
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: [How to] : Browser on a floated window


Several users have been asking for the ability to have Browser on a floated (resizable and movable) window, so that they can display Browser on a secondary screen.

I have created a wiki page.

Hope this helps.

Let me know of any questions

Some additional info :
Some of the Browser settings are same for both Browsers and some are not.
e.g. the Browser windows widths are kept/saved separately. So you can have all windows visible on the primary Browser and only Files and Folders on the secondary, vice versa or any combination.
Grid/List views and Font size affect both.
Window selection/focus affects both.

发表时间 Mon 27 Apr 15 @ 7:21 pm
In the last paragraph, rather than "Once the skin is loaded, the floated window with the Browser will appear", wouldn't it be more accurate to say:

Once the skin is loaded, assign the following action to a custom button show_window 'nameofthewindow' and click the button to turn the window on/off.

You dont have to do that. The window will show up upon loading.
If you always need to have the floated window visible, you will probably never need to use this action.
Its always useful of course to have it assigned on a keyboard key or a custom button , or even adding to the main skin.

This I like very much, I assume you could add drop zones on your floating window?

djdad wrote :
You dont have to do that

Is that because it's a browser in the window? The windows I've experimented with in the past (not with browsers in) needed the show_window command.


Speaking of Browser, could we have the possibility of two browsers (possibly in multiple screens) but the browsers be independant of each other? Currently i ve tryed this but what you do in browser one mirrors in browser two
(ive mocked up a skin spanning 2 monitors with one deck per monitor and a browser / playlist on each screen, but the browsers are only a mirror of each other)

No, thats not possible. Numbered Browsers (working individually) was initially implemented (lots of build ago), but has been removed, possibly due to some bugs that could not easily be addressed.


locodog wrote :
This I like very much, I assume you could add drop zones on your floating window?

You can add any skin element in the <window>.
so yes , you can have <dropzone>, <grabzone> even <resizezone> to have a different area when u get the resize arrow.
Can also call class defines from the main skin.

If the initial/main skin has everything in <group>s or <panel>s and their children elements have relative position e.g. x="+a" y="+b" it is also very easy to replace the <panel> or <group> with <window> and have any panels/groups of the skin as floated.
You all know though, that the <window>s have some bugs, especially when more than 1 exists there, but if e.g someone needs to create some crazy screens setups like the ones i saw in the General forums with 3 screens showing different things, its not that difficult. I may do that if i get some free time.

groovindj wrote :
djdad wrote :
You dont have to do that

Is that because it's a browser in the window? The windows I've experimented with in the past (not with browsers in) needed the show_window command.

Hmm, maybe you had <window .... shown="false" > ??

anyways, even with shown="false" the window should still be visible on first launch (bug here), but if you use the action to hide it, then the next time you launch VirtualDj, it wont be shown.


I was musing multiple screens earlier, Out of idle curiosity, would a plugin per deck with a GUI not be better than a skin?

That's a lot easier! Thanks !!


I have now added the Browser Window in the original skin.
Works well so far wonderful.
The only thing I've noticed is that when scrolling on the Window Skin disappears the bar. During normal browser on the skin of the bar remains and scrolls normal.
Why is that?
