
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Denon MC6000 mk2 Latency problems - Page: 1


I'm getting audio skips when using the mk2 with VDJ. Using 7.4.1 Also there is a considerable delay in button function response. What latency settings should I play with to improve performance?

发表时间 Tue 01 Apr 14 @ 11:30 am

Computer specs are good. It's the settings I have to play with. Everything works fine with our HC4500s The MK2 obviously has a lot more stuff mapped than the HC4500.

Definitely not related to the mapper.

Please try to optimize your computer using the link i gave you above.
A reminder. Denon advises to uninstall the old ASIO driver prior installing the new one that the MK2 requires (Denon ASIO for controllers). Make sure you do that and see if anything changes on your issue.

If the buttons are not responsive then maybe an extremely high latency has been chosen from the ASIO settings. Normally a value between 4 and 8 ms should be good enough, and 10ms would be a safer value to avoid crackles and pops in sound.

I will try to uninstall the asio driver for the hc4500 and see if that helps.

After taking off the asio driver for my hc4500. I don't think we had any skips last night. Will see how it goes next weekend.

I know this is an old thread, but I have the same issues with VDJ. The only thing that has seemed to help with the skipping has been to uncheck "Ultra-latency ASIO" under sound setup. However, the lag is still there. I can even see the VU meter jump right before I hear the audio.


ASIO Driver 2.2.2 seems to solve the latency issue, are this driver beta?

I just wanna point out that the v2.2.2 is an old driver not for MK2 but only for MK1.. why this file is linked remains a mystery to me but Denon does not recmmond that you use it anywhere I can find, besides that it seems to create colored noise that you don't hear with the intended driver..

PLEASE READ HERE: http://www.denondjforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=11486

Denon wrote :
1) If you own these models, (HC4500/HC5000/HD2500/HS5500/S3700/S1200) and use a Windows computer with 32-bit Win XP/Vista/7 OS...... please install ASIO v1.01

2) If you own these models, (SC3900/X1700/X1600/X600/MC6000/MC3000) and use a Windows computer with 32 or 64-bit Win XP/Vista/7 OS...... please install ASIO v2.22

3) If you own these models, (X1700/X1600/X600/MC6000/MC3000) WITH any of these models (HC4500/HD2500/HS5500/S3700/S1200/SC3900) and use a Windows computer with 32 or 64-bit Win XP/Vista/7 OS..... please install ASIO v2.22

Driver version v2.22 are not old and not dedicated to MC6000 MK1, on my OS Windows 7 64bit the driver v2.22 are the only ones who give me an acceptable low latency with VirtualDJ 8.
Babis aka DJDAD from VDJ Team are at work to update the Definition & Mapping files into VDJ 8 to fix some little compatibility problems (discovered by me) with this latest drivers. I hope so see a fix in the next VDJ 8 Beta.

and I'm reading like crazy, and what do I find NOTHING reffering to MK2 ? if it did, don't you think they would also have it on their page .. !?!

besides the fact that there' no noise with the intended driver, the 2.2.2 sounds terrible.. !! 2.2.2 is not made and should not be used for MK2. on top I feel the need to point out that the newest ASIO driver to the MK2 both have 32-64 bit drivers..

I could on top of course point out the obvious >>>Posted by DENON » Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:57 pm<<< as far as I know the MK2 did'n exist then .. and while we're at it I guess DEnon decided to write a driver in 2011, for your MK2, CAUSE THAT'S THE FREAKING DATE ON THE FILE ITSELF, the file you claim to be either new, or a BETA driver.. seriously ?

but it seems to me the end of stupidity isen't reached yet.. I've had this argue with quite a few people on forums so far .. and all I want is a working noiseless solution, which I'm kind of giving up on, already got my return voucher here, and I'll pack up my device within the next few hours.. everyone who has one of theese gl.. << I guess with that lvl of expectations, they can really start making some crappy shit..

I mean seriously try and install the RIGHT driver and turn the volume up full on your device, then install the 2.2.2 driver and just try and go half way.. now FOA since 2.2.2 is running the device WRONG, it actually BOOSTS your Volume at least x2 or 3, but you don't just get what would be expected from a AMPLIFICATION which is WHITE NOISE, no you get COLORED NOISE !! and this is suppose to be professional ? I'm not only talking the MK2 I'm also talking about ALL the people I'm arguing about this with seriously ? COLORED noise.. you should read on basic sounds guys ..

So if it's not white noise (which is one of the noise colors), what color is it?


pink noise.. << but I like that we now focusing on what kind of noise it is ? what about the fact that it seems a lot of people are using the wrong drivers to run their MK2, and potentially harming them by using a driver written for an older model.. as far as I know ASIO is a low lvl driver.. in case anyone don't know what that means, ASIO has direct control to you device avoiding any potential protecting windows might create for it, also meaning that ASIO can tell your products to do things it's not suppose to do.. including running Voltage lvls your device is not created for (which I might add is most likely the reason for the amplification happening when using the v2.2.2 driver)..

ohh, and just in case anyone thinks I have a computer problem check my profile info for my computer setup..

IMO it's Denon that's really to blame, if their drivers allow any sort of operation with an incompatible product.

I see there's an installation file for the correct driver on the Denon web site, but there's no version number mentioned.

What is the version of the correct driver?

I feel the need to say that I actually tested the whole midi DJ thing by basicly just downloading VDJ 8, installing and using my XONAR U7 (on 4 ms latency) and since I had a blast sitting around doing that with almost ZERO latency I did'n figure it would end up as a problem in a ACTUAL midi controller, and I'm quite suprised .. 120 $ for my Xonar U7 which I can also use for Cubase no problems, and somewhat 800 $ for my MC6000 MK2, which I can't really use for anything proberly .. either I have crappy latency, or crappys sound.. and using it for cubase seems for some strange reason impossible .. ? I would think that it would at least be possible to use the Balanced output as 2 channel output, but now even that.. and after looking at serato, I can only say VDJ is my program, cause I don't need to install MAC stuff on my windows (I'm here thinking quicktime), if I wanted a MAC I would have bought one.. and well, in so many ways the GUI and stability of the program (VDJ) is just so much better.. Again I want to point out that I don't have a MAC and serato might be great there, what do I know .. just don't like to have for example GUI bugs in my programs .. but as a windows user VDJ seems like the best option I have tried ..

Also wanna add that if I add my U7 to the setup as either headset or master that will obvoiusly solve the problem on whichever I chose it to be, cause of my ASUS XONAR U7 ASIO driver with the only 4 ms Latency.. ;)

as far as I can tell the correct driver version for MC6000 MK2 is v1.0.1 feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken ..

Want to add that the v2.2.2. is so old that it by default cannot have exception for MK2 buildin.. I don't know if there's a newer ASIO version to the other DENON products that uses that driver, but if there is I bet that includes not driving the MK2 .. ;) on the other hand I kind of agree with you that this is on DENON, cause I'm not even allowed to debate this on their forum anymore, and their support are still silent after a week.. and I bet they did'n do a big deal on telling people not to have the v2.2.2 driver installed if you had prior DENON products.. but I'm sure somewhere in the instruction manual it says to remove prior drivers and install the new .. ;) that's almost basic instructions in a manual.. ;)

ohh on a last note I want to say that this alone seems to be a ASIO driver issue.. meaning that DENON actually don't provide a lowlatency driver that works proberly at this point in time, and I bet that's the whole reason for the silence from their part to my requests ..

cioce wrote :
PLEASE READ HERE: http://www.denondjforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=11486

Denon wrote :
1) If you own these models, (HC4500/HC5000/HD2500/HS5500/S3700/S1200) and use a Windows computer with 32-bit Win XP/Vista/7 OS...... please install ASIO v1.01

2) If you own these models, (SC3900/X1700/X1600/X600/MC6000/MC3000) and use a Windows computer with 32 or 64-bit Win XP/Vista/7 OS...... please install ASIO v2.22

3) If you own these models, (X1700/X1600/X600/MC6000/MC3000) WITH any of these models (HC4500/HD2500/HS5500/S3700/S1200/SC3900) and use a Windows computer with 32 or 64-bit Win XP/Vista/7 OS..... please install ASIO v2.22

Driver version v2.22 are not old and not dedicated to MC6000 MK1, on my OS Windows 7 64bit the driver v2.22 are the only ones who give me an acceptable low latency with VirtualDJ 8.
Babis aka DJDAD from VDJ Team are at work to update the Definition & Mapping files into VDJ 8 to fix some little compatibility problems (discovered by me) with this latest drivers. I hope so see a fix in the next VDJ 8 Beta.

Actually it is me who is checking this, but anyway, here's the answer:
Yes, ASIO Drivers v2.22 "work" with MC6000MKII. However they are not the official drivers for the device. The official drivers are "DENON DJ ASIO for Dj Controller" drivers. Visit this page and scroll down to "Documents" section. 5th link on the page.
Without these drivers installed on your system the unit DOES NOT respond to several MIDI messages and queries (SYSEX queries).
Even Serato Dj Intro that accompanies the device FAILS to initialize it without the proper drivers installed.
There's nothing we (VirtualDj) or even Serato could do in order to "force" the unit to work 100% with the "DENON DJ ASIO v2.22" drivers.
It is a firmware limitation that must be taken care by DENON.

The fact that "DENON DJ ASIO v2.22" drivers "work" with MC6000MKII is actually a "coincidence"/"accident". The drivers were developed before the production of MC6000MKII*. Most likely they work by using the MC6000 (mk1) anchor points, but even in that case they were "dropped" by DENON.
When they developed and produced the MC6000MKII they decided to introduce new drivers instead of modifying / use / support the old ones.
The usage of MC6000MKII with ASIO 2.22 drivers is possible at the moment, but it's actually a gray zone. DENON might forbid that in a future firmware update, or might improve it's "DENON DJ ASIO for DJ Controller" drivers. However it seems unlikely to change the old drivers to support new devices.

* ->
Actually the DENON DJ ASIO v2.22 drivers were developed when the original MC6000 (MK1) was introduced. The same drivers were used to support MC3000 as well.
After that point DENON dropped support of new devices to v2.22 drivers. Their next product (DENON MC2000) uses the "DENON DJ ASIO for DJ Controller" drivers. The same drivers are required by MC6000MKII as well.

Sorry but I'm looking for Denon MC6000MK1 support forum. Cannot find one here...
Can smbd post a link? Thanks

I just wanna point out to Cioce that the post he had on DENON's forum actually doesn't exist anymore, hence the socalled solution you have from there, no longer is valid ..

and since the last post only confirms what I'm talking about I just wanna point out the way PhantomDeejay wrote "work" cause that in my mind confirms that he agrees with me about that the new driver is not sufficiant to this product as a viable solution..
