
Forum: Old versions

Topic: VCI-400 mapping ideas - Page: 2


synthet1c wrote :
really? didn't know you could do that, I use "find and rename" to batch edit things but I always delete the spaces manually, I'm going to have to get notepad++ I think... :)

The trick would even work in regular notepad, just replace ' ' (double space) for ' ' (single space) and repeat as long as there are replacements.

Here is a little vid preview of the filter button as I had it in mind.

- The upper four buttons in the grid selects the effects the left turn of the filter button
- The middle four buttons in the grid selects the effects the right turn of the filter button
- If the effects allow it they will be processed together.

Things to do:
- Make it work PER deck. How can I set I variable that is recognized PER deck?
- Disable the effect on the button press, now its disabled on center only

first of to set variables on individual decks just dont have a dollar sign in front of the variable name.

next that is a cool idea jb, I like it... to do it should be relatively easy, use this as a template

param_smaller 50% ? var 'leftfilter' 1 ? effect 2 mapping : var 'leftfilter' 2 ? effect 3 mapping : var 'leftfilter' 3 ? effect 4 mapping : effect 1 mapping : var 'rightfilter' 1 ? effect 2 mapping : var 'rightfilter' 2 ? effect 3 mapping : var 'rightfilter' 3 ? effect 4 mapping : effect 1 mapping

then have the grid buttons set to

set 'leftfilter' 0
set 'leftfilter' 1
set 'leftfilter' 2
set 'leftfilter' 3

set 'rightfilter' 0
set 'rightfilter' 1
set 'rightfilter' 2
set 'rightfilter' 3

To disable the effects would be a little you could set a variable when the filter knob is off zero eg,

param_smaller 50% ? var 'leftfilter' 1 ? set 'lp fx on' 1 & mapping for low pass filter : var 'rightfilter' 1 ? set 'hp fx on' 1 & mapping for high pass filter : set 'lp fx on' 0 & set 'hp fx on' 0

then on the button you are querying the state of the shift you set when the knob is off zero

var 'lp fx on' 1 ? turn off lowpass : var 'hp fx on' 1 ? turn off highpass : nothing

you could do that for all the different filter knob effects you use

I also mapped the idj in a similar way, you are welcome to any of the code, as it looked like your one wasn't full

click the picture for the rest

very nice idea.

We still have some work to do :P


I don't think the djtt's is that different from my original vision of what I wanted, the only difference is they used an effect like deun - duen's "slip roll" on the grid... on that can you install it on your computer and tell me if it works on yours cause it doesn't work on any of mine, beatmasher_group does but I really don't like that the filter cant be turned off when using it.

But we have control of everything that has and more, some things are just in a different place... and the jog effects aren't layered as I have had trouble controlling multiple effects with jog, although just now I might of thought of a solution... use different effect slots! i'll give i a go and report back... then the idea I had was to be able to pick any two effects to stick on the jog from 8, it was very much like the filter knobs you set up.

I never received a reply from my thread asking about a solution to the problem associated with having two different effects on the jog, so I moved on.

agreed. the djtt mappings for traktor are quite similar to what i had in mind and what synthet1c has diagrammed in this thread. i'm almost overwhelmed with possibilities myself...

i've been playing with the top fx rotary/button section. initially i've been setting them up with one fx if turned left and a second if turned right, with button led indicating the dial is active. not sure what i'll do with the button actions yet. mute maybe? freeze/echo out?

it occurs to me that the tempo buttons above the pitch fader could be re-purposed to serve as pseudo fx banks. the top button could trigger 3-4 l/r dials like above and the lower could allow for an advanced fx similar to traktor's, with rotary used to find and push select an fx. when on, the rotary could then be a default dry/wet or volume dial. the key/fx dials and buttons would be sliders 1-3 and buttons 1-3 or whatever.

i'm still getting a feel for the scripting language. thoughts?

is it possible to get 10 layers of the 8 big buttons per deck out of the grid?


layer 0 = default
layer 1 = shift
layers 2-5 = triggered by small buttons at bottom while in default
layers 6-9 = triggered by small buttons at bottom while in shift

basically like what you were doing above, but more layers. seems like it should be doable.

Played also ;o) here is my filter, now you can put everything on it ;o)))

param_smaller 49,6% ?
param_multiply -200% &
param_add 100% &
var 'fx_left' 1 ? effect 12 active on & effect 12 slider 1 :
var 'fx_left' 2 ? effect 13 active on & effect 13 slider 1 :
var 'fx_left' 3 ? effect 14 active on & effect 14 slider 1 :
effect 11 active on & effect 11 slider 1 :
param_greater 50,4% ?
param_add -50% &
param_multiply 200% &
var 'fx_right' 1 ? effect 6 active on & effect 6 slider 1 :
var 'fx_right' 2 ? effect 7 active on & effect 7 slider 1 :
var 'fx_right' 3 ? effect 8 active on & effect 8 slider 1 :
effect 5 active on & effect 5 slider 1 :
effect 5 active off & effect 5 slider 1 0% &
effect 6 active off & effect 6 slider 1 0% &
effect 7 active off & effect 7 slider 1 0% &
effect 8 active off & effect 8 slider 1 0% &
effect 11 active off & effect 11 slider 1 0% &
effect 12 active off & effect 12 slider 1 0% &
effect 13 active off & effect 13 slider 1 0% &
effect 14 active off & effect 14 slider 1 0%

var '$shift'? effect 11 select +1 : set 'fx_left' 0
and so on...

Played also with LED-Mapping (Beatkeeper on board):

deck left effect 1 activate ? on : deck left goto_bar 1
deck left effect 4 activate ? on : deck left goto_bar 4

Seems to be never ready ;o)

BIG, BIG THANX to JB & Synthet1c for mmmmmmh everything!
Greets from Germany

sum.zero wrote :
it occurs to me that the tempo buttons above the pitch fader could be re-purposed to serve as pseudo fx banks.

actually, they could be turned into +/- switches allowing for scrolling through as many layers of fx dials and buttons as desired.

yeah you can have as many different banks as you want... to swap them you can do a "cycle" shift on the fx a and b buttons, say you want 8 shifts you use

cycle 'effect_slot' 8

cycle 'effect_slot' -8

then on the knob/button/slider/jog/led you want to shift you query the state of the cycle, the cycle starts at 0 so you get the following..

var 'effect_slot' 1 ?
var 'effect_slot' 2 ?
var 'effect_slot' 3 ?
var 'effect_slot' 4 ?
var 'effect_slot' 5 ?
var 'effect_slot' 6 ?
var 'effect_slot' 7 ?
var 'effect_slot' 0 ?

so to map it you do something like

var 'effect_slot' 1 ? effect 2 slider 1 :
var 'effect_slot' 2 ? effect 3 slider 1 :
var 'effect_slot' 3 ? effect 4 slider 1 :
var 'effect_slot' 4 ? effect 5 slider 1 :
var 'effect_slot' 5 ? effect 6 slider 1 :
var 'effect_slot' 6 ? effect 7 slider 1 :
var 'effect_slot' 7 ? effect 8 slider 1 :
effect 1 slider 1

you don't need to query "effect_slot' 0" as it is false to everything else you have queried. Once you have done that just delete the spaces and paste it into the mapper.

var 'effect_slot' 1 ? effect 2 slider 1 : var 'effect_slot' 2 ? effect 3 slider 1 : var 'effect_slot' 3 ? effect 4 slider 1 : var 'effect_slot' 4 ? effect 5 slider 1 : var 'effect_slot' 5 ? effect 6 slider 1 : var 'effect_slot' 6 ? effect 7 slider 1 : var 'effect_slot' 7 ? effect 8 slider 1 : effect 1 slider 1

synthet1c wrote :
I don't think the djtt's is that different from my original vision of what I wanted, the only difference is they used an effect like deun - duen's "slip roll" on the grid

Not really what I mean :) When seeing the video the true impact of the whole thing came even more alive!

sum.zero wrote :
is it possible to get 10 layers of the 8 big buttons per deck out of the grid?

we technically might have more layers even possible... basically we can set on, off and blink (holding the button), thats three states in one button...

So if we just look at layers, there could be 2 + 2*2*4=18 layers if we just one either on of the four below buttons in three states and the shift in two states. If you are the Mozart of controlerism you could also use the shift and four buttons in three states and also in combination with each other and you could get ummm 125 layers?

I'm in favor of the 18 layer approach. But I just got an interesting thought. Would it be possible to have VDJ send a midi command to another device? So you could use several layers as instrument buttons? Translating the press into a note on a channel to a VSTi or Ableton or even a real synth?

I would suggest:

Shift off and lower buttons off = Loop control (as currently mapped on the grid)
Shift on and lower buttons off = Deck parameters (smart_que, smart play, grid editing)

Shift + one of the four lower buttons on (8 layers) = layers as proposed by synth

Shift + lower buttons blink (8 layers) = Midi instrument layers



That' what I call supreme ;o)
1+++ for that!

Checked the device plugin specs, would be very doable to create a midi plugin. Something for the weekend ;P

excellent idea! i look forward to your reports this weekend.

i'm going to probably go with 11 layers initially and use the held shift for a 12 button grid layer to do cbg edits and less-touched things [smart loop, etc].

@synthet1c - that's exactly what i was thinking. i might use them as left/right deck globals. so many ideas...

fyi - i am only able to get global variables [$var] to work on the shift button above the grid. i just wasted a bunch of time trying to debug logic that works fine with a global. sigh... =)


Mmm i wonder how shift is defined in the mapper file. I'll see if I can make something like that in the weekend

jboerlage wrote :

Mmm i wonder how shift is defined in the mapper file. I'll see if I can make something like that in the weekend

Yeah, its non deck specific the shift

<!-- Non-deck specific LED's -->

<led note="0x01" name="LED_SHIFT" default="SHIFT" channel="0" />
