
Forum: Addons

Topic: Milkdrop8 - Page: 5
Scott, instead of having to do the work around above to make Milkdrop be fixed on one particular preset, could you add a preset selector into milkdrop? This way we can use either a dropdown menu to select or a file requestor and unselect "shuffle"

hola,,,tengo problemas con milkdrop...las funciones de ajustes funcionan todas ok......pero la pantalla titila constantemente como si fuera parte del efecto.....lo e descargado nuevamente pero el problem sigue.....tengo w 10......el resto del programa funciona todo ok.....ningun problema de video,,,,,solo cuando cambio a mp3 y comienza el milkdrop....

Hi, I got a problem with Milkdrop. The functions and settings work fine but the screen tilts constantly like it was an effect. I have download it and installed again trying to correct it with no luck. I use Windows 10 and all the rest options in VirtualDJ 8 with video work fine, just when I use audio and milkdrop got this problem.

I got a video if that helps, just tell me where I sent it. (Note: Acw_DJ Translated)

I don't know about tilting but if it's flickering check your video fps is at 30 if not then change to 30

marksmolinski wrote :
I don't know about tilting but if it's flickering check your video fps is at 30 if not then change to 30

ok es un parpadeo si .....voy a probar con eso ...gracias por tu tiempo

Now that we can "get_effect_string" to set can milkdrop accept it?

get_effect_string 3 "[Ishan] - Soul Amplifier" will change the string but not change to that .milk.

juliorodrigo wrote :
hola,,,tengo problemas con milkdrop...las funciones de ajustes funcionan todas ok......pero la pantalla titila constantemente como si fuera parte del efecto.....lo e descargado nuevamente pero el problem sigue.....tengo w 10......el resto del programa funciona todo ok.....ningun problema de video,,,,,solo cuando cambio a mp3 y comienza el milkdrop....

Hi, I got a problem with Milkdrop. The functions and settings work fine but the screen tilts constantly like it was an effect. I have download it and installed again trying to correct it with no luck. I use Windows 10 and all the rest options in VirtualDJ 8 with video work fine, just when I use audio and milkdrop got this problem.

I got a video if that helps, just tell me where I sent it. (Note: Acw_DJ Translated)

hola ....impecable te agradezco ......jrsfasini75@hotmail.com


Hey :D I love Milkdrop8! its awesome i really cant find out how to set it to master audio only so it visualizes on the master audio and not only the audio from the deck it has been activated on.. how to do that?

Dj_Tosiba wrote :
Hey :D I love Milkdrop8! its awesome i really cant find out how to set it to master audio only so it visualizes on the master audio and not only the audio from the deck it has been activated on.. how to do that?

Never mind :D I found it under advanced options.

please add opacity control

I want to download milk drop effect&i m pro her but not download some effect plz give me solutation

The solution is to purchase a Pro license.

Is it possible to use same presets that worked in Winamp's Milkdrop? May I simply copy/paste them into Documents\VirtualDJ\Plugins\MilkDrop Presets?

I remember though that few of the presets didn't work in Winamp, so it showed an error and skipped the preset to the next working one. Is this plugin crash-proof in this case? I am a bit worried that a broken Milkdrop would crash VDJ in the middle of the gig.

Yes, you can use the same presets. If a preset fails it shouldn't crash - it will either remain blank or move onto the next preset.

Hi i have a new computer and I have downloaded milkdrop and same problem as a couple of years ago its not working ,all i get is a blank screen, clicked on the link that you said i needed and it no longer works, can you please help me with what i need to download again ?

Hi, Scott

Can I Have the early version of milkdrop, may the 1,0 or 1.3 , mi pc still blinking with the 1.5 version, i remember i was working very well on my old PC,



It is a HUGE shame this pugin isnt on Mac machines. I DJ in a HUGE club with large LED Screens and this would be amazing for my audio only instead of loading up the sampler full of stuff

Trying to re-download Milkdrop after a Hardware failure on my C drive. it say on the site to download within the program now but doesn't seem to exist it the programs download center? hope I loved this plug in because I could just leave it running while mixing or playing my vinyl via VDJ

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