
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

话题: Impossible to load skin when trying to customize the default VDJ8 Skin.


I've made many customizations to the VDJ skins in the past, and I am very familiar with the process. For some reason, I can't get VDJ8 to accept any customizations to the default skin.

I've even tried renaming the zip file for the default skin, decompressing it, and compressing (zipping) it again WITHOUT MAKING ANY CHANGES! I still get the "Impossible to load skin" error message.

Any idea if there is something new I am missing?

This is on the Mac Version

Very frustrating.


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:05 pm
There are numerous things that can cause this error.

What were you changing?

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:06 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
VirtualDJ 8 zip skin file needs to stay in your Skins folder. Just copy the zip file, and paste it with a different name, then select the skin from Config->Interface tab

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:10 pm
Initially, I tried changing the Direction of the Pitch Sliders from "down" to up. I also tried editing the png files to make the lines on the slider knobs a little brighter. Both times, (staring with a clean Zip file) I encountered the same error.

So I tried decompressing the zip file and recompressing it without actually making any changes and that failed too (so it's not an editing issue).

Here are the exact steps I took:

Macbook Pro running OSX 10.9.2

1) Ensure VDJ app is closed
2) Copy the original "virtualdj 8.zip" from the skins folder to the desktop.
3) Rename "virtualdj 8.zip" on Desktop to "david.zip"
4) Double click "David.zip" on Desktop (Creates expanded "david" folder on Desktop)
5) Deleted original "david.zip" file from Desktop
6) Right click on David folder and select "compress" (creates new "david.zip" file on Desktop
7) Copy "david.zip" from Desktop to Skins folder
8) Launch VDJ8
9) Click on "settings" button and click "interface" on sidebar
10) I see the "david" skin in the list and it even shows the different options (2 decks, 4 decks, 6 decks) and even shows a preview of the skin when I hover over it with the mouse, but if I click on any of them, I get the "impossible to load skin" error message.


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:19 pm
Have you changed the name of the .png image?

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:20 pm

The PNG images are named "2 Decks", "4 Decks", etc. They do not seem to be tied to the name of the skin "virtualdj8" or "david"

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:25 pm
Correct. The first line in the XML tells the software which image to use.

If this is incorrect then the skin will not load.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:26 pm
You may also need to change the NAME of the skin on the XML files...

PS: Also try using legacy (zip 2.0) compression for your zip file


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:29 pm
The name matches. I have only renamed the zip file. No changes to the PNG or XML files within.


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:30 pm
It's not a naming issue. I tried decompressing the default skin and recompressing with no changes keeping the same file name, and got the same error. (I kept a backup of the original "virtualDJ 8.zip and put that back after the failed test which worked fine).

I'm thinking it is a compression issue. I'll look into the "2.0" suggestions above. I'm not sure what format OSX uses as default or how to change it. if that is the case, then VDJ 7 seems to work with the current format, but not VDJ8.

I even tried decompressing and re-compressing the file on my windows 7 PC and ran into the same error when I copied it back in the skins folder on the mac.

Still Strange.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:40 pm
Does the modified skin load in windows?

Can you upload the zip to Dropbox, I'll see if can find the problem?

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:44 pm
I don't have VirtualDJ loaded on my windows box, so I can't test (work PC)

I don't have dropbox, but it is only 1.8 MB.

Shoot me an email at and I can email it to you.


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:47 pm
Thanks. I replied with the file.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:52 pm
Which one were you trying to modify - all of them or just the 2 deck?

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 3:57 pm
I was trying to modify 4 deck.

but even without making modifications, the skin file would not load on my VDJ8.

Does the zip file I sent you load on your VDJ8?

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 4:00 pm
Ok, have fixed the issue and sent back.

It's because you have the skins inside a folder within the Zip file.

Just have then in the ZIP file loose.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 4:02 pm


Now I can't remember if I have always done it like that and VDJ7 didn't mind, or if I had a total brain fart and did it incorrectly this time.

Thank you SOOOOO Much.

Time to go start customizing.


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 4:07 pm
