
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Automix stop - I know why...


When using Automix and Random mode, when random mode takes it to the last track in the playlist, Automix will stop after playing this track. This will happen even if additional tracks are in the playlist that it has yet to play.

Please fix. Automix stopped AGAIN last night... TWICE. Both times after playing the last song in the playlist, in Random mode.


发表时间 Sun 07 Sep 14 @ 11:34 am
djmagicmoments wrote :
When using Automix and Random mode, when random mode takes it to the last track in the playlist, Automix will stop after playing this track. This will happen even if additional tracks are in the playlist that it has yet to play.

Please fix. Automix stopped AGAIN last night... TWICE. Both times after playing the last song in the playlist, in Random mode.

I Can confirm this, I only had 8 songs in automix random mode and it stopped after 3 songs ending on the last track in the list

Nice find, should be an easy fix!

Was 'Repeat' on?

Turning repeat on solves this as far as I can see.

Adion, repeat was NOT on. Only "Random" was activated.


Sorry for the double post.

No repeat either - just random, I also tried it with 5 tracks, 30 tracks and 100 tracks, I let set them each on random and they all stopped playing after the last track with out playing the rest of the tracks in the list

Mmmh don't know if this is really a bug if it doesn't happen if repeat is On.

I know this behaviour from other software.
They all behave like that in random mode when hitting the last track.
They stop. Just had exactly that happen this morning on my mobile's player.

I tried, and it stopped after playing all songs in the list once, not after the last song in the list was played.
So you are saying that if there are 10 songs in the list it might stop after the 5th if it happens to be the last in the list?

If you have 10 songs in the playlist and you have selected it to play at random, when and IF it plays the last song in the list, autoplay WILL stop, even if there are unplayed songs in the playlist. I assume that the software thinks it is at the end of the playlist.

I am not sure how to explain it any clearer than that.

I am NOT USING REPEAT. The "repeat" function should not even be part of the conversation.

I can verify that there is an automix issue the automix shoud not stop when repeat is active but it does , I have reported this atomix and the dev team , im now also noticing the audio engine is shutting down on selected songs for no reason in automix .. example one song plays fine then in the middle of the next song the audio cuts out but song is still playing if go to the next song when this happens the audio come back

Turn auto remove played tracks on and turn repeat on, no more issue.

I just tried again, added 10 songs to automix, started automix with shuffle on, repeat off, auto remove played off.
It just played all songs, playing the 10th song after 3 songs or so, but continued to play the other songs after until it played 10 songs, then stopped.

When you reinstalled 8, did you rename the settings.xml file?

Then there is another,BIGGER issue... Automix stops at RANDOM then.

It's been reported several times over the past few weeks.


Are you trying to play a track that has gotten lost?

Absolutely no clue what you mean... I have no "lost tracks".

u are right djmoments this is true automix def stops at random times for no reason

automix has stooped on me at random in a middle of a song playing... I think what he means by lost tracks is the file isn't present anymore to play u wont know this until u check u check the tag editor
