
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Limiter (Performance?) Issue


Hello guys~
I've noticed a bug with VDJ 8's limiter. I do not know whether this is specific to me, but on both my laptop and desktop this problem has been occuring. Whenever I push the gain a bit too much, the limiter automatically kicks in. I usually don't need to worry about this (as I make sure my levels are good while I am mixing,) but the audio gets this strange choppy-esque effect to it whenever something happens to occur. (This is the sound I am getting:https://www.dropbox.com/s/dds5zjb7t7tjzpr/Example%20of%20Limiter%20Problem.mp3) I messed around with latency and auto-gain, but to no avail. I don't know whether this is a performance issue solely for me (I should be fine, both of my computers have 8 Gigs of ram and quad core processors) or something that actually needs to be fixed. Regardless, thanks for your help!

发表时间 Sat 07 Jun 14 @ 3:10 pm
i agree the limiter is has very restrictive levels just and ich to much and u are in trouble the sound gets like a worn cassette tape fades in and out i dont understand why limiter can not have the option to enable or disable it has been said that the limiter is not a compression tool but yes it is because it decompresses audio for distortion. this was a big problem in version 7 untill user notice the the limiter enabled caused audio issues when it was disabled i had no problems with distortion.. u shouldnt have to stay in the neg on gain im not saying push gain to 100% ... why is it so hard to give the option the a lighted button on the software just like the mic if the it cant be disabled why was that put in the software not takin about the indicator light im takin the one below the master knob and if u point to the button is says it compress the sound so there u go it is a limiter/compressor thank u

If you can hear the audio pumping then your levels are far too high. Turn down your gain and/or EQ. The limiter will only trigger where the audio would exceed 0dB, which is impossible for a computer sound and would cause distortion. When your sound levels are adjusted correctly, the limiter should only be triggering occasionally and there should be no noticeable pumping.

If the sound is too quiet at this level, then turn up the hardware gain on your amp/speakers or upgrade to a more powerful system. Don't try to use software gain to compensate for a sound system that's not loud enough. This will just result in poor sound quality.

NOTE: The difference with a hardware analogue audio mixer is the gain can exceed 0dB by a given amount of headroom (However too much will damage your speakers unless they are protected by a hardware limiter.)

that might be the case if doing a gig with vdj however i now use vdj for broadcasting on live 365 i been usin vdj since 2011 for broadcasting using 7 never had this problem with limiter cause i was able to disable it . there is no amp used in broadcasting .. limiter may come in need for djs doing gigs however in broadcasting it can restrict sound to low volumes i cant get even near 0db with it kickin in and my master on the software barely reaches 30%even on high

i dont use a mixer for broadcasting ... i use a controller

The same applies with broadcasting. Your listener's sound cards cannot go beyond 0dB - Without the limiter, they would get distortion, reducing the sound quality. It makes no difference whether the sound is turned up loud at the listener's end - Even if they are listening on 10w computer speakers turned down low, it will sound awful if the source signal (Your broadcast) is clipping before it reaches them.

the piont is i never have had that problem in the past ever i monitor my output on the stations listener page even with no limiter the sound never distored and i been doin this for over 2yrs with no limiter however if limiter was used then i have a problem how come 7 this never happend unless limiter was activated.. i also understand 8 is a new build fresh plus new sound engine which i see the improvement there .... but why is there a lite button on the software like the mic button for limiter that is auto enabled if there is mo coming option to disable why is it there where there is a indicator at top makes no sense .. like i was saying im not asking to get rid of it im only asking for us users to have option to control it on our end let us make the choice to use it or not with a yes or no.... if we run into problem it will be ours not atomix ... it will not degrade vers 8 by allowing us to do that i would greatly appreciate the consideration on this and others might too thanks

maybe in the past your stream was full of distortion and you were not aware.

i've heard many DJs using vdj7 and all u hear is clipped bass and all kinds of distortion my guess is their limiter was off and their gains were set far too high. could be these djs with no understanding of properly setting their gains was giving the software's sound quality such a bad reputation :-)

you can't argue with science if u want good sound :-)

Audio Options, advanced options;

zeroDB = 0.750000

Problem solved ;-)
This should be the default (devs?).
