
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

话题: Failed to Connect Hercules RMX??! - Page: 2


@teknikalcrysis - i'll leave djdad working on your issue! ;)


More than happy to try and help but WHY would you even consider going live with a Pre-release piece of software without testing???

Do you have any mappers in /My Document/Virtual DJ/ Mappers?

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:15 pm
djtouchdan wrote :
@teknikalcrysis - i'll leave djdad working on your issue! ;)

Thank You!

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:31 pm
Not expecting a big turnout tonight, it's the perfect place to test. No, there are no mappers in the folder, I deleted them earlier.

Also, I am using a Mac (10.9). The RMX works fine as a sound card, but does not see it as a controller.

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:31 pm

Try this first - before we look further.

TearEmUp wrote :
I had a similar issue during testing. Turned out my install didn't finish. Try uninstalling and re-installing VDJ. See if that helps.


发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:39 pm
Tried that too. It's even completed an automatic update.

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:41 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
It is indeed confirmed that some controllers have a MIDI detection issue on Mac side. Dev Team will take a look very soon and an update will be available Thanks for reporting.

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 8:02 pm
Thank you very much for your help!

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 8:07 pm
djdad wrote :
It is indeed confirmed that some controllers have a MIDI detection issue on Mac side. Dev Team will take a look very soon and an update will be available Thanks for reporting.

Im on Win7

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 8:43 pm
well I have solved the problem by selecting MIDIYOKE:1 as I do within Ableton, which forced me to re-map the entire controler button by button for VDJ 8 ...
now that I have got that headache out of the way; I hit a snag

my up, down, left, right arrow button are programmed as follows
Quote :
<map value="0-ENCODER42" action="browser_scroll -1 & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER43" action="browser_scroll +1 & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER44" action="browser_folder & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER45" action="browser_window "songs" & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />

jogwheel programmed as follows:
Quote :
<map value="0-JOG47" action="deck 1 var $passtek ? deck 1 effect &quot;pass_texzk_old&quot; slider 1 : var $d1effect ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect default slider 1 : deck 1 effect default slider 2 : var $d2effect ? action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect default slider 2 : deck 2 effect default slider 1 : jog_wheel" />
<map value="0-JOG48" action="deck 2 var $passtek ? deck 1 effect &quot;pass_texzk_old&quot; slider 1 : var $d1effect ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect default slider 1 : deck 1 effect default slider 2 : var $d2effect ? action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect default slider 2 : deck 2 effect default slider 1 : jog_wheel" />

in VDJ 7 if I held those buttons I could use the jog wheel to scroll through songs/folders
the command works in VDJ 8, however the arrow buttons results in a toggle rather than only using the jogwheel for scroll function only while_pressed
so i press/release down the jog wheel scrolls songs/folders, press again jog wheel functions as jog wheel... i only want it to scroll songs/folders when I have the directional keys held down...
is the "while_pressed" function not an option in VDJ 8?

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 9:33 pm
something else i noticed - I decided to try and add in the following
Quote :
<map value="LED_PLAY" action="loaded ? play ? on : cue ? blink 700ms : blink : off" />
<map value="LED_SYNC" action="beatlock ? on : off" />
<map value="LED_PITCH_RESET" action="pitch_reset ? on : pitchlock ? blink : off" />

restarted VDJ 8 and none of the LED's light up (they were before I started tinkering)
so then i tried deleting the lines I added...and still no LED function :(

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 10:20 pm
this is my map .xml

Quote :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper device="SIMPLE_MIDI_0_0" version="800" date="2014-05-11">
<map value="0-JOG47" action="deck 1 var $passtek ? deck 1 effect "pass_texzk_old" slider 1 : var $d1effect ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect default slider 1 : deck 1 effect default slider 2 : var $d2effect ? action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect default slider 2 : deck 2 effect default slider 1 : jog_wheel" />
<map value="0-JOG48" action="deck 2 var $passtek ? deck 1 effect "pass_texzk_old" slider 1 : var $d1effect ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect default slider 1 : deck 1 effect default slider 2 : var $d2effect ? action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect default slider 2 : deck 2 effect default slider 1 : jog_wheel" />
<map value="0-SLIDER49" action="deck 1 pitch" />
<map value="0-ENCODER7" action="deck 1 sync" />
<map value="0-ENCODER12" action="deck 1 cue" />
<map value="0-ENCODER9" action="deck 1 seek -4" />
<map value="0-ENCODER10" action="deck 1 seek +4" />
<map value="0-ENCODER20" action="deck 1 select" />
<map value="0-SLIDER50" action="deck 1 level" />
<map value="0-ENCODER18" action="holding ? deck 1 unload : deck 1 load" />
<map value="0-ENCODER41" action="deck 1 vinyl_mode & deck 2 vinyl_mode & set $passtek while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER42" action="browser_scroll -1 & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER43" action="browser_scroll +1 & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER44" action="browser_folder & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER45" action="browser_window "songs" & deck 1 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed & deck 2 wheel_mode 'browser' while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER22" action="load" />
<map value="0-ENCODER24" action="deck 2 select" />
<map value="0-SLIDER60" action="deck 2 level" />
<map value="0-ENCODER31" action="deck 2 sync" />
<map value="0-ENCODER36" action="deck 2 cue" />
<map value="0-ENCODER37" action="deck 2 stop" />
<map value="0-ENCODER35" action="deck 2 play" />
<map value="0-ENCODER33" action="deck 2 seek -4" />
<map value="0-ENCODER34" action="deck 2 seek +4" />
<map value="0-ENCODER1" action="deck 1 effect 1 active" />
<map value="0-ENCODER2" action="deck 1 effect 2 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER3" action="deck 1 effect 3 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER4" action="deck 1 effect 4 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER5" action="deck 1 effect "Pass_TexZK_old" active" />
<map value="0-ENCODER6" action="deck 1 effect 6 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER25" action="deck 2 effect 1 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER26" action="deck 2 effect 2 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER27" action="deck 2 effect 3 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER28" action="deck 2 effect 4 active while_pressed & action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-ENCODER29" action="deck 2 effect "Pass_TexZK_old" active" />
<map value="0-ENCODER30" action="deck 2 effect 6 active while_pressed &; action_deck 1 ? set $d1effect while_pressed : set $d2effect while_pressed" />
<map value="0-SLIDER54" action="deck 1 eq_low" />
<map value="0-SLIDER53" action="deck 1 eq_mid" />
<map value="0-SLIDER52" action="deck 1 eq_high" />
<map value="0-SLIDER62" action="deck 2 eq_high" />
<map value="0-SLIDER63" action="deck 2 eq_mid" />
<map value="0-SLIDER64" action="deck 2 eq_low" />
<map value="0-SLIDER59" action="deck 2 pitch" />
<map value="0-ENCODER8" action="deck 1 holding ? beatlock : key_lock" />
<map value="0-ENCODER21" action="deck 2 holding ? beatlock : key_lock" />
<map value="0-ENCODER17" action="deck 1 holding ? pitchlock : pitch_reset" />
<map value="0-ENCODER32" action="deck 2 holding ? pitchlock : pitch_reset" />
<map value="0-ENCODER14" action="deck 1 eq_kill_high" />
<map value="0-ENCODER15" action="deck 1 eq_kill_mid" />
<map value="0-ENCODER16" action="deck 1 eq_kill_low" />
<map value="0-ENCODER38" action="deck 2 eq_kill_high" />
<map value="0-ENCODER39" action="deck 2 eq_kill_mid" />
<map value="0-ENCODER40" action="deck 2 eq_kill_low" />
<map value="0-ENCODER13" action="deck 1 stop" />
<map value="0-ENCODER11" action="deck 1 play" />
<map value="PFL_MIX" action="headphone_volume" />
<map value="0-LED_PLAY" action="loaded ? play ? on : cue ? blink 700ms : blink : off" />
<map value="0-LED_SYNC" action="beatlock ? on : off" />
<map value="0-LED_ PITCH_RESET" action="pitch_reset ? on : pitchlock ? blink : off" />

everything seems to to be working properly except my special little addins i had scripted in VDJ 7; like the while_pressed functions and the LED functions
what do i need to edit as far as those 2 things go?

发表时间 Sun 11 May 14 @ 11:29 pm
Hey guys, I copied the .xml. Is this gonna be fine for my Hrecules RMX2?

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 12:27 pm
narrowing down even further....without using MIDI-OX....VDJ 8 and my map .xml work as scripted... but i believe when I implement my workaround and use the map i had to remake; MIDI-OX doesnt recognize the fact that I have the button held down...it just sees that I pressed it...which would be why it seems that the while_pressed script command doesn't work... (it's working, VDJ 8 just isnt being sent a command saying the button is held down rather than just pressed) ....so I'm back to square one, completely out of luck when trying to output my audio from VDJ in ableton and use the RMX as a MIDI controller in both programs simultaneously :(

Why is VDJ 8 taking exclusive control over the MIDI side of the board? whats different in the way that is connects to the MIDI RMX with VDJ 7 vs VDJ 8?

cause as I mention before...in VDJ 7 i could first load MIDI-OX and then VDJ and ableton and it work exactly the way I programmed it to... but since VDJ 8 is snatching complete MIDI control, if I load MIDI-OX first then VDJ8 cant connect to the RMX...if i load VDJ8 first then MIDI-OX cant connect to the RMX....

this is getting frustrating lol

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 9:24 pm
is there any solution to this problem? I have not beeb able to use my Hercules rmx controller with VDJ 8

发表时间 Mon 22 Aug 16 @ 11:20 pm
