
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Timecode users......... [SOLVED] - Page: 15


Probably not forgotten more likely they're swamped with bugs about a system they believed near perfect, hence no fine tuning options

the DVS beta testers (actually all the beta testers) need to be a lot more critical. That's the problem with volunteer users being testers most are blindsided by the new stuff, they fear that criticism will lose them their beta privileges and worst of all they don't test properly repeatedly, in conjunction with everything else, but I suppose 'you gets whats yous pays for'

So I know I posted earlier in this thread about how great TCV was but now I'm having the same issues as others all of a sudden. I'm getting sticker drift, my pitch is all over the place on it's own, I get the occasional crash when doing either juggles or spin backs, and the over all performance seems to have taken like 10 steps backwards. I'm on the latest update too. Not very happy about it. Half of time is spent using a DDJ, and the other half is spent using TT's. Thank goodness 7.4 is still an option because I would be royally screwed if we were forced to use V8 100% of the time.

So yesterday I did a gig on CDJ 2000 with serato time codes... some tracks would jump from beginning to middle of track without me touching anything, this bug definitely needs addressing!

Dj Sky...I've Had the Same Issues As You an Many Others and Just Waiting for the "Ultimate Bug Fix" from the Developers. But For Now, When You Load a Track Onto the Chosen Deck, Make Sure You Pause or Stop the CDJ before Loading Onto Either Deck and It Should Load from the Beginning of the Track. I Know This is a Hassle but it was the Only Way I Could Make it Load the Entire Song for Now. I've Also Tried the VDJ Timecode and Got The Same Result. We'll Keep Waiting For Now, I Got Tired of Trying to Find a Way to Tweak the Settings....

On Another Note, I'm Glad I'm Able to Use My Mixtrack Pro 2 for Now Which Works Flawlessly for Me with VDJ 8.

Good luck,

I just gave up today on vdj 8 time code I just wondering who is doing the testing for time code vinyl and cdj time code WHO ever it is are not a pro because if they where they wood not allow this to happen to time code.so good luck everybody hope they fix this problem with timecode.

Ive said this before THIS IS A CONTROLERIST SOFTWARE, TIMECODE CODE USERS HAVE MADE A MISTAKE. With all we love about virtualdj it was not designed or marketed to turntabilst. I made the same mistake thinking timecode shouldnt be off, just a smpte tone basically. See we were being cheap at the time this being the cheapest choice at the time but we made a mistake. But at the same time alot of the other features make us have faith with all the free up grades it would get better, but timecodes and the show off hiphop style scratch dj is not there focus. This is best with mouse keyboards and controllers. Which was figured to be the future but turntables are still hanging in there wasnt expected but we are... so with the change in the structure of dj software pricing Atomix should really think about us timecode guys were the tie breakers now..every software is good with controllers now the deciding factor will be how you handle the core djs. The turntablist, The show off, the person everybody asking whats he using...oh thats virtual dj 8. Wit my VCI400, I love virtualdj but on timecode Im back to mixvibes...doing receptions and edm and family reunions VDJ is great as much as i hate it Im going to have to get serato if i want one software to give me equal performance from timecode to controller. And being the timecode community in here is so small that you might not really care.

I take that back im not paying 1600 dollars for no mixer!!!!

You don't need to spend that much, you can find a second sl3 or sl2 for pretty cheap now an days......

So no fixes for timecode in latest beta then... *sigh*

I was hoping some TCV fixes would be in the last builds too, but nothing. Maybe Version 9 will be all about time code when it comes out in 5 years. lol

The statement that any bugs would be fixed by the next release obviously doesn't apply to TC. Maybe they just can't fix it ......

It might not be a priority, as i was once told this just may not be the software for us. The sound engine was good and for a while it masked the timecode problems until i started doing juggles then it went crazy. I dont thingk the timecode Beta tester are real scratch djs, just djs that scratch a little. This is why there no real software show case, even when i was watching the previews and videos I never saw 1 turntable.

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
It might not be a priority, as i was once told this just may not be the software for us. The sound engine was good and for a while it masked the timecode problems until i started doing juggles then it went crazy. I dont thingk the timecode Beta tester are real scratch djs, just djs that scratch a little. This is why there no real software show case, even when i was watching the previews and videos I never saw 1 turntable.

I agreed nothing from the staff to they are not telling us nothing if they need beta tester we are all here to help with timecode all they have to do is set it up for us.I know atomix productions has money hired a professional 1 guy that beat juggles and does all the scratches there are to set it right for timecode.but i do all that scratching and beat juggles and i will do it for free for the love of the dj game and i know all u guys are with me on this 1.SO TO ATOMIX PRO WE ARE HERE PLEASE LET GET IT RIGHT PLEASE .

All issues with timecode are of course highlighted to the development team. If you want to assist the development team then you can do so right now by providing as much information as possible - for example recordings of the actual timecode signal along with the audio output, detailed information as to what you were doing and what happened, maybe even video recording of the timecode window as you do it - that kind of thing. The more actual useful information the better.


I'll reiterate - as much info as possible is always useful. Things like the recordings I asked for may seem pointless to you, but they allow the developers to play back and debug exactly what is happening and to speed up getting to the root of issues.

SBDJ wrote :
I'll reiterate - as much info as possible is always useful. Things like the recordings I asked for may seem pointless to you, but they allow the developers to play back and debug exactly what is happening and to speed up getting to the root of issues.

I posted 5 video on the problem that i am having. so they are not looking at this forum.






and all these problem still exist no fixes yet 2 months.

I agree that YouTube videos are useful - but the information I requested is also extremely useful to the developers. Like I say a recording of the timecode signal will enable the development team to replay exactly what you did. Couple that with the other debug information such as the videos it should greatly increase their ability to resolve any issues.

Please also bear in mind that 2 months is not a very long time and that there are lots of fixes being worked on for lots of things!

SBDJ wrote :
I agree that YouTube videos are useful - but the information I requested is also extremely useful to the developers. Like I say a recording of the timecode signal will enable the development team to replay exactly what you did. Couple that with the other debug information such as the videos it should greatly increase their ability to resolve any issues.

Please also bear in mind that 2 months is not a very long time and that there are lots of fixes being worked on for lots of things!

What kind of recording just the signal or with the music or both and where do we record it from so it like they are with me listing for the problem in my house. But I will but another video this week.

I'll also try to catch my issues on camera... and what do mean by time code signal? do mean a video of the actual graph and signal levels?

If Atomix could give a example of what is pertinent and how to capture that info, timecode users would be happy to assist. help us help you and all that.
