
Forum: General Discussion

话题: [NEW] VirtualDJ 7.3 - Page: 15


djranesPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Y2KSounds wrote :
djranes wrote :
I don't see any issue with the sampler. At least for me I'm happy with it. I even lowered down all the volumes 12 of it due loud output. It's deck independent and it goes directly to the master output not unless you map a certain sample to a certain deck or if by purpose you lowered the VDJ master out certainly it will affect the sample output as well . Otherwise use a 3 line mixer output set-up so you'll have the freedom to control the sampler intensity from an external mixer channel at least.

If its why does the volume of the sample lower when the fader is to the far right or left

This thread might be useful to you:


发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 12 @ 9:44 am
@y2kSounds, here's the thing, in 'external mixer' sound setup in virtual DJ (which is what you've got), the sampler sound always comes out of both channel 1 and channel 2, and as you've stated when you've got both channels open and the cross fader in the middle, it's louder.

I've got several ideas for solutions, but there is no setting in virtual DJ to make the sampler sound come through only one deck.

Here's my best suggestion: use virtual DJ in 'master/headphones' mode in the sound setup- then the sampler will go straight to the master output and won't be affected by the channel faders or the cross fader. You will need to put the mc6000 in 'pc mix' mode to do that, but it will work. If you want to make one of the channel faders control the volume of the samples, there's kind of a work around for that, but it's not perfect.

If you're desperate to use the hardware mixer on the mc6000, and really want to avoid the 'pc mix' mode, then there is a work around for that where you use the advanced sound setup to send decks 1 and 2 to the mc6000 but then to route the sampler output to the headphone output on your laptop (or any other audio interface you might have), then use an audio cable to physically connect your laptop's headphone jack to one of the spare mixer channels on the mc6000. That way, you'd get proper volume control and eq on the sampler.

Hope that helps.

发表时间 Mon 26 Nov 12 @ 10:24 am
Hi, I have problem in my database, to load music, videos get error, and also appear duplicate files, I can do to fix it

发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 12 @ 7:28 am
Silly little thing maybe but I would like to see "TRACK NUMBER" added in the column selection, fixing the search to make it more Boolean is great being an Atomix user since its inception ... its great to see this product evolve. I am really looking forward to version 8!

发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 12 @ 8:35 am
Cool! I've been waiting for the search similar to iTunes (for what seems like) forever! Now NO MORE reason to even open iTunes! This is huge! iTunes is such a RAM hog, peace iTunes!


发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 12 @ 11:02 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003

How are you guys getting on with the limiter? Better off or on?

发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 12 @ 6:16 pm
Defo on, but you need to get a skin that has the 'limiter on' notification so you know when to turn it down! Check the skins forum for the thread on it.

I'm sure you know this, but just for others, the sound with the limiter on is definitely better than sound with distortion(!) but the whole point is to make sure the sound doesn't pass the threshold in the first place.

发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 12 @ 6:22 pm
I'm still trying to figure out how to get around this warbled sound when scratching. I've tried a couple of different sound cards, and I still get warbled sound. Best so far has been the MC-6000 with ASIO drivers, but I still get crackling when I use ASIO. Close second was an SL2. Only got a warble every now and then. I've seen a few others post that they are having the same problem. Any advice other than increasing scratch latency? That didn't help.

发表时间 Tue 27 Nov 12 @ 7:51 pm
kaoz99PRO InfinityMember since 2006
hahahaha reading through some really old posts and came across this in 2009 :-)

DJ Cyder - Posted Sun 05 Apr 09 @ 2:23 am
I can't believe what I'm reading you guys are asking the VDJ to color the sound output? Are you kidding?

Who would have thought hahaha :-)

发表时间 Fri 30 Nov 12 @ 3:34 am
Thank you for the constant updates, all this stuff is really cool, but the big fix a lot of users are looking for is the underwater / worble fix for V7's and NS7 use. on the Mac. Does 7.3 fix this or do I still have to turn my motor off prior to each cue ? I got 2 kick ass mac book pro's and have done every thing that has been suggested including bumping memory way up there, and it is still a no go in v7.2. Please santa... bring the V7's to work with my Mac in VDJ!!!

发表时间 Fri 30 Nov 12 @ 9:26 am
DJAuzPRO InfinityMember since 2008

发表时间 Fri 30 Nov 12 @ 2:15 pm
mcs1234PRO InfinityMember since 2010
Version 7.05 user here. I think I just read EVERY comment here and am excited to upgrade. Haven't yet because of ONE comment I read (I believe the user was dj james lake).
I keep a beat bed running all night in my sampler (put it in/take it out on my 6000 controller, as needed).
He wrote that the sampler wasn't syncing with tracks being played.
Before I upgrade, is that still an open issue? or resolved?
Can't wait to hear the improved engine, but not at the expense of losing my beat bed.

发表时间 Sat 01 Dec 12 @ 3:47 pm
Rename your 7.05 shortcut as well as the Virtualdj.exe file in c:/program files/virtualdj.... Then install 7.3, BAM you still have your 7.05 aswell as the new 7.3 on the desktop.. Try it out.

发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 12 @ 1:25 am
Since 7.3 the sidelist for autoplay doesnt automatically remove songs that have been played. I have to do it manually now.

发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 12 @ 3:19 pm
bazoooPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Have you checked your playlist management setting is correct, that to remove songs from playlist when played is selected ,mine works

发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 12 @ 4:08 pm
bazooo wrote :
Have you checked your playlist management setting is correct, that to remove songs from playlist when played is selected ,mine works

Havent checked it, I did have it set that way but it may have reset itself when I updated.

发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 12 @ 6:00 pm
ewitlesPRO InfinityMember since 2006
It looks like 7.3 fixed two lasting sound quirks I had.

1st: The automix dropout seems to have been taken care of.
2nd: The WDM 7.1 sound card quirk (1/2, 3/4, 5/6 were ok. But 7/8 overlapped on 1/2). Seems to have been resolved.

Now I need to rework my sound card to allow for that and FINALLY maybe have 4 deck w/ full 7.1 sound card support.


发表时间 Tue 04 Dec 12 @ 9:26 pm
Hello everyone!

I apologize if this question has been asked already, but I own VDJ LE so I cannot change skins at will like i would like to. The default skin for VDJ LE 6.x is quite traditional, yet it has every tool that I've needed to mix coherently. I downloaded and installed the 7.3 update and reverted from the pro trial back to the LE. When switching back to 7.3 LE, the skin was not the traditional skin from 6.x (not surprised either way, I expected a change) but i could no longer find the key change rotary knob.

I don't know if the key change feature is gone completely for LE users or if I'm just not looking hard enough, would someone be able to help? I've reverted back to the factory 6.x version because changing keys is a necessity when mixing. Thanks for any and all help on this.


发表时间 Thu 06 Dec 12 @ 12:25 pm
or perhaps my issue is that 7.3 isn't yet available for VDJ LE users and its 7.1 that i'm finding issues with...


发表时间 Thu 06 Dec 12 @ 12:34 pm
Thanks for the update I've been waiting until now to run it to make sure I wouldn't have any problems ;) Looking forward to trying it out tomorrow night! KEEP UP THE GOOD work looking forward to V8.


发表时间 Thu 06 Dec 12 @ 12:54 pm