
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Timecode skip on re-enable


I have a situation that I noticed in the version previous to 2048. I just updated today, but I don't see anything in the changelog addressing this situation. In addition, I haven't tried the new version myself and won't be able to until Friday...I know...risky! But I do still have 7 to fall back on.
I noticed that many times when "re-engaging" the timecode switch, the track will jump half a beat or more.

Background: I keep my timecode disabled unless I'm getting ready to mix my next track or do a brake or backspin with the current track....for safety reasons. I have my "source" buttons on my Hercules RMX1 mapped to enable and disable when I press them. It doesn't skip every time, but most times it does. I have noticed it always does it if I needle drop the beginning of the record to reset my relative position. Upon reengaging the timecode, it will jump enough to knock it out of time with the other track that's playing. My timecode hovers between 90 - 100%, I am using the Serato Performance Series with timecode mode forced to Relative. VDJ 7 definitely does not exhibit this behavior as I have been using it like this for years now.

VDJ 8.2048 (now updated to 2073)
Windows 7 64bit
Pentium Dual Core T4300
Hercules RMX1 set to headphone mode
Numark TTX-USB fed into Phono-Ins
Serato Performance Series CV02.5

SOURCE: timecode_active & holding ? linein : toggle "shift"
LED SOURCE: timecode_active ? on

I know this belongs in a separate topic but there is something different between the VDJ7 and 8 mappings for the jog wheel on the Hercules. I can't get 8 to stop affecting both tracks when I turn one jogwheel (pitch bend mode, not scratch).


发表时间 Sun 07 Dec 14 @ 5:49 pm
I've been asking for a solution for this for over a month.. no reply to my ticket except "sent to DEVs."

I am having the same problem with timecode vinyl to.I been telling the Dev team to for a min now and nothin. Hope soon it will be fix.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Hope they fix it soon....

Fyi: still not fixed in latest update

Just put another post on this. It would be nice if they stop worrying about silly little features and fix the core stuff.

Just letting everyone know that is following this topic, I have not tried it yet, but BETA build 2117 states that they addressed this issue :-) Our voices were heard!
I'll check it out soon and give a report back!
