
Forum: General Discussion

话题: DJ name Lawsuit


My promoter has just contacted me telling me i would need to "officially change" my dj name for all promotions, OR go to courst about it...cause I guess there is another DJ Righteous that got mad pissed when he saw DJ Righteous on a promo card that wasn't him. SO! New name shall be (drumroll....) DJ Izic. (because my first name is Isaac, and i all other spellings of it are taken as well)

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 8:58 am
Can u really trademark a DJ name?

Well, if you are Tiesto, I guess..
But there are soooo many djs that share the same names...
Any dj name you would like, is probably "taken" by someone in the world

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 2:20 pm
i settled on "dj clownius" after ruling on dj quantumbitchumboobulator... :)

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 2:23 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hey TechnicalDJ -

I'd tell your promoter to stand-up on two feet and fight, as well as you should. Spend 5 seconds on google and search "DJ Righteous" and see what you get. I get 5 different entries in the top 10, and oh your BLOG here is one of them. So, stick with the name and don't give up! If anything get some compensation from the other ass for wanting exclusive rights to the name.


发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 3:06 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i was thinking the same thing but sometimes its just easier to change a name and be done. I have found most dj's to have the biggest EGOs know to man. but how do you know that the other "righteous" was brfore you or had any more right to it then you did?

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 3:46 pm
All very good points...I will contacting my promoter about this today...I'll let you know what pans out

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 6:29 pm
So i JUST got off the phone with my promoter...and after many call backs and call-tos....... A Battle is to ensue tomorrow night for rights to the name "DJ Righteous" between me and this other dude. Wish me luck- i'll oubviously let everybody know what happens.

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 6:44 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
what are the rules in the battle/what type? is the "other" righteous have VDJ? put something together to make this dummy have it. this would be the time to pull out all of the crowd favs. good luck!

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 7:54 pm
It's just gonna be vinyl...so i don't get to use VDJ...but thats okay, cause again- the scratching doesn't sound that good with VDJ Timecodes anyway (hint hint). BUT- i think it's gonna be two minute sets alternating between us judged on crowd response.

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 8:46 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
that sounds like the movie "juice" you gonna give him the finger at the end? it be hot hot hot if you could record this battle and bring it back here for all us to hear, i know that might be asking too much but cool as ice, plus you got to run that by the Dj "un" righteous .......so this is a scratch battle, man you should work one mega dope trick in there,

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 9:11 pm
You should video tape this...

BTW I did a Google search on me and isn't VDJ lucky to only have ONE DJ MaddSound(on line anyways).


发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 9:19 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i just thought it would be nice with good quality audio but video can work too

maddsound hmmmmm that sounds like a cool name...i wonder if....

joking bro

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 10:08 pm
NebulaPRO InfinityMember since 2004
:o) Good luck man! this's gonna be wicked if u can get it recorded somehow...

Kick his ass

发表时间 Tue 28 Jun 05 @ 10:43 pm

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 05 @ 4:52 am

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 05 @ 1:00 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
I don't believe what i read... these happens only in US, right ?
It's like a movie...

I used "mixMASTER D" as dj name when i was in DMC competitions, can you imagine how many "MASTER...something" there are in dj scene..? especially for scratching/battle..
If i had to fight with all of them...

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 05 @ 3:40 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
NO...that only happens when a dumb dj thinks he's the only one that can scratch. the main point is that if you in the same area and then if someone hires dj righteous and think they getting one but it's reallt the other one, it just screws bussiness. kick his ass and good luck

发表时间 Wed 29 Jun 05 @ 5:12 pm
