
Forum: Wishes and new features




发表时间 Tue 11 Oct 11 @ 7:13 pm
In the Sampler page pick the bank to record your loop, once done right click the little circle upper right corner under the play box and choose save, but once you record it stays there in that bank, unless you re-record over it or load a new sample...

Good Luck,


I don't think he's talking about recording loops into the sampler.....

What he wants is the ability to save loop points on a per track basis, so that when you load that track again in the future, those points are remembered and instantly available.

I agree, it certainly would be nice to have a set of loop points/locations that loaded in with each track, that you could see marked and laid out on the waveform.

Loop 1= intro
Loop 2 = chorus
Loop 3 = drum break
Loop 4 = ending

....and so on.

Ability to save loops would be sick and maybe even a mapping to make a button on your controller jump straight to the saved loops so you could "loop juggle" in a sense.

+1 wanted this for a bit also

@ groovindj
JoeyKJ wrote :
Write a seperate file to hold Loop, cue point, ect. info with the same file name, this way you make more room available in the database for Data and other improvements and lessen the overhead there, while broadening the possibilities...

Yeah, I made a suggestion about that type of feature here http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/155084/Wishes_and_new_features/Browser_related_wishes_and_new_features.html

Hope we can get it, would make our jobs more orginized less hassle, Once done, your done....


Saving loops is not entirely related to browser, so you can keep this thread open for discussion and ideas.

In addition, the ability to transfer loops that you've set up over to the sampler...

Load a track, set up your loop points. That info gets saved.

Then have a 'copy loops to sampler' option that extracts all the loops you've set up as audio clips into the sampler slots.

So if you've set up six loops, you can transfer them as audio clips into six sampler slots in one fell swoop.

here is the workaround I use, it basically uses a few different hot cues as places to store bits of information about the loop size and has the safety of being stored in the database with the track info so is transferable to another computer, it will only work with loop sizes 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 & 32. it will also name the cue point to the relevant size which could be queried in a skin text zone. it needs to have a led on a controller to work, unless you make a couple of panels for a skin. It will also require the use of a shift button to delete the hot loop and to move either 5ms or 1 bar if shift is pressed. I use it as a dedicated button with a seperate loop out button.

It is almost perfect accept for when you have activated a loop a different way than the button. what this has to do to set the loop at the cue position so I made it reloop to the start of the current loop and set the cue relevant to the loop size for later recall. if you have bad timing there is the possability of making the tracks gallop.

hot loop button
var 'shift' ? delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 : hot_cue 90 ? goto_cue 90 & play & loop 1 : loop 1 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 90 & cue_name 90 "hotloop 1" : hot_cue 91 ? goto_cue 91 & play & loop 2 : loop 2 ? reloop & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 91 & cue_name 91 "hotloop 2" : hot_cue 92 ? goto_cue 92 & play & loop 4 : loop 4 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 92 & cue_name 92 "hotloop 4" : hot_cue 93 ? goto_cue 93 & play & loop 8 : loop 8 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 93 & cue_name 93 "hotloop 8" : hot_cue 94 ? goto_cue 94 & play & loop 16 : loop 16 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 94 & cue_name 94 "hotloop 16" : hot_cue 95 ? goto_cue 95 & play & loop 32 : loop 32 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 90 & set_cue 95 & cue_name 95 "hotloop 32" : loop_select 1 ? loop 1 & set_cue 90 : loop_select 2 ? loop 2 & set_cue 91 : loop_select 4 ? loop 4 & set_cue 92 : loop_select 8 ? loop 8 & set_cue 93 : loop_select 16 ? loop 16 & set_cue 94 : loop_select 32 ? loop 32 & set_cue 95 : NOTHING

hot loop button led
hot_cue 90 ? on : hot_cue 91 ? on : hot_cue 92 ? on : hot_cue 93 ? on : hot_cue 94 ? on : hot_cue 95 ? on : off

loop move for an endless encoder
loop ? var 'shift' ? param_greater 0 ? loop_move +1 : loop_move -1 : param_greater 0 ? loop_move +5ms & set_cue 90 +5ms & set_cue 91 +5ms & set_cue 92 +5ms & set_cue 93 +5ms & set_cue 94 +5ms & set_cue 95 +5ms : loop_move -5ms & set_cue 90 -5ms & set_cue 91 -5ms & set_cue 92 -5ms & set_cue 93 -5ms & set_cue 94 -5ms & set_cue 95 -5ms

loop size for an endless encoder
param_greater 0 ? loop 32 ? nothing : loop_select +1 : loop 0.125 ? nothing : loop_select -1

actually there was a small bit missing from the hotloop button script that didn't rename the cue if activating the loop with the button, if a mod wants to fix it go for it but this is the fix anyway...

Hot loop button

var 'shift' ? delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 : hot_cue 90 ? goto_cue 90 & play & loop 1 : loop 1 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 90 & cue_name 90 "hotloop 1" : hot_cue 91 ? goto_cue 91 & play & loop 2 : loop 2 ? reloop & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 91 & cue_name 91 "hotloop 2" : hot_cue 92 ? goto_cue 92 & play & loop 4 : loop 4 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 92 & cue_name 92 "hotloop 4" : hot_cue 93 ? goto_cue 93 & play & loop 8 : loop 8 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 93 & cue_name 93 "hotloop 8" : hot_cue 94 ? goto_cue 94 & play & loop 16 : loop 16 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 90 & delete_cue 95 & set_cue 94 & cue_name 94 "hotloop 16" : hot_cue 95 ? goto_cue 95 & play & loop 32 : loop 32 ? reloop & delete_cue 91 & delete_cue 92 & delete_cue 93 & delete_cue 94 & delete_cue 90 & set_cue 95 & cue_name 95 "hotloop 32" : loop_select 1 ? loop 1 & set_cue 90 & cue_name 90 "hotloop 1" : loop_select 2 ? loop 2 & set_cue 91 & cue_name 91 "hotloop 2" : loop_select 4 ? loop 4 & set_cue 92 & cue_name 92 "hotloop 4" : loop_select 8 ? loop 8 & set_cue 93 & cue_name 93 "hotloop 8" : loop_select 16 ? loop 16 & set_cue 94 & cue_name 94 "hotloop 16" : loop_select 32 ? loop 32 & set_cue 95 & cue_name 95 "hotloop 32" : NOTHING

I too would like this feature, load a track and have the option to save a hot cue or hot cue loop, just like you can on pioneer decks. So useful when mixing radio edits to loop the start of the song for example, exactly as it was last time by saving as a hot cue loop!

As what i have observe right now i think looping must be also taken into accounts in VDJ 8. Saving the loop with track is one and layouting the loops on the tracks like hot cues but works on other way around but HOT CUES & LOOPS can have shared resources that LEDs will work to differentiate when switching between them. For example when track is load to a deck with the loops the LEDS can be blinking when you activate the loop modes meaning that theres a loops loaded on the track and steady led on hot cues.

Here is the difference between hot cue & loops on how it works. When assigning cues, the cues you have assigned will lit the leds and tracks plays go even the passes through the hot cues marker it will not go back or start that point unless you press the hot cue button and pressing the hot cue button the track start to play that parts where the hot cue marker is located.

Here is the loops parts, loops can be setup and layout on the tracks even before playing and can be placed anywhere on the tracks by having a "colored shade" as marker the longer the shades the longer loops will be and it should be overlaying on top of the tracks waveforms showing the location of the loops. Loops markers can be numbered on tracks itself or just a different shade of colors by block will do.

Better if we can assign loop timing & beats measures in that loops it can be at least 4-loops in the tracks "IN, BREAK, ROLLS, OUT" for example the IN loops i can assign loop timing of 10x at 32beats like in the ROLLS loops 32x at 1beat so 1beat is repeated at 32 times and the OUT 8x at 8beats or no timing assignments at all meaning continues loop. If i have 4loops in the tracks that i'm playing after loop 1 for a certain time tracks continues playing and until reaches the loop 2 and when tracks reach that part it will perform the looping according to time i've assigned the loops to reloop that parts of the tracks then proceed on the tracks until reaches the loop 3 it automatically start the loop again. The loops the tracks can be disabled or enable and deleted or save so that next time you load the songs it is already there .

I would love this feature also

I agree! Right now, I'm just using Cue Markers that I renamed as a way to let me know when to loop (Hit 4 bar loop, hit 8 bar loop, etc) at a certain part of the song. Being able to just save the loops would be a huge time saver.

Well in the last 2 videos where they preview 8 they say this will be a feature........ Relax people.......

