Hello, I own a pair of Behringer CMD PL-1 and I noticed that the hot cues have a significant delay (latency) when you try to play a specific song point, completely offsetting the bpm .... Does anyone own certain decks I've encountered the same problem and if you can remedy? Win7 operating system, Virtual Dj Pro and processor intel core i7 on Lenovo notebook .....
发表时间 Sun 23 Feb 14 @ 4:37 pm
Check if the Smart Cue is enabled on the deck(s). It should be off (grey). Its a small padlock next to the HotCues on the default skin
发表时间 Sun 23 Feb 14 @ 5:22 pm
OK, thanks djdad for the tip. A good make!!
发表时间 Mon 24 Feb 14 @ 1:34 pm