
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Hidden Genre


I have found that VDJ 8 has an issue with some genres. ( at least with my computers ) For years I've had a Line Dance genre, but some of the tags were spelled " Line Dance " with the L and D in caps and other tags with " Line dance " with only the L in caps. In the older versions of VDJ they both would show up in the same Line Dance genre. But while DJing an event this weekend I went to pull up my Line Dance songs and only had a few listed. I had to do a search for the line dance song I was looking for and found it but it's tag had the L only in caps. But the only genre that was listed was the "Line Dance". both L and D in caps. So all of the song with the L only in caps are hidden and won't show up as a genre. I have found that VDJ 8 will only show one of the two genres and will not display all the songs to the one genre listed if they are typed differently and it won't create a second genre with the different spelling. I have since retyped all the tags to be the same but it worries me that there may be other songs that are hidden that I'm not aware of. I would think VDJ 8 would create a genre for any tag you create even if its spelled wrong or if you used caps or not. Some one else want to test this to see if you get the same results?

发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 14 @ 12:16 pm
Check 'advanced options', serach for the term 'search' and please provide this :


I tested with two track, one with 'Club dance' genre, the other with 'Club Dance'.

Any search finds them both. Such as 'club dance' 'Club Dance' 'club Dance'.

Also did you play with the 'ignoreDrives' option, maybe ?

Just to be sure we're testing this correctly. Search is not the problem, I can get them all to show up when doing a search, Did you have both genre's listed on the left hand side of the browser, one with each spelling? Club Dance & Club dance as genre's?

In other words, If I pick two songs and tag one as Club Dance and tag another song Club dance, Then I refresh my Genre I only get one of the two genres to show up. Like Club Dance as a Genre, the song with the Club dance tag is not in the Club Dance Genre folder. It's Genre (Club dance) is not listed at all and the only way to find the song is to search for it by its name.

Here's two screen shots of the issue I'm having. I tagged the Wobble (explicit) Club Dance and Wobble (Radio) Club dance. (Note that the D is in caps on one and not the other) The first image shows a search of the Wobble and they both show up with the different tags (Genre). But on the left under Genre you see only one genre for Club Dance. The second image shows that when I select the Genre Club Dance, I only see one Wobble (Explicit) which is tagged Club Dance and the Wobble (Radio) with the tag Club dance is not in the list. There is no Genre for Club dance so the Wobble (Radio) is now hidden from all Genres and the only way I can locate it is by searching for it by name.


Sorry I must be tired in this end of week... So I have the exact same issue.

Only one folder with caps at begining of each word. And the filter of this folder is case sensitive (listing only one file of the two).
