
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: loop region color


I'm trying to change the default white color of a looped region in the songpos area, but I can't find any way to do this.
Can anyone here give me some advice as to how to achieve this?

发表时间 Sat 29 Aug 15 @ 5:32 pm
Cant be done. Its hardcoded.

Oh man... What's up with all that hard-coded stuff in VDJ8???

Didn't you think about all those people that like and use VDJ precisely BECAUSE it's so customizable? Didn't you think about all those people that make skins and like their colors matching? I don't have white colors in my skin and therefor don't want a white position line...
I don't know... I now feel that Atomix devs should be restricted in the sense that everything added new (at the very least in the cosmetic area) should be optional!

You're going backwards, in terms of customization and skinning flexibilty!

What's the deal, here? What am I missing?
I feel like a dinosaur, whining about past glories... Am I alone in this? Is it really just me?

Please people, if you read this and agree, let Atomix know.
Write something here...

Just because some parts are kept internal, this doesnt mean that the Skin Engine went backwards.
On the contrary, if you deal with the Skin Engine of Version 8 , you will realize that its more powerful than ever.
Apparently Team had its own reasons for keeping some parts internal/hardcoded.

But anyways, this doesnt keep you from posting in the Wishes Forum. We have created a special/stickytopic there to hold all the new features you and others would like to see in a next update.
Improving Skin Engine may not be a priority for the Team at the moment (stability is more crucial), but i am sure we are about to see some new features and tweaks in the near future (as we always have) ;

Thank you for taking the time to respond, DJDAD.

I don't feel like posting in the wishes sector. Doesn't feel right for me. Feels like I'm the beggar. Certainly not for arbitrarily REMOVED (=already existing) features! What I feel is something along the lines of... injustice... megacompanies or governmental institutions doing with you what they like and you not being able to change that... You know that feeling?

"Team had its own reasons for keeping some parts internal/hardcoded"...
Okay then: does anyone from the "TEAM" care to explain to us, the users, what the reason was for hard-coding the shadow, position line and loop region colors?


Apparently, "TEAM" doesn't want to comment.

Still, you have to admit that it does seem a little ARBITRARY that they made the loop region on the rhythmzone so beautifully colored (in the same color as the deck!) and in the songpos area ugly white...

Again: shouldn't the software developers be RESTRICTED to making OPTIONAL changes, at least as far as cosmetics are concerned?

See how ugly it can be in a custom skin with no whites in it?

...and look at the beautiful loop region in the rhythm area. Why not the same in the songpos???
I'm baffled.

Is it then possible to turn off the loop region in the songpos (or rhythm) ? Or to select a songpos (or rhythm) that doesn't show loops?

I think i have replied to your question in my first post

Actually, you didn't. :) In your first post you replied to the question whether the color could be changed. But I understand that you mean to say that turning off isn't possible either.
Thank you for clearing that up, DJDad!
