I am impressed by the high quality and imaginative work in this skins section, and I'm sure that most of the "skinners" out there do this not for any kind of monetary gain, but because they like tinkering with, and customizing the software, and sharing their skills with the rest of the VDJ community.

But at the same time I am not a skinner, but I would like to have a skin customized the way I want it, and I am more than willing to pay for someone's time and expertise, for something that he (or she) probably does for free all the time anyway. I'm not sure why that bothers you so much?

发表时间 Wed 20 Apr 16 @ 11:48 am
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
BHPD104 wrote :
and never offered a version that would run on a 64-bit machine anyway
I didn't try yet but... mostly, any 32bits program should work fine on a 64bits computer. So why not still using it ?

发表时间 Wed 20 Apr 16 @ 1:33 pm
BHPD104 wrote :
I have been DJ'ing for over 30 years and a good majority of that time I have been using the same program

I've been DJing for longer than that - but I'm not still using the same equipment I had then, or the same software I first used when moving from CD to MP3s.

How similar (or identical) would a VDJ skin need to be, to this archaic sofware?

You're saying that the existing single deck views are not good enough. Why not? Is it just that features are missing, or are you really insisting that every last knob, button and display is in exactly the same place and looks exactly the same? That's the part I don't understand - you seem to be saying (or implying) that the VDJ skin needs to be a dead ringer in order for you to use it, and nothing else will do.


发表时间 Wed 20 Apr 16 @ 5:21 pm
That has to be thee ugliest thing I've ever seen in software, free or not ill pass on that, lol!!

发表时间 Wed 20 Apr 16 @ 5:34 pm
BHPD104Home userMember since 2014
Fruit thanks for the suggestion, but trust me, it will not run in a 64 bit environment. That was tested many years ago, and even the company owner said it will not work in a 64B machine, and he had no plans to make a version that would.

Groovindj, no it doesn't have to look EXACTLY like the original program, but I do want it laid out the same way. For example,
I want the main play list (i.e., what's coming up to play next) in the middle of the screen, my master database list on the right, and simple PLAY, STOP, FF, Etc. buttons at the top (large size).

I want the ability to generate "links" to songs so that they can reside in multiple folders without actually duplicating the MP3 files.

I want the screen to display the current time, the time the current playlist will end, and how long it will take to play all the current songs - all at the same time.

I want the ability to cue a song separately in a small window with a separate sound card.

I want the ability to place a "stop line" between songs in the current play list, so that the program will not mix into the next song wherever that line exists, so the music will stop for announcements, etc.

I want a list at the bottom of the screen that shows what songs have been play during this show, and what time they were played. (This is great for the knuckleheads that say "you never played my song.")

I want the ability to display and automatically flip through static JPG messages on a second screen (for karaoke events, bars, etc.) which might advertise upcoming drink specials, birthday announcements, etc.

I want the ability to display scrolling text messages across the bottom of the screen, which are separate from the large JPG messages on the screen, which will show when karaoke songs or music videos are not playing.

I want ability to have 160 or so "Hot Buttons" that play sound effects, songs, etc., on the fly, with the ability to have their volume louder than the normal playlist, if needed.

DJ Power does all of those things and a lot more, but I don't need all the other stuff it does, such as triggering Martin Light Jockey controllers, Scratching, Beat Mixing, etc., I just want it to do what I use all the time. In that same vein, I don't need most of the fancy controls that are in most of the VDJ skins either. My needs are somewhat basic, but my routines are down pat, and I can practically play with my eyes closed because I know where everything is, and the fonts and buttons are large enough to see even in the darkest environment.

Now I am reasonably sure that VDJ can do all of the things this 17-year old software program did (and still does), but I like the layout of DJP and I'd like to skin VDJ as close to that as possible. It doesn't have to be pretty (someone said they thought it was ugly), it just needs to work they way I want it. It also doesn't have to be the bland, white & blue background that the original program had, I just need those features, and want it to replicate it as much as possible.

So now that you have a better idea of what I am looking for, who's up to the challenge? Groovindj, you perhaps??

Instead of worrying about why I want my screen to look a certain way, TAKE MY MONEY and skin it for me!!!!!! LOL

发表时间 Wed 20 Apr 16 @ 11:36 pm
Honestly, from your description (in other words based on what you want) I believe a Radio Automation software will fit better your needs than a full featured DJ software.

Mind you that I don't know the application you talk about, nor I saw any screeshots of it. It's just the "what I want / what I don't need" parts of your post that made me say so.
And to answer your question, VirtualDj can do some (but not all) of the tasks you mentioned above.
Adjusting the interface to your needs (those that you described) should be easy for you to accomplish by yourself with just a little effort (and a lot of fun) if no-one picks up your challenge. So, don't give up. Take a look on Skin SDK and maybe you can do more that you think you can do! :)

发表时间 Wed 20 Apr 16 @ 11:47 pm
